Chapter 213 Xiumu goes home

The shopkeeper's eyes almost popped out of his head.

If he knew that the girl was a little miracle doctor, how could he refuse with that reason? As long as the medical skills are outstanding, the distinction between men and women can be ignored.

"By the way, shopkeeper, didn't Doctor Sun also go to Magistrate Lin's house to treat the old lady? Maybe he knows the little miracle doctor, so why not talk to him."

The shopkeeper seemed to have found a life-saving straw, "You are right, I am going to ask him."

All the patients in the medical clinic were taken away by the Huichun Hall. Dr. Sun was bored and was called away by the shopkeeper.

"You also went to the Lin family for treatment that day. Have you ever met the little miracle doctor? What is your relationship with her?"

Doctor Sun nodded slowly, "I've seen it before."

"I think she must be willing to come to my medical clinic, but she was rejected by me that day. Why don't you become a lobbyist and let her come to my medical clinic again. When the time comes, I will give her a more generous treatment than Huichun Hall. "

Doctor Sun vaguely knew that he had done something wrong, something stupid, and he had told an irreversible lie.

It was impossible for him to really go to Shen Nuanning and beg her to come back.

He lowered his head slightly and said truthfully, "That day, she told me that she wanted to apply for a job at the medical clinic, but I looked down on her in my heart, so I didn't say anything."

In fact, he didn't feel contempt in his heart, but a very complicated emotion. He was both contemptuous and extremely fearful.

That girl is so old and has a bright future. In time, her medical skills will be world-famous. Where will he be placed?

Jealousy was brewing so quietly that it was really hard for him to express it.

The shopkeeper's eyes widened, his chest heaved with anger, and he blew his beard and stared, "You! Sun Peng! When did you become so stingy! So disregarding the overall situation!"

Doctor Sun lowered his head slightly. He also vaguely regretted it now, but he could no longer take it back.

The shopkeeper was so angry that he walked away.


For several days, Shen Nuanning sat in the Huichun Hall and was extremely busy. All kinds of patients suffered from minor and serious illnesses.

Inflammation caused by wind and cold, constipation and inflammation, dislocation and broken legs, or more serious stab wounds and bites, as well as children's growth and development problems, children who do not grow taller, children who are too thin or too fat.

Shen Nuanning can prescribe appropriate prescriptions for most of the time, but she will also discuss with other doctors in the hospital, and sometimes she is surprised when she suddenly gets an idea.

Medical skills are constantly clarified and deepened through discussions and debates.

The family's business was still booming. Shen Nuanning lived in her own sauce duck shop, watching her elder brother and sister-in-law busy from morning to night. She was really busy, so she hired an honest guy from the town.

Shen Nuanning took a break today and went to the county school to wait for a few children and then go home together.

After waiting for a while, I heard a burst of carnival shouting from the county school.

Then the students rushed out of the classroom and out of the county school gate, obviously looking forward to the holiday for a long time.

The figures of One and Two were too prominent, and Shen Nuanning could see them immediately.


The nephews also saw Shen Nuanning and ran towards her quickly.

The nephews had changed a lot. They smiled when they saw her, and there was less gloom in their smiles, as if they had completely transformed into children.

Shen Liang also called out, "Aunt Ning."

She touched Shen Liang's head and said, "Let's go home!"

The third son looked around and didn't see Shen Shi driving the car, so he couldn't help but ask, "Where is the fourth uncle?"

"Are you asking where my fourth uncle is, or where the carriage is?"

The third son licked his face, "Of course I care about my fourth uncle! My grandparents must have missed us. Why didn't our fourth uncle come to pick us up so that we can go home quickly?"

"Then I'm going to disappoint you. Your fourth uncle has something to do, but he can't spare the time to pick us up!" Shen Nuanning couldn't help but smile.

"Then can we hire a truck to go back?"

Brother Tiger showed his big brother's dignity and slapped him on the head.

