Chapter 136
here you are?what are you going to doXia Chenyou clenched her fists, keeping an eye on everything that happened here, in case of emergency.

However, the members of the Xia family can't be happy, as long as they can be merged, they can get a share of the money if they can be merged. They are all Xia's family members, and they all have shares.

"Xing Xing, you are such a good girl!"

"That's right, it's reasonable." The Xia family members began to praise him sparingly, and Xia Xingxi could only say hehe.

[Miss, are these people crazy about money? 】

The general was pecking the feathers in her arms, while Xia Xingxi was stroking her pet slowly, his eyes were slightly cold, and a little frost condensed.

[They are not cleaned up. 】

Xia Xingxi thought about it, and said lightly: "Since it's a merger, how much does Second Uncle plan to pay for the acquisition?"

Receive, buy?
A group of people were stunned. They looked at Xia Chenguan in unison. Xia Chenguan was also stunned. He lowered his face and looked at Xia Xingxi: "Why did they buy it? It's a merger, a merger!"

Heh, are you here to play with words?Row.

Xia Xingxi rubbed the red cheeks on the general's face, and the comfortable little guy squinted his eyes to enjoy, and Xia Xingxi's voice became more and more loose: "Merger also pays, second uncle wants to buy a share, or a partnership? I have to give money, since Yue'er has said that we are a family, then I will also give face to my cousin, it doesn't need to be too much, 8000 billion star coins, I agree to merge, how about it, second uncle?"

There was a sound of gasping all around, and everyone gasped. This girl is really cruel, and she wants 8000 billion? What is the concept of 8000 billion?All the Xia family's chain stores in Blue Star have been sold, so they won't be able to earn 8000 billion yuan!

And Xia Chenguan's face was even more ugly: "Xing Xing, you are going to let the second uncle go bankrupt!"

"How could it be!" Xia Xingxi smiled and said, "If you take out the money and merge, you can still get year-end dividends like your uncle and aunt."

"You!" The blue veined cross on Xia Chenguan's head exploded in an instant. He finally understood what Xia Xingxi meant. He had been beating around the bush until now, but he still wanted to snatch Xia's inheritance from him! !
"Xing Xing, you have to figure it out, your second uncle and I are the head of the Xia family!"

Earn dividends like everyone else?Don't even think about it!He has to ask for this right, but he will not give this money.

Xia Chenguan's face darkened: "After all, you just don't want to merge, don't you? What you hold in your hands is also the property of the Xia family. Don't blame me for not being sympathetic and leaving you nothing!"

Xia Xingxi spread her hands and said it doesn't matter: "It's okay, even if you drive me and my dad out of Xia's house, it's okay, then you go out and ask those who come to repair mechas, do they recognize the brand of Xia's family, or my father? What about your name?"

Oh, use this to frighten her?When she was a three-year-old child?Why does she keep helping her father gain popularity, because no one will be able to control their father and daughter!
As it is now, I really want to die, ha!
The Xia family who heard the words also exploded, discussing on the spot.

"Second brother, you can't do this, Xing Xing and eldest brother are both members of the Xia family!"

"That's right, let's talk well as a family, and give what is due!"

"It's who's it should be or whose."

What a joke, if the father and daughter get out, what's the point of them wanting a shell?If you can't make money, it means that everyone starves to death together, huh?
Xia Chenguan obviously knew this, but he just couldn't swallow it, so he just stared at Xia Xingxi and said, "8000 billion, I can't get it out, and the merger must go on with me, I am the head of the family ,I have the final say!"

(End of this chapter)

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