Chapter 174 I Don't Know How I Died
Chi Guoguo's aggressive tone can instantly arouse a man's desire to win. Lou Zhanxiao is a normal man. He raised his eyes and stared at Xia Xingxi's face with a stunning smile on the spot, and his adam's apple rolled slightly. , he almost made a hoarse voice.

"That's fine, you won't be angry with me if you lose."

"Man!" Xia Xingxi patted him on the shoulder in a disdainful tone: "I'll give you this too, don't be angry if you lose, be more generous, um~"

After saying that, Xia Xingxi backed away, and said with a smile, "I'll go see if Baimang's side is ready, host, you continue!"

Looking at Xia Xingxi's leaving back, Jiang Chen whistled: "Your wife looks very confident, I'm starting to wonder how she plans to suppress Biying."

Biying, a sharp blade on the Federation's border defense line, has withstood hundreds of star beast attacks. The most dangerous one, the entire army was almost wiped out. If Biying hadn't found the lair and killed the star beast queen, the entire Federation would have been killed. It's all over.

With such an excellent Biying, someone wants to suppress it with a D-level mecha? ?

"A mere D level, can suppress A??"

Jiang Chenyi was still puzzled, but Lou Zhanxiao had already put down the nutrient solution, stood up energetically, and began to organize his clothes.

Controlling a mech is very exhausting in terms of physical and mental strength. Generally speaking, one operation requires at least ten hours of rest, but the appearance of nutrient solution can allow the body to recover as quickly as possible. Otherwise, the star beast will be tired before it is defeated It's broken, what are you talking about defending the Federation?
Seeing that Lou Zhanxiao was in high spirits again, Jiang Chen frowned: "Are you serious? Don't you think about pity and pity?"

"No need." The man put on the special gloves indifferently: "I'll save someone from looking down on me."


What the hell is that the woman is just kidding you, do you believe it?

He Jiang Chen has seen countless women, so you just listen to this sentence when it comes out of a woman's mouth, don't take it seriously, otherwise you will be single for the rest of your life.

Jiang Chen shook his head and sighed, it's not that he doesn't help, this f*ck is a rock, he can't teach it!

On the other side, Xia Xingxi came directly to Bill's side: "How about another round?"

Bill was also sweating profusely now. He hadn't piloted a mech for a long time, and his physical strength was not as good as before. He was sitting on a chair with a towel on his head, and sweat was pouring down like rain.

"Come again? Huh...huh..."

Bill was panting heavily, while Johnny handed over the nutrient solution: "Xia Xingxi, you are crazy, my brother is not Biying's opponent at all, why don't you come?"

Again?You don't know how you died, okay?

"This time you team up with Baimang, as long as you listen to her command, I guarantee you can suppress Biying, handsome guy, don't you want to experience what it's like to suppress Biying?"

Xia Xingxi was persuasive, and this aroused Bill's interest very well. He longed for the strong, and even more hoped that he could surpass the strong. Victoria's advantage was in the air, and she was not Biying's opponent. Now Xia Xingxi actually told him that she could Suppress Biying.

The blood and cells in Bill's body were agitated, and his mechanical arm clenched and opened again excitedly. The five mechanical fingers tightened, and the mechanical muscles tensed up, accumulating full strength.

"A D-rank, can it really be this powerful?"

Bill stared at Baimang not far away, still expressing his disbelief.

suppress?is it possible?

(End of this chapter)

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