Chapter 217 Planting Fruit Trees in Space

After recruiting workers, you need to place them, build houses, provide food and accommodation, and then find out who these people are, and then subdue them.

It is not suitable for them to buy slaves now, after all, they are not big shots.

Also, when you return to the county, you have to tell the shopkeeper to buy some raw herbs.

Then go to a bamboo forest on the mountain, dig some and plant them in the space, and go to the mountain to find medicinal materials and fruits. Fill in the space. OK, it’s about the fourth child getting married.


Most of these thirty refugees are young and middle-aged, with more than a dozen men, less than ten women, and a few children.

There are three families consisting of husband and wife and children, and these three families are also the most obedient.

Managing and placing these long-term workers is really a troublesome trivial matter, but it is also a major matter. Shen Xin is the boss, so he has to learn.

The eldest son must be responsible and able to take on tasks. Old Shen Tou understands this principle, so he leaves this matter to Shen Xin.

Of course, he is not a closed-door person. When in trouble, there are so many younger brothers and sisters in the family, and the village chief is also a knowledgeable person, so he can go and ask for advice.

"Brother, you have too much to do. Build houses for them and arrange work. The wages are more detailed. Just like the villagers who work in the workshops, there are rewards and punishments. All these must be paid. Write it down." Shen Nuanning said.

"If you have time, find someone who can read more words, and ask Accountant Hu for advice."

Shen Xin has learned a lot of characters these days, and can also write some simple ones, but it's just not enough, and the characters are too ugly.

Shen Xin nodded. He also deeply felt that his ability was not enough and it was urgent to learn and read.

My daughter-in-law and sisters-in-law also asked many questions, such as providing food and accommodation, what to eat for them every day, who would do it, and where would it be done?

The family members slowly filled in the details with each other's words.

Shen Xin started making arrangements and invited several strong men in the village to help the long-term workers build houses, and also built a small kitchen and shed.

I hired a sister-in-law from the village to cook for the long-term workers based on some experiences I heard from others. They provided enough food every day, including vegetables and soup. Of course, it was only enough to provide food, and the food could not be too good.

Shen Xin has not made their contract clear yet. He has planned to arrange jobs for them after the house is built. It will take a month to find out their temperament. If they are lazy, or have bad character, , and drove him away directly.

Leave those who are diligent, honest, and do not commit crimes to go to the government to find a way out.

The next day, when Shen Shi went to the county, Shen Nuanning specifically told him to help him ask for leave, and then told the shopkeeper that if a patient with an appointment came, she would apologize to him and she would pay for the patient's visit when it was time to come again. Consultation fees.

After taking a day off, Shen Nuanning certainly couldn't do anything.

She took leave because she had something to do.

Encouraging Shen Zhi to take a long day off, she headed into the mountains with a basket on her back and a sickle.

This endless mountain is like an endless treasure. Shen Nuanning feels that she can soak in the mountain every day.

The dark sight blocked by big trees, the extremely vigorous growth of flowers and plants, and all kinds of flying insects, birds and beasts, this place is simply a paradise.

Especially those rare and valuable herbs.

She just came to dig up herbs and fill her space.

"Zhizhi, you recognize the pictures of those herbs, right? Just dig them up when you encounter them."

Shen Zhi nodded repeatedly, "Auntie Ning, don't worry!"

Shen Nuanning searched around intently. After searching in an area for a while, they would meet up and search deeper.

Suddenly, she stared at the plant in front of her and froze.

I haven’t found the herbs yet, but I have found some delicious ones.

Grapevine, she absolutely did not admit it wrong, this is the grapevine.

Thinking of the soil in the space that can speed up growth, a new idea suddenly came to my mind.

She squatted down, found the root of the grapevine, and dug out the entire vine.

Carefully avoiding possible sights from all directions, it looked like it was stuffed into the backpack, but in fact it was taken out of the vine and put into the space.

There were two secret guards watching. The deep forest was dangerous, and they would never let her take risks alone.

