Chapter 210 I've Never Been So Shameful

The working mode of the two of them is also very simple. The general first scans out good parts, and then Xia Xingxi gives the order. Master Bill drives the modified Victoria to charge into battle and dismantle the mecha, and train his proficiency by the way.

So, for a whole night and two games, this gaudy-looking mecha named Cuihua dismantled two mechas in a row, each time dismantling the most expensive and best place, and pocketing it after dismantling it. People, provoked a burst of abuse from everyone.

"Damn! What is the origin of this Cuihua, so poor that he came to the underground arena to disassemble mechas?"

"Are you crazy? Why, learn from Baimang? Ren Baimang is a hot girl with big breasts, let's bear with it, you are not only a man but also called Cuihua, you are like someone else dismantling mechs? What are you!"

"And it's called Cuihua. A man wears tights like others, but it makes me sick..."

"Get out of the way!"

When Bill got off the mecha, his face was covered with rotten vegetables, leaves, and rotten eggs. Even though he couldn't see his face with a hood, Bill still felt ashamed. The clothes were shameful enough, and now he was being abused like this , This immediately made his face hidden under the hood almost flushed, and he trembled in embarrassment.

Xia Xingxi! !

I won't play with you anymore, absolutely! !
Bill returned to the VIP room angrily, and when he entered the door, he tore off his hood and threw it on the ground. He had never been so ashamed and lost his helmet. He was furious on the spot: "Xia Xingxi, you are too much, I have never been so ashamed!"

Xia Xingxi ate ice cream and stretched her legs in a very leisurely way: "Who are you missing, and no one knows you."

God, how about wearing a hood, who knows who you are?

"I quit! This is no exercise at all!!"

"NONO, young man, what do you think, you have aroused public outrage in tonight's battle, will the match starting tomorrow be easy?"

Xia Xingxi bit her spoon and smiled, but this smile always had a hint of malice, like a fox who was calculating how to swallow the fat prey. While smiling beautifully and harmlessly, it also brought out a frightening smile. deep throbbing.

"What do you mean?" Bill was extremely vigilant.

"Only when others are ruthless to start, you can improve yourself in the shortest time. Bill, tear it down, try hard, pick the most expensive one, until everyone hates you, you are not far from success."

Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes, and her pointed attitude carried a deep temptation like a devil, tempting Bill to go further and further down the crooked road of dismantling other people's mechs.

This once led to several years later, whenever Bill thought of this incident, he would grit his teeth at Xia Xingxi. What does it mean that success is not far away? Obviously Xia Xingxi used you to get mecha parts by any means! !

However, this is all for later. The current Bill has not thought of this, he only thought that Xia Xingxi was doing it for his own good, and went back to fight the third game on the spot. Become famous and become the most unpopular mecha ever in the Underworld.

So starting from this night, the mecha players in the entire underground arena have changed their slogans, no longer making money, getting rich, and picking up girls, but all of them have become a unified caliber.

That is……

Get rid of Cuihua and return my wool! ! !
The flames of hatred in everyone's hearts are blazing, and they swear that they will never be soft on Shang Cuihua, a shemale, absolutely!

(End of this chapter)

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