Chapter 940 Dad is Coming——Dangerous
Fatty ignored it, dragged the golden beans out of the suite, and slammed the door.

The room was finally quiet.

Tang Tang rubbed his temples and put down Charlotte's information.Fu Jing'an handed Tang Tang a glass of water, Tang Tang took a sip before saying, "Fu Jing'an, I plan to go back to China next week—"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Tang's mobile phone on the table suddenly rang.

Caller ID - [Dad].

Tang Tang had to stop talking and connect the phone.

Gu Yanting's loving and gentle voice came from the other end of the phone: "Tangtang, how are you doing in Yinlun Kingdom recently?"

Tang Tang sat down obediently: "Dad, I just went to Ms. S's concert recently, and I ate a lot of delicious food in Yinlun Country. But I still miss the milk cake dumplings made by Aunt Wang."

Gu Yanting said: "Then dad will give you a surprise, okay?"

Tang Tang suddenly had a bad premonition, hugged the phone tightly, looked at Fu Jingan who was drinking water on the other side of the sofa, and whispered, "What surprise?"

Gu Yanting smiled: "You will find out later."

Fu Jingan and Tang Tang looked at each other.

At the same time, Fatty and Wang Xiaogui rushed into the suite and told Tang Tang and Fu Jing'an in the room: "It's not good, it's not good! Mr. Gu/Patriarch Gu is here! You've already entered the elevator!"

Tang Tang:.
Fu Jingan: Pfft——

What a big surprise!
What a heavy fatherly love!

Almost instantly, Tang Tang jumped up from the sofa and said in a panic: "Fu Jing'an, hide quickly! Don't let my dad know that you and I sleep in the same room! Otherwise, you will never see the sun tomorrow!"

Fu Jingan:! ! !

Who doesn't know that Patriarch Gu loves his daughter the most.Tang Tang is only 19 years old this year, exactly the same age as Hua, Gu Yanting would never want her own cabbage to be bullied by pigs outside.

Previously in the capital of China, there was a young master of a big family who proposed marriage with the Gu family, hoping to marry Tang Tang.

Then there is no more then.

If Gu Yanting knew that Fu Jingan not only cheated on his family's cabbage, but also slept with cabbage every day recently, the consequences would be disastrous.

Fu Jingan glanced at Tang Tang resentfully.

Tang Tang patted his handsome face: "Be good, be obedient, and make up for you later."

Only then did Fu Jingan leave the suite dissatisfied, and found a place to hide.Almost the moment Fu Jingan hid, the elevator door opened.

Tang Tang pretended to be watching TV in the presidential suite.

The doorbell rang.

Tang Tang went to open the door, outside the door was her father whom she had not seen for several days.

Gu Yanting is middle-aged, his eyebrows and eyes are still handsome, and the years have accumulated a charming and mature charm on him. In the eyes of outsiders, Gu Patriarch is powerful, and only in front of his family can he have a rare softness.

"Tangtang, what did Dad bring you? Aunt Wang made the snacks herself." Gu Yanting smiled like a spring breeze.

Tang Tang pretended to be surprised and rushed over: "Thank you, Dad!"

Gu Yanting rubbed Tang Tang's little head.

The suite was warm and harmonious, Tang Tang bit the snack made by Aunt Wang herself, and narrowed her eyes happily.

Gu Yanting's visit to Yinlun Country this time was to deal with the funeral of the old Patriarch Ming, to visit his daughter Tangtang, and to participate in the World Biology Conference.

"Dad, do you need to go to the Biology Conference in person?" Tang Tang bit her milk cake and tilted her head in surprise.

Gu Yanting said slowly: "Technology is the core competitiveness of all major families. Our family has many biological industries and develops countless technologies and biological products every year. We need to cooperate with top biologists. The World Biology Conference, The group is going to recruit a group of scientists."

The chaebol family is to some extent a huge country.

Supporting the continuous development of the country is inseparable from science and technology.Technology is the primary productive force and the cryptographic key that brings wealth.

"Such a big suite, Tangtang, you live alone?" Fu Jingan knew that Tang Tang was not interested in biology, so he changed the subject.

Tang Tang was about to speak, when the door of the suite was knocked open suddenly, and Jin Dou happily ran in: "Sister Tang, I packed your favorite dishes and came back! By the way, can I go to your room tonight and play the erhu for you? "

As soon as Jin Dou finished speaking, he suddenly felt the surrounding air drop to zero.

Jindou shivered from the cold.

Gu Yanting narrowed his eyes dangerously, looked at the brat who broke in, and said slowly:
"Who are you?"

 The author does not understand microbiology, and the knowledge related to microorganisms in the article comes from professional books such as [microbiology] [microbial experiment guidance] [microbial enzymes and their utilization]
  andChengdu has started again... This epidemic is endless T﹏T
(End of this chapter)

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