Chapter 139 This is not a problem
People expressed their approval one after another, Xia Chenguan and Xia Yueer also looked at each other and smiled, the father and daughter looked smug.

To be fair?OK, fair to you!But in this ending, they must win. You can attract people who repair mechas, but you will never be able to get top-level mechas, and Xia Chenguan has been running a mecha shop for so many years, what kind of mechas can't you get?Ok?

This is the gap!

Xia Chenguan sneered in his heart, with a hypocritical face on his face, he deliberately looked at Xia Xingxi, and said distressedly: "I allow you to help your father, after all, your father is not a business material, Xing Xing, second uncle said this, is it fair or not? "

He obviously had malicious intentions, but he insisted on sticking a good person card on himself. This disgusting thing really dared to say it.

fair?Okay, she, Xia Xingxi, will let these people understand what is truly fair.

So she smiled slightly, showing a sweet and pleasant smile: "Fair, very fair, second uncle, I will also bring my grandfather with me when the time comes, for such an important game, the old man still needs to control the situation in the end, don't you think so? "

Bring the old man?Xia Zhidong?

Mentioning that lunatic Xia Chenguan really became vigilant, he took a deep look at Xia Xingxi, and always felt that this ghostly little girl was planning something, but he couldn't figure out what a lunatic could do. things to come.

After pondering for three seconds, Xia Chenguan said, "Okay, you haven't seen the old man for a long time, so I brought you here so that you can get close."

There was no good intentions in what was said, but Xia Xingxi didn't care. The next time the family drank tea happily and chatted, the Xia family stared at the long queue outside the maintenance department, and couldn't help but express A feeling of envy and jealousy.

But everyone understands that everyone will be able to take a bite of this piece of fat soon. You must know that the maintenance of mechas is very expensive now. !

Merging is really a beautiful thing!
Everyone was very happy, and Xia Chenfeng also heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the matter was resolved perfectly.

After all these people left, Xia Chenyou said in a low voice: "Xing Xing, let's give up. Your second uncle has been working in mechas for so many years. He has experience, relationships, and contacts. This matter is fair. In fact, it's not fair at all, we will not only lose, but also lose here..."

No matter how you think about it, they will end up with nothing, and his own brother has successfully calculated his own brother once again.

The more Xia Chenyou thought about it, the more frustrated he became. Although he always wanted to take back everything, the gap in strength still made him discouraged.

"Dad, don't be so sad. Look, you have a very important guest." Xia Xingxi smiled and pointed outside, and the general flew out with flapping wings, landing lightly on a piece of gold.

"Xia Xingxi, if your bird dares to shit on my head, I will definitely stew it!"

Jonny was annoyed and reached out to grab him, but the general was so flexible that he almost tripped Jonny. Xia Chen looked at the boy who walked in in surprise. The blond hair was so dazzling, and the blue eyes were so clear, he couldn't help but tremble. The voice said: "You... are you from the O'Neill family?"

Blonde hair and blue eyes are the hallmark of the O'Neill family, and there is a special color value range, but if the color is too dark or too light, it is not a color belonging to the O'Neill family.

Xia Chen looked at her daughter in surprise, and Xia Xingxi smiled: "In the entire Blue Star, is there anyone stronger than the O'Neal family?"

Than mecha?than traffic?Is this a thing?
(End of this chapter)

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