Chapter 993 Dragon Mark
The doctor frowned again and said: "This gentleman's low-grade fever is very strange, and it can't go away no matter what. I have been practicing medicine for many years, and I have never seen such a strange situation. Specifically, I will go back to find experts to study .”

Tang Tang: "Okay, you go out first, I will talk to him."

The doctor leaves with papers and medicines.

It was quiet in the room.

Tang Tang stared at the amnesiac Ming Sichen, a little worried.How should we deal with Ming Sichen?We can't throw him on the street again, if he is caught by the Ming family, his life will be in danger.

After much deliberation, Tang Tang still decided to take Ming Sichen in temporarily.

In the previous and present lives, Ming Sichen had helped her a lot, and she couldn't just leave her alone.For some reason, Tang Tang always felt that he was very tolerant of Ming Sichen and had a lot of patience with him.

"You are recuperating here temporarily, and I will send someone to take care of you." Tang Tang pulled a bench and sat down beside the bed.

Ming Sichen was still running a low-grade fever, and his head was dizzy. He looked over with serious eyes: "Who are you?"

Tang Tang: "I am your elementary school classmate, named Tang Tang. I saw you being hunted down and saved you."

After amnesia, Ming Sichen has a dull and gloomy personality.It may be that he has been hunted down for a long time, and he always has a sense of defense against outsiders.Even if Tang Tang saved him, he still has natural defenses and fears towards Tang Tang.

Ming Si Shen asked: "Then who am I?"

Tang Tang didn't want to hide it from him, and showed Ming Sichen the information sent by Wang Xiaofu last night.

Ming Sichen's arms were covered with injuries, and when he moved, the wounds were involved, and his face showed a bit of pain.Tang Tang simply sent the information to him: "I have lost my memory, should I still be able to read the words? If there are words that I don't understand, I can read them to you."

Ming Sichen: "No need."

Enduring the dizziness deep in his head, he quickly read through the materials.

Infighting among the Patriarchs of the Ming Family
Ming Sichen was a little dazed, but no matter what he thought, he couldn't remember the family affairs.

Tang Tang put the information file by the bed: "You have a good rest, if you need to ring the bedside bell, a nanny will come to help you."

She planned to stay in this villa for a few days, and when Ming Sichen got better, she would send some people to stay here to take care of Ming Sichen, while she herself would return to the capital.

Ming Sichen watched Tang Tang's leaving back, and subconsciously pressed his temple.He seems to have seen Tang Tang somewhere, but he can't remember.

Affected by the low-grade fever, Ming Sichen quickly fell asleep again.

For three days in a row, Ming Sichen's low-grade fever has not subsided, even the doctor finds it incredible.

Long-term low-grade fever can lead to confusion and weakened body immunity.But the doctor observed that apart from dizziness, Ming Sichen could still walk and think normally.

too weird.

The doctor can only speculate that Ming Sichen's physique is different from ordinary people, and even a long-term low-grade fever will not affect him.

On this day, Tang Tang was taking a bath in the bathroom, the weather was getting warmer, and it was so pleasant to take a bath comfortably.She took a bath towel to wipe off the water stains on her body, and turned her back to look in the mirror.

The skin on her back is fair, and after being heated by the bath water, a light black totem pattern emerged. The shape of the dragon pattern can be vaguely seen, but the domineering dragon pattern has not yet been revealed, at most it is a juvenile dragon.

This is the characteristic of the direct lineage of the Gu family, so mysterious that it can hardly be explained by science.

Gu Yanting once told Tang Tang that due to the special blood of the Gu family's direct lineage after adulthood, dragon pattern totems will appear on the back, which is a sign of the maturity of the direct lineage.

Back then, Tang Wanru was able to find Gu Yanting in the vast crowd, largely due to the unique dragon pattern on Gu Yanting's lower back.

(End of this chapter)

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