Chapter 102 It's No Reason To Abuse You

Li Wencheng was even smarter, picking up on the sidelines: "Yue'er, you are too kind and too tolerant to her, that's why you let this kind of person ride on your head and bully you, but we friends can't stand it, Xia Xingxi, aren't you Do you have the ability? If you have the ability, you can say it, or you can refuse, and apologize to Yue'er now!"

When talking, several people took a step forward, obviously aggressive, after all, no one thought that Xia Xingxi would meet, this woman was just trying to please the public and bullying Yue'er weirdly!

However, just when everyone thought Xia Xingxi couldn't do it, this person smiled suddenly, his brows were curved, and his eyes shone with a little light. The smile was cold and heavy, and the hearts of the people around him sank when they saw it.

Why, why did this person suddenly laugh?

"It's over, it's over, your wife is going to make a big move!" Jiang Chen stared at Xia Xingxi with rounded eyes. This little witch finally showed her true colors. According to previous experience, the little devil is going to fight back. These people basically To destroy.

For some reason, Jiang Chenyi was excited to see Xia Xingxi's counterattack, it must be as beautiful as Baimang's counterattack.

Hey, why did he think of Bai Mang from Xia Xingxi?Jiang Chen couldn't figure it out, but, whatever it is, it's important to watch the excitement.

He looked over subconsciously, and Lou Zhanxiao couldn't help staring at what happened in front of him.

The stars are going to fight back?Very good, then let's have a beautiful Jedi counterattack!

"Apologize?" Xia Xingxi smiled: "If I say something different, does cousin Yue'er have to apologize to me?"

Cao Miaomiao and the others exploded.

"Hey, Xia Xingxi, we, Yue'er, have given you enough face, don't be shameless!"

"You still want Yue'er to apologize, and you want P to eat?"

Xia Xingxi tilted her head and stared at the group of noisy people: "Since you are so active, that's fine, you all apologize together!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for these people to speak, she just turned her head to look at Xia Yue'er, and said in a very high-key manner: "I, let you speak first."


This trash is really crazy, so let's take it when you see it, and let her talk first, it's really a self-defeating thing!
Xia Yueer frowned, but said in her mouth: "Xing Xing, the mecha is not a joke, it is related to the life of the pilot."

As she spoke, she looked at Lou Zhanxiao, smiled slightly at the cold but handsome man, and said softly: "Lieutenant Lou's Biying should indeed be repaired, hasn't it been maintained in the past three years to resist the star beast? I think the shell of the mecha is damaged. Several scratches, it really needs to be overhauled."

Hearing this, the students nodded one after another.

"That's right, it's time for maintenance."

"Hey, after all, it's been three years, and it's still a high-intensity operation every day, so there must be wear and tear."

"Yue'er is indeed a girl who grew up in a mecha shop, she is really amazing."

The students agreed one after another, and Xia Yue'er even smiled shyly, as if she had accepted everyone's praise, really, she is not humble at all!

Xia Xingxi shook her head: "Do you have anything to add?"

Xia Yue'er was startled, why did Xia Xingxi ask herself this?Is there a problem she didn't see?So she turned her head to look at the mech, and observed it again carefully, except for a few shallow scratches that were almost invisible, nothing else could be seen.

Does this little slut really understand, or is she playing tricks to deceive herself?

Thinking of her biting her lips, she felt that the latter was more believable, after all Xia Xingxi knew nothing.


She looked up, extremely firm, but after saying this, she saw that the smile on the corner of Xia Xingxi's mouth was getting bigger and bigger.

(End of this chapter)

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