Chapter 944 Framing
Someone asked again: "Which pharmaceutical company do you plan to cooperate with for your new technology?"

Charlotte: "Not sure yet. But I look forward to hearing your new research at the Biology Conference."

Charlotte talked a lot with this group of scientists. In the hearts of everyone, she is the contemporary Marie Curie, the dream lover of countless scientists.Many handsome and outstanding scientists wanted to express their admiration to her, but Charlotte politely refused.

She looked so noble, so intelligent, that most people were not worthy of her.

"Hey, he's really a master of learning." Tang Tang rested his chin, quite convinced by Charlotte.Rich, beautiful, and highly accomplished academically, she is simply the academic version of Ms. S.

Charlotte chatted with the scientists for a while, and walked towards Tang Tang step by step.

She pushed the silver thin-rimmed glasses and looked at Tang Tang: "I know you, you are the girl who came to the palace with Brother Fu that day. Seeing you coming in with Master Gu today, you must be the only daughter of Master Gu. "

Tang Tang put down the juice cup and stood up: "It's me."

Charlotte was blunt: "No matter who you are, to tell you the truth, I also like Fu Jingan very much. As long as you and Fu Jingan are not married, I will never give up pursuing him."

Tang Tang:.
I never expected that this Princess Charlotte would be so direct.

Compared with poking a dark gun behind the back, Tang Tang admired this kind of declaration of war without concealing his ambition face to face.

Tang Tang asked back: "When did you fall in love with Fu Jingan?"

She didn't remember that Fu Jingan had mentioned Charlotte before.

Charlotte lowered her eyes and fell into memories: "About seven or eight years ago, I went to Fu's house with my father to attend a birthday banquet. Fu Jingan rushed into the sea of ​​fire and rescued a girl regardless of life and death - he was very brave and good-looking. I learned from that Loved him ever since."

Tang Tang:.
Fu Jingan, you have quite a lot of peach blossoms.

"But don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who plays tricks." Princess Charlotte said arrogantly, "I'm not worse than you. In terms of academic attainments, I'm qualified to stay in the history books. After a hundred years, no one will remember You are the daughter of your family, but the academic world will always remember my existence."

This is her proud capital.

Tang Tang thought to himself, there is no place for me in academia, but there must be a monument to me in the music world.

"I think you will be bored in the communication, I will take you to my laboratory, are you interested?" Charlotte offered an olive branch.

Tang Tang was just idle and moldy, nodded: "Okay, I'll go to visit."

Charlotte took Tang Tang with a high profile to visit her exclusive research room at the Royal Academy.

Charlotte is a senior microbiological researcher. Her studio is tidy and clean. There are many filters, microbial culture dishes, vacuum pumps and many things that Tang Tang can't understand.

I don't understand it, but I think it's great.

Charlotte put on medical gloves, and handed a test tube to Tang Tang: "This is a new type of microorganism that I have discovered with great concentration for two years. It is placed in a special solution, and there is only one tube in the world."

Tang Tang: "You don't need to show me this, I can't understand it anyway."

Charlotte smiled slightly, let go of her fingers, and the glass test tube fell to the floor with a clatter.

The test tubes shattered and the solution splashed.

Charlotte pressed the siren, and the sharp siren sounded instantly throughout the Royal Academy. Charlotte took two steps back, her pretty face showing horror and disappointment:
"Miss Tang Tang! Even if you are dissatisfied with me, you can't destroy the research results of my two years of hard work!"

 update update

(End of this chapter)

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