Chapter 217 The Priceless Treasure
what relationship?
It's just... It's a matter of shaving your head and picking your hair.

Lou Zhanxiao is a typical scapegoat. What happened to his own mother, but in the end Lou Zhanxiao took the blame. This guy doesn't know what happened. In the end, after three years of military service, his wife is gone. You Injustice or not? ?
As for the Yue'er who came out halfway, Lou Zhanxiao pretended that he didn't exist at all, but this was not the main problem. The main problem was that he and his little wife had never dated, never met, and had no feelings for him before marriage. Now he fell in love with her. I kissed my daughter-in-law, but the daughter-in-law didn't like me, and anyone would feel miserable about me.

But Lou Zhanxiao thinks it doesn't matter, his profession is born to be the type of person who gets more courageous when frustrated, since he has decided to be a different skin from others, then he has to take action.

So the next day, Lou Zhanxiao called people out early to teach alone, and the teaching was the same.

"What, you want to teach me how to drive a mecha??"

Xia Xingxi was stunned. She still needs someone to teach me how to drive a mech?
"I heard that you and Bill are going to participate in the two-on-two PK on You haven't been out of the house for three years of marriage. Don't hold back Bill. Victoria represents the honor of the First Army."

The man has a solemn expression, unbuttoning the tight uniform jacket one by one with his rough fingertips, revealing inch by inch the spotless white shirt inside, no matter whether it's the upright Adam's apple or the undulating collarbone, there is nothing wrong with this man's body. Not delicate, everything is sexy.

Xia Xingxi rolled her eyes, and suddenly smiled ambiguously, with a beautiful and dangerous expression: "Let me drive Biying?"

"Unless there are special circumstances, Biying won't activate it. It's a weapon, not a tool." Lou Zhanxiao's voice was cold and deep, with the dull and deep drunkenness, enough to get Xia Xingxi's ears drunk.

"Then you came here on the day of the founding of the country." Xia Xingxi groaned, looking like you were stingy.

Lou Zhanxiao was angry and liked this rascal's small appearance, angry at her rascal, and was deeply infatuated by her expression, he felt that he seemed to be very entangled at this moment, and he really recruited him Little wife, she doesn't even look like herself.

So he could only bend down, hold Xia Xingxi's obsessive cheeks, leaned over and stared, and warned him word by word in a voice that he thought was harsh but sounded gentle: "So I was punished later, Xing Xing, I went there for you on the founding day, if you need, your second uncle can disappear immediately, remember my words."

Lou Zhanxiao was punished because of himself?

Xia Xingxi blinked her eyes, the stern face that was so close at hand really became more and more attractive, she giggled, hooked her lotus arms around the man's neck, put her arms around the man's neck, and gave him a big hug.

"From then on, I will help you maintain your Biying for free!"

Don't worry, I will never let those who have paid for her Xia Xingxi suffer, and so will you, Lou Zhanxiao.

Obviously knowing that this is a very common sentence, but Lou Zhanxiao will still be overjoyed because of this hug, all the cells in his body seem to be activated at this moment, and even his heart can't restrain it from beating non-stop.

"Then, is this different from other skins?"

Lou Zhanxiao's voice became lower and lower, and he couldn't hear it unless he listened carefully. He mustered up the courage to ask, because he cherished the stars carefully, and the closer he was to her, the more careful he would be. .

Because, as Xing Xing said, this is a priceless treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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