Chapter 181 Kill him


The little parrot jumped up, and the shielding curtain was closed in an instant, and soon a group of people gathered, the leader was Xia Chenfeng.

Seeing a family of relatives gather over, the expressions of these two people suddenly changed. Xia Xingxi watched coldly, feeling inexplicably relieved.

"I said, uncles and aunts, don't you forget what the second uncle said a few days ago?"

As soon as these words came out, all the relatives of the Xia family panicked, their eyes trembled, and they looked at each other, but none of them dared to speak.

However, Xia Xingxi was not easy to get along with, she put one hand on Lou Zhanxiao's shoulder, and turned to look at this group of grass-like relatives: "Why, don't you remember?"

The relatives panicked even more, and pushed Xia Chenfeng out. He was the one who took the lead last time, and this time he was also pushed out to settle the matter. Xia Chenfeng felt his head was going to explode. He looked left and right, and his eyes were on Xia Chen Guan and Lou Zhanxiao walked back and forth on their bodies.

It stands to reason that this person has divorced Xing Xing, but now how do you think the relationship between the two is good?If there was Lou Zhanxiao backing Xingxing, then he would never dare to offend Xia Xingxi again.

While thinking about it, Xia Chenguan's fury came from in front of him: "Xia Chenfeng, tell me after you think it over clearly, keep your mouth shut!"

Seeing Xia Chenfeng being threatened, Lou Zhanxiao squinted his eyes, pursed his thin lips lightly, not showing off his anger.

This is a person who has been on the battlefield, and the bloody smell bursting out is the sharpest knife in the world. The bone-piercing chill made everyone shiver. Lou Zhanxiao looked at Xia Xingxi with his clear eyes, and stretched out his long arms The man fished into his arms, rubbing the woman's delicate face with his callused fingertips, seemingly unintentionally said: "Xing Xing, who dares to bully you, kill him!"


Everyone's heart trembled.

If Xia Chenguan's words are enough to scare people, then Lou Zhanxiao's words are enough to scare people to death, it's not at the same level at all.

So Xia Chenfeng changed his words in a panic on the spot: "That's right, I said it, we all heard it, whoever loses today will give up the things in his hand, you all heard it, right?"

Xia Chenfeng didn't want to be the butt of a gun by himself, just turn around and everyone was dragged in. Everyone was startled, and then looked at the back of the man in front of him who was tall and straight, and nodded frantically on the spot: "Yes, yes, we I heard it all, it was Xia Chenguan who lost!!"


Xia Chen was trembling with contemplation, he didn't expect that this group of people would put himself together at this moment, and it was in front of Lou Zhanxiao!
And the relatives of the Xia family were about to cry too, that was all they could say in front of Lou Zhanxiao, and besides, it was the truth! !
In the panic, Lou Zhanxiao finally glanced over, his eyes sank in the shadow of the brim of his hat, and he glanced at Xia Chenguan indifferently, as if making decisions for Xia Xingxi: "I would like to bet and admit defeat."

Xia Chenguan gritted his teeth.

He didn't expect that Lou Zhanxiao would personally decide for Xia Xingxi, what's going on?
But even though Lou Zhanxiao was here, he still wanted to struggle: "What I said at the beginning was only the main store, Second Uncle can give it to you, but if you don't manage it well, I still have to take it back, understand!"

"Hey!" Xia Xing laughed angrily. It's really interesting. He obviously said everything, but now it's just a store, huh?

"Second brother, don't go too far, you're talking about everything, all the mecha chain stores of the Xia family in the entire Blue Star!!"

Xia Chenguan was furious immediately: "Brother, don't push yourself too hard!!"

(End of this chapter)

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