Chapter 222 Marriage

There is a custom of rolling in bed when getting married. It is best to have a man and a woman so that the couple can have children in the future.

Of course the boy was little Aku. There was no girl in the Shen family, so they found a beautiful and lovely girl in the village.

After rolling around on the bed lively a few times, Ms. Liu gave each of them a big red envelope, making the children laugh.

The newlyweds worship heaven and earth, worship their parents, and send them into the bridal chamber.

The bride, covered with a red hijab, was led into the bridal chamber.

Then it was time to eat.

More than a dozen tables of neighbors came. They had a sumptuous banquet and had a great time eating. They kept saying congratulations when they saw the Shen family.

There was a lot of joy.

The next day.

Everyone saw the somewhat shy new daughter-in-law.

In fact, everyone is familiar with her. After all, they have all been to the county and will take a look at her along the way.

Seeing the bride, Mrs. Xiao Liu quickly said, "Fourth brother and sister, why did you get up so early and don't you sleep more?"

"I've gone to bed, and I usually get up at this time. I want to do something to help the family."

Liu Liu actually felt a little ashamed. She felt that she had gotten up very early, but except for the child, everyone else in the Shen family had gotten up.

"No, no, no, you just got married. Let's get used to it. Dinner is about to be served. Just wait!"

Liu Liu blushed and nodded.

Compared to the excitement of the wedding day, the second day seemed particularly peaceful.

Sitting at the dinner table, Liu said to Shen Shi, "You are newly married, so don't rush to work. Go walk around with your wife and have some fun. After a month or so, you can start working again."

Shen Shi was naturally excited and happy, "Thank you, mother!"

Then he looked at Old Shen, who had a dark expression on his face, and said, "Thank you, Dad."

He glanced at the bride again, and the two looked at each other, their eyes so sticky that they could pull out silk threads.

Liu Liu's cheeks were red and she followed Shen Shi to thank her parents.

Everyone laughed.

And Shen Nuanning only had this day off. She had to go to the doctor again tomorrow and go to the mountains again.

The heat is getting worse. It's really cool in the deep mountains, refreshing and chilling to the bones. Shen Nuanning feels more comfortable than the modern air conditioner.

She even wanted to build a cabin here and stay there.

After taking Shen Zhi with a basket full of good things, Shen Nuanning ran back.

Wash the bayberries and put them on the table in the hall. The Shen family will naturally eat them when they see them.

She took Mrs. Liu into the room and said, "Mom, I have better food here."

Mrs. Liu smiled kindly and asked fondly, "What's more delicious? It makes my mother want to eat it."

Shen Nuanning took out a handful of strawberries and a bunch of grapes.

"Mom, it's so sweet."

Ms. Liu glared slightly, took the fruit, put it in her mouth, and nodded, "It's indeed delicious."

Sweet but not greasy, with a strong fragrance.

"I have a lot more, feel free to eat."

Mrs. Liu knew that she couldn't show this thing to others, otherwise it would be difficult to explain if others saw it, so she could only eat some for herself secretly.

She touched Shen Nuanning's head and said, "Good girl, you have to help the gods properly. You can't be lazy. You should also pay attention to eating and drinking well in the county on weekdays and not being too tired."

Shen Nuanning smiled and nodded, "Mom, I know, I'm not stupid."

Mother and daughter laughed.


Shen Nuanning has been working for another half month.

On this day, people wearing armor and weapons suddenly broke into the hospital.

They wore armor and helmets, had serious faces, and looked iron-blooded and murderous.

Both the patient and the doctor were panicked.

"My lord, what's the matter with you?"

"Barbarians invaded the border. Following the orders of General Shen, we recruited doctors to go to the border medical tent."

Everyone's expressions changed.

"Is there going to be a war? The barbarians on the border are so shameless, but Your Highness will definitely be able to defend our Yanzhou!"

"But if we can't hold it, if our Yanzhou is occupied by barbarians, wouldn't we ordinary people be slaughtered as pigs and dogs? No, I have to pack up my things and run away to escape this time."

"Why are you hiding?! The prince has failed to defend himself every time, and he will definitely be able to do it this time. I believe His Highness Prince An! This country may not be secure at the border..."

That last sentence means a lot.

It's not that they haven't seen the refugees fleeing to the border. The country is experiencing civil war, and city after city is being plundered, and the people are displaced. What good fruits can be gained by running into the country at this time?

Everyone was silent.

The shopkeeper bent down and asked the officers and soldiers in a good voice, "Excuse me, sir, how do you recruit doctors? Our medical clinic only has three doctors in total, and the medical clinic has to continue to open."

The official said, "Every medical clinic has one, and they want the most powerful doctor."

"You can rest assured that our prince has principles. Treating soldiers and generals is no different from treating ordinary people. The medical fees will be paid. It's just a bit tiring, but your life safety is absolutely guaranteed."

Doctors have a low status, military doctors have an even lower status, and their lives may be in danger at any time. To be honest, who would do such a thing if they were not desperate.

Even though the official gave him the guarantee, the shopkeeper's face still didn't look good.

"Master, let us discuss this."

The shopkeeper called the three doctors together.

"What do you say, who wants to go?"

