Chapter 981 Rescue the Golden Bean (3)

Tang Tang put on a thick light red cloak, anxiously watching several sailors with binoculars on the deck to fish for golden beans, Wang Xiaogui stood by Tang Tang's side to guard.

The sea breeze was so strong that it hurt her face, and Tang Tang wrapped her cloak tightly.

She was lying on the deck railing, and the binoculars were almost inaccurate.

A member of the royal guard rushed over: "Miss Tang Tang, Prince Xue Nuo just sent an urgent call, and you need to answer it personally—"

The member of the guard anxiously ran to Tang Tang and handed over the phone.

The next moment, this person suddenly pushed Tang Tang off the deck——


Water splashes everywhere.

Only Tang Tang's red cloak floated in the sea.

Wang Xiaogui didn't expect the members of the Royal Guard to do such a thing!Wang Xiaogui pulled out his gun almost instantly, and the unattractive member of the Royal Guard showed a mocking look and jumped into the sea.

No one expected that the Royal Guard of Yinlun Kingdom actually had a mole!

There was chaos on the deck.

Wang Xiaogui immediately jumped into the sea and tried his best to save Tang Tang who fell into the water.But the sea was so stormy that Tang Tang seemed to evaporate after falling into the water. In the end, Wang Xiaogui only found the thick red cloak.

The sailors fished out the unconscious Charlotte.

The people who were lurking underwater also kidnapped Tang Tang who fell into the water.

Hei Ju's gloomy face finally showed an indifferent smile, his plan was still a success.Heiju knew that even if he rescued Charlotte, he still couldn't take her out of the net.

But Hei Ju still has a helper, who has been lurking in the royal family for a long time.

Find a way to tie up Tang Tang, and with this noble Gu family daughter as a bargaining chip, no matter how big a crisis is, it can be resolved smoothly.Hei Ju was finally able to take Charlotte and left smoothly.

"Wait until the front port, you take Charlotte away, I will take Tang Tang back to the master." The sailor in black came over.

Heiju: "Okay."

Heiju bent down and hugged the unconscious Charlotte, but the next moment Heiju frowned suddenly: No!This body type is not right!
Charlotte was soaked in sea water, her heavy clothes were piled up on her body, and her hair was messy.Heiju pushed aside the messy hair that blocked her face, and saw a face that was almost similar to Charlotte.

It's very similar, but it's not Charlotte, but a female prisoner who committed a capital crime in the Wilde family.

Almost instantly, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Heiju's back, and he quickly asked the sailor to check on the unconscious Tang Tang.

Pushing aside the messy hair on "Tang Tang"'s face, revealing a pale and unfamiliar face.

It's not Tang Tang!
The sailor over there was dumbfounded: "We saw it with our own eyes through the telescope, she is definitely Tang Tang. Her bodyguard brought her a red cloak, she has been standing on the deck, and she was the one who was pushed into the water"

Hei Ju: "I've been fooled—"

The next moment, the whole ship began to shake, the glass was shattered by shells, and the side of the ship began to leak.

The sound of a loudspeaker came from outside, and Tang Tang's voice penetrated: "I give you 3 minutes, surrender."

Black Chrysanthemum: .
The sea is extraordinarily cold.

Tang Tang stood on the deck of the big ship, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.A mere little hacker wants to compete with her in wits, but he is still far behind.

With a little thought, one can guess that if Heiju wants to successfully escape with Charlotte, he can only kidnap a higher-status figure.Don't think about it, Tang Tang immediately judged that Hei Ju wanted to take her away.

Thinking about it again, there are only so few people around Heiju, it is not easy to kidnap Tang Tang, I am afraid there will be undercover agents lurking beside Tang Tang.

So Tang Tang pretended to be cold and returned to the cabin.Let a female death row prisoner wear a big red cloak that covered her hair and figure, pretending to be Tang Tang, and Wang Xiaogui brought her back to the deck.The sea was windy, and everyone thought the girl in the cloak on the deck was Tang Tang.

With one trick, he successfully deceived Hei Ju.

Tang Tang is now only waiting for Heiju to surrender.

(End of this chapter)

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