After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 189 How Are You Different From Those Good-looking Skins?

Chapter 189 How Are You Different From Those Good-looking Skins?

The man's voice was very soft, and what he said was like a sigh or a murmur, his soft lips brushed against the back of his hand, warm with a strange numbness, Xia Xingxi felt that half of his body was about to go numb.

Even Xia Xingxi couldn't stand being flattered by a handsome guy like this. She darkened her eyes, lowered her head slowly, and raised the man's handsome chin with her fingertips, forcing him to look up at her. This face looks more sexy, Xia Xingxi just stared into the man's eyes, his eyes were provocative, but his voice whispered softly: "I like your face, but unfortunately, there are many good-looking people in this world, Lieutenant Lou, Otherwise, let me see how you are different from those beautiful skins, huh?"

After finishing speaking, Xia Xingxi raised her lips and smiled, pinched the man's chin lightly, turned her head and left: "Then, Lieutenant Lou, see you at the beginning of school!"

She waved her hands and walked freely and freely, Yu went downstairs and Zhan Xiao stared at her back silently and deeply. After a while, he slowly sat down on the sofa. The place I touched, until now, is still glowing with fire-like heat.

How is it different from those nice skins?
The man lowered his gaze, after all, he still felt that Jiang Chenyi's routines didn't seem suitable for him, because it was too routine, wasn't it?
"Fuck! Why are you back!!"

Jiang Chen exclaimed in the communication: "I have found you the best hotel, but you didn't go, my God! Your level is too low!"

He felt that there must be some drama today, look at how perfect the atmosphere is during the day?If it was him, he would definitely be able to hit home plate at night. In the end, this guy really had a meal and came back, huh? ?

"I say……"

Before he could finish the rest of the sentence, Lou Zhanxiao hung up the communication impatiently, leaving only the corner of Jiang Chen's mouth twitching to look at the empty mid-air.

Grass, you blame Lao Tzu for not eating delicious food yourself, Lao Tzu really owes you! !

"Monroe, I've decided. I want to break up with Lou Zhanxiao. This single dog is really a dog. I tried my best to help him chase his wife, but he actually hung up on my communication! How heartless, how heartless!! !"

Zhinao condensed a masculine face, rolled his big eyes at Jiang Chen, and continued to complain: "If I were Lieutenant Lou, I would definitely burn incense and pray to Buddha to thank you!!"


He's so unpopular, huh? ?
Due to the popularity of the National Day activities, Xia Xingxi suddenly found that the number of fans in her live broadcast room had doubled, which made her jump out of the first few broadcast hosts and became the well-deserved No. 1 popularity.

And although I didn't start the live broadcast, many people left messages expressing that they wanted to take a look at Baimang, and said that the mech she made was invincible, and some people even went to give a reward when she was not there. Then the fan list changed again, as for the person named Bi Ying, who was pushed out of the list in minutes, and was never seen again.


"Hey, it's rare to meet such a congenial fan, Biying, you should have some fun!!"

It fell off the fan list in minutes, okay?

Please work harder, earn more money, and give more rewards, so that there is a reason to meet!
She hits it off with this Biying very much, and she wants to find a day to have a good chat. The screen name Biying must be a fan of Biying, and maybe she is a super royal lady~~
Hehe~~ It's so fun to have a date with Yujie~
(End of this chapter)

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