The two old doctors looked at each other. Of course they didn't want to go. They didn't want to go when they were young. Now that they are older, they are even more unable to do so. The shopkeeper sighed, "We don't have a suitable one in our medical clinic. You two are old, and Dr. Shen is a girl. It's not suitable to go to the military camp."

Shen Nuanning had been thinking about something, and suddenly said, "Shopkeeper, I'm going to make a convenience."

The shopkeeper waved his hand and motioned for her to go.

She walked to the backyard and Ding Yi and Ding Er appeared.

"What's going on? Who is General Shen? Why are you here to recruit doctors to be military doctors?"

Ding Yi and Ding Er took out the letter that had just arrived and said, "Now the master has set off to provoke the barbarians to start a war. The foreign tribes and the prince have had grudges for a long time and come every year. This time the prince is provoking, and they also know some domestic They were fighting among themselves and thought that the border should take care of themselves. At this time, they started a war. They thought that the prince was crazy... and naturally agreed to the war. "

"General Shen is also an extremely powerful person. You have met him."

Shen Nuanning raised her eyebrows.

"The Shen Wang who passed by your mountain is General Shen. The emperor is fatuous and has failed his capable ministers, so he sent General Shen away. General Shen voluntarily surrendered to the prince, abandoned the dark side and turned to the light, and guarded the border together."

A person's face appeared in Shen Nuanning's mind. It turned out that he was General Shen.

It’s still my family.

"Then, General Shen forcefully recruits doctors. Is he this kind of person?"

What is the difference between recruiting military doctors and forcibly recruiting soldiers?

She met the man once and thought he didn't look like that kind of person.

Ding Yi and Ding Er also fell silent.

"General Shen has a noble character. He has never done anything forced in his military life."

That's what went wrong.

For some reason, Shen Nuanning felt a little anxious.

"Girl, for your own safety, please don't agree. Just stay in the county and practice medicine."

Ding Yi saw that she was shaken.

Shen Nuanning shook his head, "There are only two old doctors in the medical clinic. They are as old as my father. How can they endure this suffering? Besides, I also want to know what happened."

"Too dangerous."

Ding Yi and Ding Er have only one purpose, which is to ensure her safety.

Not only to save her life, but also to protect her from harassment by others.

Shen Nuanning looked at them, "You pretend to be my medicine boy and follow me. If something goes wrong, you can protect them with me. Besides, they are recruiting doctors openly and honestly. The prince may not know about it, but he hasn't had time to inform us yet."

No matter how dangerous it is, she still has room and will never lose her life.

Ding Yi and Ding Er reluctantly agreed.

Shen Nuanning returned to the front hall and said, "Shopkeeper, I'll go."

The shopkeeper was shocked, "Dr. Shen, you are from a girl's family."

She comforted, "I'll take my two medicine boys with me to help me."

The shopkeeper looked ugly and asked the officers and soldiers, "Is it true that you guarantee the doctor's safety? What if there are soldiers who don't have eyes to harass girls?"

The official's face remained serious, "Of course we adults will not allow this to happen. The doctor only needs to diagnose and treat the disease and stay in the medical tent. If any soldiers do something offensive, they will be dealt with according to the law of war."

The shopkeeper was a little relieved.

"Girl, I'm sorry for you."

"Guarding the border is everyone's responsibility. If I can use my skills to help, I will be happy to save a few more people."

When everyone heard this, their eyes were filled with tears and they were deeply moved. They all exclaimed, "Doctor Shen is so righteous!"

"He is indeed a miracle doctor, and he is so dedicated to the country and the people. He is truly a heroine!"

"I want to burn incense and worship Buddha for her, and wish her a safe return!"

Shen Nuanning didn't blink and smiled slightly, "Big shopkeeper, you have to be good too!"

Even if there were no military doctors recruited, she would go to the military camp and be by Yu Wenqian's side when the war started.

After all, her family's roots are rooted in the border.

She also wanted to save more people so that more soldiers and generals could go back alive to see their parents, wives and children. Of course, she also wanted to earn merit points.

Military camp, isn't that a great opportunity to earn merit?

Since we are going, wouldn’t it be better if we do enough superficial work!

"Big shopkeeper, please tell my family and remember to be kind to my parents!"


In this way, in a hurry, without even any buffer time, Shen Nuanning was taken away directly by the soldiers.

At another medical clinic in the county, the doctor who came turned out to be an old acquaintance.

"Doctor Sun, what a coincidence." Shen Nuanning greeted.

The smile on Doctor Sun's face was stiff.

Enemies really met on a narrow road. He had done something wrong and didn't want to see her again.

"Why is it that you are the doctor who joins the army? What a coincidence!"

Dr. Sun felt extremely distressed, and it was not because of that incident that the shopkeeper disliked him because his nose was not his nose and his eyes were not his eyes. This time, he was embarrassed and simply let him do this hard work.

After this journey, I estimate that I only have half a life left.

Dr. Sun didn't want to talk.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Shen Nuanning didn't feel interested in it, so she stopped talking.

A group of people rushed to the military camp.

Shen Nuanning knew how to ride a horse, but Doctor Sun didn't, so he was carried on the back by a soldier and tossed around. His brains were shaken, his face turned blue and bitter, and his expression was extremely painful.

She had some vague guesses.

He was running so fast, as if he was rushing to death, so he was afraid that some important person in the military camp was sick.

Very sick.

(End of this chapter)

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