Chapter 167

"what's the situation?"

"Why did Lieutenant Lou go to the next door?"

"Xia Chenguan Xia, are you two families? No, I always remember that they are two families!"

Faced with various questions, Xia Chenguan's eyelids twitched, and suddenly he didn't know what to do, and the reporters rushed over and surrounded him: "President Xia, why did Lieutenant Lou go to the next door?"

"Mr. Xia, are you two families or one family?"

"Mr. Xia, didn't you say that your daughter has an unusual relationship with Lieutenant Lou? Why didn't Lieutenant Lou look at her from the beginning to the end? What is the relationship, please tell me!"

A series of indiscriminate questions bombarded Xia Chenguan's old face immediately, and these people also brought his own daughter with him, making him even more embarrassed as if he had been slapped in the face.

"Sorry, I have something to do first!"

At this moment, Xia Chen didn't even fart a fart, because he was really ashamed. How embarrassing he was talking about just now, he quickly pulled back, grabbed Wen Xinhong and brought him to the He suppressed his anger and asked, "Sister Wen, what's the situation? What's going on now? Didn't you promise that Lieutenant Lou would come to my place?"

Wen Xinhong was fooled. At that time, her son turned a corner and went to the next door. She was so stupid that she froze on the spot and didn't know what to do. Come to think of it, is there something wrong here? ?
"Well, I informed him, and he nodded..."

"Then how did it become like this? The reporters are here, I told the media, now do this for me!!"

Xia Chenguan's anger was obviously going to be overwhelmed, but Wen Xinhong was more powerful, her husband's family was very powerful, and her own family was not bad, no one dared to speak to her like that!

Wen Xinhong said angrily on the spot: "Didn't I come? Xia Chenguan, figure out your attitude! Also, that is my son. He neither takes your money nor benefits from you. Where does he like to go?" Where, tell you, don't mess with me!"

After speaking, he turned his head and left on the spot with a cold snort.

And as soon as she left, Xia Chenguan was about to go crazy. He also remembered that Wen Xinhong couldn't afford to mess with him, but what should he do now!What to do! !

Looking up, I saw that the audience who were sitting on my side just now waving the flag and shouting, tore through the shielding light screen in minutes, and crowded towards Xia Xingxi's side, but Xia Xingxi, a little bitch, still imitated him. He took out a large loudspeaker, and Xia Xingxi's extremely clear and rumbling voice echoed across the empty square.

"Everyone, if you want to visit Biying, please come here and line up. Our Star Wars hero Biying has officially arrived, and then there will be the most important Easter egg offering. Now, the wonderful performance is about to begin! Come, our cover The curtain is raised, and I can only say sorry to those who want to watch it next door. The covering curtain is raised, and only the audience on my side can see it, and the outside can't be seen, so those who want to see it come here quickly. If it is too late, the seat will be gone, thank you!"

After shouting, Xia Xingxi even winked at her second uncle, and Xia Chenguan was so angry that she almost exploded on the spot.

Damn it, isn't this what I said just now, Xia Xingxi, you use my words to insult me, ahhhhh, I'm so pissed off! !
(End of this chapter)

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