Chapter 955

Tang Tang was dumbfounded.

She has always known that Jindou's village is very mysterious and there are many big bosses.But Tang Tang thought that at most it was a bunch of retired professors, grandpas and old ladies.
The result - the father of contemporary microbiology!
What is "father" means that other scientists engaged in microbiological research are all his "sons" and have a very high status!

The gorgeous reputation that can't fit in every line of mobile phone pages is simply a living textbook.Tang Tang searched the personal life of this scientific giant and found that Mr. Zheng was really doing tea research in private.

However, what Mr. Zheng is studying is not ordinary tea, but top-level tribute tea that has disappeared for a hundred years. This top-level tea is on the market, and the price starts at 300,000 yuan per [-] grams.

"You still want Grandpa Zheng to sell the tea for ten yuan and two catties?" Tang Tang said quietly.

Jin Dou nodded: "Yes, this kind of tea is delicious, and the price is lowered, so everyone can drink it."

Tang Tang:.
Ten yuan and two catties, if I were Mr. Zheng, I would definitely beat you up.

Tang Tang sometimes really doubts that Jindou's brain structure is different from that of ordinary people.So he handed the phone page to Jindou, pointing to the big characters [Father of Microbiology] on it.

"Look, this is the ordinary old tea seller you mentioned." Tang Tang wanted to see the surprised emotion on Jindou's face, but unfortunately he didn't.

Jin Dou tilted her head, blinked her eyes, and pouted her mouth into a round O shape: "Wow, this description is exaggerated. Don't take it to heart, Sister Tang."

Tang Tang: "...he is a big brother in the microbiological world." Is your kid's reaction too calm?
Jin Dou shrugged his shoulders and said nonchalantly, "It's just a false name, don't worry about it, these old men love to brag. My grandfather even claimed to be the father of the new modern missiles, haha."

Tang Tang was silent for a long time.

Is there a possibility that your grandpa might not be bragging.

Tang Tang made up his mind that he must visit the small village of Jindou when he has time.What kind of gangster village is this?In the world of novels, Jin Dou is simply a proper starting point for the hero.

As the night was getting late, Jin Dou's attention was once again diverted by the dog blood TV series, and Jin Dou burst into tears, crying for the pitiful encounter of the hero and heroine.

When it was completely dark, Tang Tang still hadn't waited for Fu Jingan to come back.

There is a vague premonition in my heart.

Dad won't hit Fu Jingan hard, will he?

"Knock Knock-"

Wang Xiaogui knocked on the door and came in with a laptop in his hand.

Fu Jingan's right-hand man, the fat man, also ran in.The boss was taken away, and the fat man was ordered by Fu Jingan to stay with Tang Tang for protection and obey Tang Tang's orders.

"Miss, my brother has already sent over the preliminary information you requested, about the pearl earrings on Charlotte's ears and the glasses she wears." Wang Xiaogui put the computer on the coffee table, and showed Tang Tang the information page.

Tang Tang will not let Charlotte go easily.

This woman deliberately framed Tang Tang, and viciously poisoned Tang Tang with microorganisms. If the little Chinese doctor hadn't discovered it in time, Tang Tang might have been disfigured.

Tang Tang has his own means of dealing with malicious people.

Tang Tang didn't look at the information on the computer immediately, but asked Wang Xiaogui: "Have you checked the interior of this suite carefully?"

Wang Xiaogui nodded: "I have thoroughly figured out that there is no surveillance in this presidential suite, and there is no hidden stake in the network. No one can steal our conversations and electronic equipment secrets—"

(End of this chapter)

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