Chapter 942 The wise man does not fall in love

Jin Dou stared dumbfounded. On the left side of his cheek was written "lying", and on the right side was written "groove". Is this the idiosyncratic, lazy and irritable little Chinese medicine doctor in his memory?
Nanny Rong turned into Xia Yuhe, sparks hit the earth, right?

"Hello." Facing the junior, Gu Yanting was polite.

The little Chinese doctor sat down next to Tang Tang, maintaining an elegant and ladylike manner throughout the process.Occasionally, from the corner of the eye, he secretly glanced at the rumored Patriarch Gu, and the little doctor felt awe in his heart.

As expected of Tang Tang's father, the contemporary Patriarch of the Gu family, this momentum is awesome.

Treating such a big man, the little Chinese doctor dare not be lazy anymore.What's more, the Gu family has great kindness to Yaogu, so small Chinese medicine practitioners have to be cautious.

"You study Chinese medicine?" Gu Yanting asked.

The little Chinese doctor nodded obediently: "I studied medicine with my mother since I was a child, and later entered the Boke Academy to study, and met Tang Tang. Back then, my medicine valley was destroyed by the Ming family, and it was the old Patriarch Gu who helped me. My mother has always let me remember this kindness. on."

When Gu Yanting heard her mention [Medicine Valley], he probably guessed her origin.

The two chatted briefly for a while.

Jindou next to him was stunned when he heard it, what medicine valley?Why is the little Chinese doctor still related to the Gu family?Haven't heard the little Chinese doctor mention it before?

Jin Dou had question marks all over his head, holding back in his heart and dared not ask.

For the next few days, Gu Yanting stayed in Yinlun Kingdom.During the day, I go to the branch office to handle group work, and I don’t forget to take Tang Tang around.

This is hard for Fu Jingan.

Fu Jing'an wanted to stand out, but was suppressed by Tang Tang.A good love affair was forced to be carried out secretly underground, Fu Jingan felt aggrieved.

That night, Tang Tang walked into the hotel suite, and was suddenly grabbed by a hand in the corridor and dragged to the next suite.The bodyguard Wang Xiaogui who followed immediately wanted to pay, but the fourth bodyguard who rushed over grabbed his shoulders.

"I said brother, don't disturb the young couple's love affair, let's wait on the side." The fourth child took out a cigarette and pointed to the balcony next to him.

Wang Xiaogui said with a cold face, "It is my duty to protect Miss."

The fourth child looked at the strong young man and clicked his tongue twice: "You are quite handsome, why is your brain so single-minded? The young man has never been in a relationship, has he?"

Wang Xiaogui snorted coldly: "A wise man does not fall in love."

The fourth child took Wang Xiaogui's arm and pulled him aside: "Young man is still too young, come on, let me smoke a cigarette with you." He dragged and dragged Wang Xiaogui to a distant balcony.

But Tang Tang in the suite hadn't reacted yet, and the faint smell of snow fir wood had invaded the package.

Fu Jingan, who had been hungry for a few days, held Tang Tang's cheek and forcefully asked for a kiss.

Tang Tangren is about to faint.

I don't know how long it took before Fu Jingan let her go, and said sullenly, "When will your father leave? If it's not possible, I'll take the initiative to confess to him."

Tang Tang caressed her heart, and took a while to catch her breath.

Fu Jing'an looked down at her, Tang Tang was still sweating a little, her white porcelain face showed a beautiful pinkish white, the dewy look was indescribably alluring.Fu Jingan glanced at it, but couldn't move his eyes away.

No matter what time his Tang Tang pokes his heart beautifully, it makes his heart itch.

Tang Tang raised his eyebrows: "I don't mind mentioning you to Dad, but you have to think about the consequences."

Fu Jingan fell silent.

Fu Jingan was making assumptions in his mind. If he and Tang Tangsheng's daughter grew up, a brat suddenly appeared and clamored to marry Fu Jingan's daughter home——

Fu Jingan clenched his fists.

(End of this chapter)

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