"Lazy guy, don't think about good things. My sister-in-law is walking back, so we have to walk home too!"

The mistress dared not say anything in anger, she rubbed her head and bared her teeth.

Shen Nuanning was surprised and couldn't believe that Brother Tiger could actually control him.

Xiaosi explained lightly, "The third brother was in a conflict with someone and was beaten. It was the eldest brother who scared those people away and saved him. The eldest brother is mighty, otherwise the third brother would probably be in trouble."

Living in the county school does not mean that they cannot go out. After school in the evening, they can still go out of the county school, but the time is not long. If they are late, the teacher will have to count people. I see.

Shen Nuanning smiled and patted Brother Tiger, "Let's go home!"

After walking for half an hour, the few children were panting from the rush and finally arrived home.

The road up the mountain and back to the village has long been repaired, making it safer and more convenient to go back and forth.

When I returned home, I saw no one idle at home, or no one at all.

"Mom and Dad, we are back!"

Mrs. Liu walked out of the house with her grandson in her arms, followed by her third sister-in-law.

"Ning Ning, Brother Tiger, you are all back!"

"Third sister-in-law!"

Shen Nuanning said hello to her third sister-in-law.

The younger ones started playing around wildly as soon as they got home.

Mrs. Liu hurriedly shouted, "Little three, four and five, go and call your grandfather and parents back. Let's make some delicious food tonight!"

When the children heard that there was delicious food, they cheered for a while and ran to the workshop and the fields.

Shen Nuanning stepped forward and teased the child, "Mom, where are my father and the others?"

"Going into the fields to clear up wasteland."

Ms. Liu looked at Shen Nuanning distressedly, "Have you lost weight? Is it hard to sit in court?"

Shen Nuanning shook his head with a satisfied expression, "It's not hard work, just seeing a doctor and prescribing medicine, I can learn a lot, and I still have five taels of silver every month."

Mrs. Liu nodded, "That's good! The business at home is also good. Both shops are making money. Mr. Hu's accounting is good. Our two shops now have at least five hundred taels of silver. You haven't seen your father. He can't even walk. Bring the wind.”

Shen Nuanning warned worriedly, "It's easy to drift away if you make money suddenly. Mom, you have to watch your father and brothers."

If you accidentally think that making money is easy and lose the concept of money, it is too dangerous. It is easy to get sick, such as gambling.

Mrs. Liu nodded, "Ning Ning, don't worry, your father won't dare. I'll let their wives keep an eye on your brothers too."

Old Shen Tou, who was in the field, suddenly heard his eldest grandson saying that his little girl was back, and hurried back.

I saw Shen Nuanning at the door of my house.


Shen Nuanning left the little Aku to her third sister-in-law and immediately ran to Old Shen Tou.

"Dad, why have you become so dark?"

"It's always dark when you're working in the fields."

Old Shen couldn't control his excitement, "Are you okay in the hospital?"

"Very good. The shopkeeper is very kind to me, and the other doctors are also kind and teach me a lot."

Old Shen nodded, his dark and wrinkled face full of pride, "My daughter is indeed amazing."

"With this ability, I won't have to worry about finding a good match! Many families in nearby villages and even in the county called matchmakers to propose marriage, but I didn't agree to any of them. A group of people wanted to eat swan meat."

"You must at least marry into a rich family. Then I will search for you carefully and prepare a generous dowry for you."

Shen Nuanning stopped talking immediately.

She was happy to see her parents, brothers and sister-in-law when she returned home, but she didn't like hearing them talk about such things.

"Dad! You are sick!"

Shen Nuanning stared at the dark and thin father and said loudly.

"What's wrong, what's wrong, what's wrong with me!"

Old Shen was alarmed, and Ms. Liu, who was teasing the baby, also looked over quickly.

"Have you been having trouble sleeping recently? You can't sleep."

"How do you know, I really haven't been able to sleep all night recently."

(End of this chapter)

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