Fortunately, they didn't know what kind of plant it was, and they didn't care whether the vine was lost, in a backpack or somewhere else.

Next, Shen Nuanning found another bamboo forest. Remembering that the fresh and tender bamboo shoots were out of season, and wondering if they could still be eaten, she dug some and stuffed them into her own space, ready to plant them and try them out.

I found a huge bayberry tree again. The bayberries on the tree were so big and red. There were indeed many wonders in this deep mountain. "Chen Zhi! Come here quickly! It's time to pick bayberries!"

After hearing this, Shen Zhi rushed over without stopping, his eyes bright, "Sister-in-law, I seem to have found a ginseng over there."

Shen Nuanning's eyes widened, "Then take me first!"

Compared with bayberry and ginseng, of course ginseng is better.

When we got to the location, we dug it out and found that it was indeed personal ginseng, but the vintage was too short. However, who gave Shen Nuanning room for it?

"How about giving this to me?"

Shen Zhi nodded. She didn't need this. Ginseng could only be of great use in the hands of a doctor.

She quietly sent the ginseng into the space and patted Shen Zhi's shoulder, "Not bad, not bad. Great contribution. I owe you. If you want my help, just tell me."

Shen Zhi was not polite and looked at her expectantly, "Sister-in-law, I work in the workshop and occasionally go to the store to help. Your salary is very high. I am actually very satisfied, but I always feel that people should not live like this. "

You can do this kind of job to make a transition, but you can't do what everyone can do in this life.

Shen Nuanning was exposed to different ideas in her previous life, so of course she thought so, but she didn't expect that Shen Zhi, a native, would also have such thoughts.

What a smart girl who knows how to plan for herself.

If you want to achieve extraordinary success, your heart will always be more arrogant and dissatisfied than others.

Shen Nuanning supported her, "What do you think?"

"I want to study medicine with you."

She was a little surprised, "How could you have such an idea?"

"Sister-in-law, you are the most powerful person I have ever met. Everyone respects you. You can still go out to practice medicine and save people like a man. It's really amazing."

Shen Nuanning smiled and said, "Okay, but reading the medicinal materials is only the first step. I will get you a book. You can memorize it first. If you can memorize it, I will take you to learn it."

Shen Zhi's eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "Thank you, sister-in-law!"

The two worked hard for a long time and finally returned home with a full load.

Shen Nuanning locked herself in the room, entered the space, and planted the ginseng and fruit trees just recovered today into the soil.

The soil is always wet, and Shen Nuanning doesn't even need to water it.

In addition, the merit points are also slowly rising. The effect of giving porridge this time is also good, which is no worse than practicing medicine. However, my family is not rich, and everyone in the family has to work. This kind of thing cannot be done often.

The next day, Shen Nuanning was sent to work by Shen Shi.

Shen Shi is getting married soon, so he doesn't have to do anything. He just needs to stay at home and take good care of Bai Bai.

The family is also extremely busy, decorating the wedding room and welcoming the bride.

As soon as Shen Nuanning returned, she told the shopkeeper that she wanted to buy some raw herbs, especially expensive ones, such as ginseng that was less than a year old.

The shopkeeper was a little confused. After much deliberation, he guessed that she wanted to plant seeds. He felt more and more that Shen Nuanning was motivated.

Of course, there is no answer. "The herbal farmer who delivered the medicinal materials will come back tomorrow. I will tell him then to pay attention to the medicinal herbs you need and bring you some live ones!"

"Thank you, big shopkeeper!"

Shen Nuanning continued to work in a good mood.

One month was enough to prove that Shen Nuanning was a very experienced and skilled doctor, so the shopkeeper wanted her to try outpatient service.

As a result, she sat in class in the morning and went to outpatient clinics in the afternoon.

When she went to see a doctor, she was accompanied by two medicine boys, both of whom followed the old doctor and were extremely experienced in dealing with people.

On the way, she will be told some precautions and some of the patient's conditions.

I have to say that it saved Shen Nuanning a lot of trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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