Chapter 196
Can, lack of ability? ?

It is especially ridiculous to say these words from Xia Xingxi's mouth. No one has ever questioned his Xia Chenguan's ability, and even the elder brother believes in his ability to willingly give the store to himself. He is not capable enough, ha, This is really the funniest joke in this era! !

"Sign it and sign it!" Xia Chenguan wrote on the spot: "Xia Xingxi, I can tell you that if you lose, your maintenance department and the main store will be mine, so don't run to your relatives and complain about your grievances." , this is all voluntary and voluntary on your own initiative! Don’t send me some boring things online, I’m willing to bet and admit defeat, understand!”

"You don't need my second uncle to teach you this, but you can learn a little more yourself, after all, it's not me who refuses to give it to the head office, but you!"

Xia Xingxi continued to sneer, Xia Chen was so angry that his nose was going to the sky, he signed directly in annoyance, and the general also directly turned on the scanning function, the moment the signing was completed, the monitoring platform was officially activated, and the gambling contract took effect immediately , deadline, before the end of the year! !

After writing the last stroke, Xia Chenguan threw the pen on the spot, and was not in the mood to watch the excitement here and ridicule his elder brother, but said angrily: "Then see you at the end of the year!"

At that time, he will bring people to directly kill the father and daughter, absolutely!
After Xia Chenguan finished speaking, he turned his head and left, Fiona hurriedly followed, yelling that he still wanted to send it off, saying that it was decent.

Xia Xingxi didn't care about this, but Xia Chen stared at Fiona's back thoughtfully: "Why do I think she is too kind to your second uncle?"

This is too kind, right?The best chairs and the best tea were all given to Xia Chenguan, and now it's so embarrassing, why do you want to give them away?
"Dad, you read that right."

The daughter's voice came faintly, Xia Chen was startled, and immediately looked over with rounded eyes: "Could it be that she is really..."

"Yes, but let's just pretend we don't know what to do. We don't have enough manpower. Let her help with some work. Don't let her get in touch with the core. Second uncle's people are useless."

After saying this, she directly handed over the betting contract to the general: "Hide it a little more secretly."

"Don't worry, miss!" As he spoke, the little parrot grabbed the contract and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

And soon Fiona came back. Facing this duplicitous woman, Xia Chenyou's face was a little stiff. I have a meeting with the staff."


Xia Chenyou turned her head and left, but Fiona stared at Xia Chenyou's hands, but she didn't see the shadow of the contract. She rolled her eyes, looked at Xia Xingxi and smiled, "Miss, what about the contract?" , for something so important, let me lock it in the safe."

Xia Xingxi also laughed, and praised repeatedly: "Fiona, you are really a good and careful employee. Everyone should learn from you, but you are a step too late. I have already handed over the safe to the financial lock."

As Xia Xingxi said, she narrowed her eyes slowly, and the corners of her mouth raised unconsciously. She saw Fiona's eyes light up, and then she smiled and said, "Okay, I'm still not as careful as you, Miss Xia. The living room is indeed the best place, and I should learn more from the eldest lady, isn't it a meeting? I'm going to call someone now!"

As Fiona left with a happy face, only Xia Xingxi stood at the door, looking at Fiona's back thoughtfully.

How to make good use of the chess pieces left by the second uncle?It's best to use her to cheat the second uncle to death, hehe~, just thinking about it makes me excited~
(End of this chapter)

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