Chapter 207 He Doesn't Want to Lose
## Bill lost! ##
There is not too much language, just four words are enough to make this post explode on These words even occupy a huge interface. mocking the incompetence of the former Federation No. [-]!
"Damn the noon bear light!"

Bill slammed his fist hard on the table, the mechanical arm exhausted all its strength, and the best metal table was smashed into a hole. Xia Xingxi watched the video of the entire game expressionlessly, and shrugged his shoulders calmly: " Your mechanical arm can only recover to [-]%, and you have been useless for so many years, not to mention that you can't keep up with your physical strength, and you will definitely have hands after so many years. In the exhibition match where you and Bai Mang jointly suppressed Biying, you are the only thing that is remarkable. The point is only a keen sixth sense, Bill, you just lost to yourself, not to him."

Xia Xingxi's words softened Bill's face slightly. He glanced at Xia Xingxi indifferently. Although he was arrogant, he still felt warm in his heart, and he snorted coldly for a while: "I don't need your comfort yet."

"Not consolation."

Xia Xingxi pointed at the light screen: "Yuzao's strength is not as good as yours in your heyday. You can avoid here, here and here, but no. In addition to training your physical strength, you also need to familiarize yourself with Victoria..."

"I don't have that time!" Bill gritted his teeth and stared at himself who was being crushed by Yuzao's front mecha in the light screen, and said coldly: "If you lose, you have to give the mecha to the opponent. I must guard my honor!"

"Then you will continue to lose, and then become the laughing stock of the entire Federation. In this way, you can make an appointment with Xiong Guang at noon, and say that you will bring a group of first-year school girls to fight in half a month, so that Yuzao can prepare."

"That's it?"

"Well, that's it, it's as simple as paying the mecha to the other party if you lose."

After speaking, Xia Xingxi stood up and said, "If you want to exercise, come to me."


Bill stared at Xia Xingxi's leaving back, and fell silent for a moment.

He didn't want to lose, and he didn't want to lose so embarrassingly!

Thinking of the man's gaze, one blue and one green pupil cast a cold edge.

At this moment, all the students in the school knew that Bill, the number one in the Federation, had lost to a mecha named Yuzaqian from some unknown planet or school on the Expedition Online, and there was a lot of discussion on the school's Internet.

Xia Yueer obviously also saw the news, but whether Bill wins or loses has nothing to do with her. What she has to do now is to create a perfect mecha, and then make more people, and try to help her father win back the mecha shop.

So her attention was diverted from Bill typing a few words, but directly aimed at the expedition network.

While others were discussing Bill's loss, she checked, and finally found that this website can choose the type of mecha she likes, virtualize a mecha battle, and enter real mecha data to participate in the battle. Virtual battles, and there is a mecha material sales platform on it, and even virtual mecha manufacturing, which is definitely good news for many mecha fans, because mecha materials are too expensive, and it is a waste to buy them as scrapped, but there are With a virtual platform, you don't have to worry about wasting money.

Xia Yueer happily registered an account on the spot. She decided to train herself on Yuanzheng Online, and then quietly surpassed Xia Xingxi when everyone was not paying attention, and regained her own glory!

Ha, is really a good thing!
(End of this chapter)

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