Chapter 171 The More Shocking Link
After paying the salute, Lou Zhanxiao took Xia Xingxi and turned around indifferently. This was his wife, so no matter where he went, he would take her with him.

Soon, Biying appeared in everyone's sight, with the color of the vast interstellar, and the luster of stars. This handsome mech that I have seen countless times in the video, was covered in blood in the past, but now it is so clean The beautiful appearance made people somewhat uncomfortable, but even so, people still couldn't suppress their excitement.

"Bi Ying, Bi Ying, Bi Ying!"

When someone takes the lead, someone shouts along with them, and the tens of thousands of people sing in unison, and the momentum is huge in an instant.

Xia Xingxi turned her head and took a look, and her mood was shaken. This is the reason why she likes mechas. Such a behemoth can walk and jump, can be used by people to resist star beasts, and can be supported and worshiped by everyone. It's why she's fascinated by it.

Thinking of her looking up at Lou Zhanxiao's mecha, she couldn't help but sigh in her heart, this big guy really looks good.

"Xingxing, I'm going."

The man looked back at her solemnly, that kind of emotion was inexplicably like someone who was about to go to the battlefield, Xia Xingxi's heart suddenly trembled when he saw it, and somehow he would always think of the various battles she had participated in in her previous life, she almost didn't even think about it. Walking up to give Lou Zhanxiao a big hug, this is the habit of their empire sending people to the battlefield.

Lou Zhanxiao was obviously stunned for a moment, his little wife's approaching so actively made him happy and at a loss for a while, he hugged her tightly in a happy mood, and then let go of his hands to look at the delicate and beautiful face of the woman in front of him.

"Say yes, stay with me for a day today."

After finishing speaking, the man straightened the brim of his hat in a happy mood, turned his head and boarded the mecha, and Bi Ying, who had been as quiet and motionless as a mountain, finally turned on the lights slowly.


The screams around were even worse, and some people were so excited that they fainted on the spot. Bi Ying moved slowly amidst people's screams, and at this moment, Victoria, who was hovering in the air, also swooped down.


Gravel splashed, gunpowder smoke filled the air, and the crowd erupted into even louder screams. The mecha show began. Both of them were real military mechas, not performance mechas, let alone patrol mechas.

Everyone watched excitedly, Xia Xingxi retreated to a safe place, and silently narrowed her eyes.

"Miss, these two mechas are so handsome!" Even the general was fascinated by it, it quietly stopped on Xia Xingxi's shoulder, and tilted its head to store the precious video data in the brain.

"Both mechs are good, but there is room for improvement. If it were me..."

She didn't say the rest, but the general tilted his head and rubbed her cheek, and said with a smile, "It will definitely be better than this one!"

Hearing that Xia Xingxi also laughed, the little parrot picked it up on her finger and stroked it with one hand.

She is an atheist, but now that she is reborn in the Federation instead of the Empire, she believes that there must be some kind of god who arranged this on purpose, definitely.

"Miss Xia Xingxi, we heard that you have prepared Easter eggs?"

The reporters gathered around, the wonderful fighting scenes were still being filmed, but they were more concerned about the upcoming Easter egg session.

"Biying is already Blue Star's most popular mech. We all feel that there is no more shocking easter egg than this one, so everyone is very curious. Miss Xia Xingxi, what is your so-called last easter egg? Are you still planning to Did you find something more shocking than Biying?"

The question is, does this thing exist?

(End of this chapter)

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