Chapter 155 Why His Mind Is That Stupid Woman
"Master Johnny, is there anything else?"

Other women would blushed and flustered when they were walled off by a beautiful handsome man, but Xia Xingxi was really not this kind of person. She could throw Lou Zhanxiao into the air twice, and she could look at Jonny so calmly. With a face as beautiful as an angel, he asked with a half smile: Is there anything else? ?

Obviously it was Johnny who took the initiative, but now his face was flushed by this question, he almost bounced off on the spot, gritted his teeth and stared at Xia Xingxi: "What's going on, my brother can really drive mechas?"

"Didn't you see it all?"

Xia Xingxi loosened her tired shoulders, and her bones made a protesting sound instantly. This thing is too precise, and she was really exhausted after rushing to work in such a short time.

Jonny's face was still hot, he didn't know what to say at all, he was embarrassed for a while before saying: "I will also go to the activities in your store on the National Day!"

"Go." Xia Xingxi said indifferently: "Anyway, your mecha is there, and you can almost pick it up on the National Day."

Xia Xingxi patted the boy on the shoulder: "Then I'm leaving, see you at school, by the way, think of me if you have business, A-level nutrient solution, great~"

After finishing speaking, the person left in an extremely chic manner, leaving Jonny staring at her back, suddenly feeling that this stupid woman is not bad.

Wait, why is his mind all about that stupid woman, huh? ?
Jonny patted his face in a panic, and then hurried back. Victoria was able to move. It was a mecha that he also liked very much. He was going to watch his second brother train.

And when El O'Neill hurried home, he was pleasantly surprised to find that his second son could drive Victoria again, and it was almost in full swing!
"This is really a miracle!" The middle-aged man was extremely happy: "Bill, you can continue to go to school again, right?"

The man's face was calm, and his cold and cold eyes only stared straight at Victoria, full of fascination.

go to school?Maybe, you can really go.

As he thought about it, his hand touched the mechanical arm and stroked it lightly.

Xia Xingxi hummed a little tune and climbed over the wall back to school. She walked this way over the wall several times, and she became more proficient each time, so she was careless this time, and she didn't expect someone to guard her.

Cao Miaomiao and Li Wencheng poked their heads out from behind the bunker, staring at the direction Xia Xingxi left.

"Did you take the picture this time? Don't have any more problems with your camera!" Cao Miaomiao was about to die of anger. Last time, it was because of a problem with the equipment that people didn't believe him. This time, this must not happen! !

"Don't worry, I've photographed it, and I'll upload it to the Xiaonei website at dawn!"

"Ha, good, squatting for several days is really useful, let's go, go back to sleep!"

Ever since I heard about Xia Xingxi and Jonny climbing over the wall, Cao Miaomiao had been thinking about it in secret. She was caught by her today. Just wait, she will definitely be exposed immediately!
Soon, the next day's intranet was posted. The news that Xia Xingxi had jumped over the wall and left the school privately, and hadn't returned home at night. There were pictures and the truth, and there were still many people below who followed the rhythm and demanded that Xia Xingxi be punished. An act of disregard for school rules.

Seeing this, the vice principal was helpless, so he could only deduct ten points from Xia Xingxi as a warning.

Seeing this news, Cao Miaomiao was finally happy, pulled Xia Yue'er and said, "I've finally been squatted down by me, and the total score will be deducted by 1 points. I'll see what she will use to compete with you in the final exam, Yue'er, this semester's No. .[-] There is also a scholarship, it can only be yours, Xia Xing regrets that she is not worthy!"

(End of this chapter)

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