Chapter 986

The Maybach opens slowly.

Tang Tang moved his shoulders and looked at him sideways: "Your brother will not deceive you to go home like His Royal Highness Keen, but actually wants you to be the head of the family?"

Fu Jingan rubbed Tang Tang's neck with the tip of his nose, and said, "No, my brother has been trained as the head of the family since he was a child, and I am not interested in that position. My brother knows that the little Chinese doctor is pregnant. brought back to marry."

Fu Jingan did not hide the fact that the little Chinese doctor was pregnant from his elder brother.

After Fu Jingyi found out about this, she immediately decided to go to Medicine Valley to bring the little Chinese doctor back.

This marriage must be done.

However, Medicine Valley is located in a remote place, and it takes a lot of time to go back and forth.Fu Jingyi asked Fu Jingan to return to the family temporarily to handle family affairs for him.

"Do you want to go back to Fu's house with me?" Fu Jing'an looked at Tang Tang eagerly.

This look reminded Tang Tang of a puppy strayed on the street, eagerly begging passers-by to take him home.

Tang Tang refused ruthlessly: "Jindou was injured and was expelled from the Boke Academy. I have to stay here to take care of him-this kid didn't have to suffer too much, but he just met me and was implicated by me. Grandma two weeks later On her birthday, I will go back to China to visit her."

Fu Jingan: "You are so cruel"

Tang Tang patted his handsome face: "I'll come to Fu's house to look for you after I settle the golden beans and go home to see grandma."

Fu Jingan: "Hmph, Tang Xiaoer, you will always be like this. In your heart, your parents, your brother, and even Jindou, who has no blood relationship with you, can all be ranked in front of me——Is it true that one day my life is dying, and you Will you put me first?"

After saying the words "life is dying", Fu Jingan's tone was obviously a little disappointed.

Tang Tang couldn't hear Fu Jingan's wild thoughts, pinched his face: "Don't talk nonsense, you are in good health, how could your life be dying?"

Fu Jingan raised his eyebrows: "I am in good health? Tang Xiaoer, do you still know that I am in good health? Come on, come on, the right time, place and people, I will prove to you how good my health is."

With that said, he rushed over again.

Like a very hungry tiger pounced on its favorite small prey, trying to eat it up; it was the sudden lightning and thunder in the clear sky, and the pouring rain knocked the pink roses on the roadside tottering.

Fu Jingan knew that he was leaving, so he had to take the opportunity to eat more.

The Maybach continues to drive on the street.

Wang Xiaogui turned the steering wheel solemnly, concentrating on driving.

The fat man was playing with his mobile phone in the co-pilot. After a while, he couldn't help but whispered, "Wang Xiaogui. Shall we remind the boss that the car doesn't seem to be so sound-proof?"

Wang Xiaogui: "No need."

The fat man thought about it too, put on the earphones and said, "Sure, let's go around the road a few more times. The boss used to be a gold medal sniper in the team and has very good physical strength. Let's go around for an extra hour."

Wang Xiaogui: "OK."

Tang Tang returned to the hotel suite tiredly, kicked off his shoes and fell asleep.Fu Jingan is in good spirits, and he still has the energy to discuss family affairs with the fat fourth child outside.

Although there is no last step, Tang Tang is still very tired!
I feel uncomfortable everywhere, my cheeks hurt, and my hands hurt too. Fu Laogou is not a human being.

In a daze, the phone beeped, Tang Tang connected the phone sleepily, and said lazily: "Hey who are you?"

An old voice came from the other end of the phone, slightly anxious:
"Excuse me, is this Miss Tang Tang? I'm Jindou's grandfather, oh old man, I really can't get through to Xiao Jindou, can you please let him answer the phone?"

 You can only drive in secret
  Also worry about being pingbi
  Oh it's so hard
(End of this chapter)

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