Chapter 104 Crushed to collapse

But at this moment, Jiang Chenyi covered his mouth and snickered, unable to hide his excitement and said in a low voice: "Your wife is so handsome, I wanted to scold this Xia Yueer just now, she didn't maintain it for three years, if I don't maintain it, I will pay you back." Can you come back and teach this group of students? The grass on the grave is probably two meters high, darling, what kind of little princess who is ignorant of the world can come up with such nonsense as not maintaining it for three years?"

Lou Zhanxiao didn't speak, but the smile lines on the corners of his mouth had already revealed his mood, especially the heroic appearance of his little wife who scolded others at the end, it was so dazzling.

"My daughter-in-law has always been handsome."


Caught off guard, Sai took a mouthful of dog food, but unfortunately, Jiang Chen didn't want to swallow it, so he couldn't help but yell at him: "It's an ex-wife, ex-wife, people hate you now, they ignore you, your relationship is not even an acquaintance , at most, it would be disgusting just to look at it!"


"Leave far away!"

No one spoke for a while, and everyone looked suddenly enlightened, as if they had opened the door to a new world, but Cao Miaomiao, someone's follower, couldn't help complaining: "Then you are talking about what needs to be repaired, after all Didn't you say that first?"

"Oh, now I admit that I said it first, don't you say I am grandstanding?"

Xia Xingxi asked back with cold eyes, which immediately made Cao Miaomiao gnash her teeth, but she didn't answer directly, but turned to look at Xia Yueer: "I'll give you another chance, do you have anything to add?"

Supplement, supplement?
Xia Yue'er is so angry that her mind is in a mess, and she just looks back at Biying in a daze after hearing the words, but no matter where she looks, it seems that there is no problem, and thinking of Xia Xingxi's aggressive attitude, She couldn't help sobbing and shaking her head with red eyes: "No, no..."

"Don't let me, I don't need you to let me, just say something if you have something to say, and apologize to me honestly if you lose in a while, I don't want to hear something that doesn't apologize because you let me, understand?"

At that moment, Xia Yue'er nearly collapsed, her whole body trembled like a leaf that was about to wither in the autumn wind, and Cao Miaomiao said angrily, "Xia Xingxi, don't bully me too much!"

"Come on, I cried just now, why didn't you say that she was too deceitful, and now she calls me when she sheds tears, what a double-standard dog, the food is really ugly."


Cao Miaomiao was trembling with anger, but Xia Xingxi waved her hand directly: "Xia Yueer, hurry up, don't waste time."

Under the eyes of everyone, Xia Yue'er was so humiliated that she wanted to die, but she finally shook her head helplessly and choked up: "No, no, I'm not letting you in, it's really, really no..."


Xia Xingxi snorted coldly, what to do with her?That also depends on whether you have the ability to handle her, Xia Xingxi, playing mecha with her?No one in the entire interstellar world can play with her, because they don't have the qualifications!
So she said directly: "What Biying needs to repair is the calibration system. From the analysis of the degree of wear on the left and right feet, the angle has shifted by at least 3°. This will cause the balance system and calibration system to be inaccurate. The wear of the right torso is greater than that of the left, causing The service life is shortened, and the combat effectiveness is greatly reduced, so I personally suggest that it is best to go to a top maintenance organization to repair it."

When these words were spoken, everyone was dumbfounded. Did the bible-like words come from people's mouths?They thought it was the brain talking.

Everyone stared at Xia Xingxi as if they had seen a ghost.

Really, he deserves to be the number one academic master in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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