Chapter 163 Give You A Heartfelt Flying Kick
The overcrowding at the maintenance department seemed to be a flash in the pan, and the heat caused by Victoria was finally not as good as that of Biying. This was the reality.

Seeing that his side fell into depression in an instant, Xia Chenyou frowned.

Sure enough, the second brother is a tough opponent, and he got Biying, but doesn't Biying belong to the military department, can he come to participate in commercial activities casually?I'm afraid there is some transaction that I don't know about, right?

Xia Chen was extremely worried. Looking back, she found that although everyone had left, there were more people in the VIP seats.

Lin Feng brought the managers from several major districts of Blue Star here, and all he saw were bare seats, and the only ones who could still be on the stage were the two young masters of the O'Neill family.

"Hmph, you invited me here just to see this useless thing?" Lin Feng frowned: "There is no one, and our performance in the underground arena was better than yours now when it was the worst."

It's too open, okay? Although Victoria's appearance is very attractive, it can't compare to the gimmick next door, which is Biying.

"Allah, there will be more people in a while, don't worry!"

Xia Xingxi smiled and brought food and drink. In the front row, Bill kneaded the general and rubbed his two blushing cheeks. The general closed his eyes comfortably and did not forget to slap his mouth. When he was so comfortable, there were no sunflower seeds. It's really the biggest regret.

"It can only be that there are more people next door in a while?" Bill spared no effort to sneer, he turned his head and looked back at Xia Xingxi's company, and said lightly: "There is no more powerful mecha in the whole Blue Star than Biying, Xia Xingxi , you are doomed."

"Don't worry, I've invited all of you famous figures here, how could you lose? I will win!"

Xia Xingxi had a calm and confident expression on her face, as if she didn't pay attention to that Bi Ying at all, such calm made several men frown.

"Don't tell me you have a mecha stronger than Biying?"

As soon as these words were asked, everyone was startled, and they all looked at Xia Xingxi with burning eyes, as if they were staring at a super huge star beast.

Biying is already a very powerful existence, if there is a more powerful mecha, then Xia Xingxi must not be an ordinary person!

"You, who are you?"

At this moment, even Bill was not calm anymore, he stared at her with a gloomy face, and did not forget to smooth the general's hair with his hand.

Xia Xingxi shrugged her shoulders: "What are you thinking, no one stipulates that Bi Ying can only go to the next door, do you think so?"

As the little devil showed a familiar, beautiful and dangerous smile, the hearts of those who watched trembled. Just as he was about to ask, a voice from behind him sounded.

"Xing Xing, don't struggle anymore, you will lose when Biying comes." Xia Chenguan smiled, and was overjoyed.

Xia Yueer followed closely behind, and also said: "Xing Xing, I know you still like Lou Zhongwei. What woman doesn't like such an excellent man? But you are already divorced, and he doesn't love you at all."

A few words made everyone think of a big show, and it was the super bloody kind. Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Xia Yueer continued to stimulate Xia Xingxi with a smile.

"Now the lieutenant's mother, Mother Wen, is with us. After a while, Mother Wen will announce the marriage between me and Lieutenant Lou. Xing Xing, I want to invite you to participate. After Biying's performance is over, you will come over and let go of the past. Give me a heartfelt blessing, please?"

Xia Xingxi: ...

Can I give you a heartfelt flying kick?
(End of this chapter)

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