Chapter 220 Instant Kill
When there is a battle, there are people watching it, not to mention it is still on The people who log in here are either quasi-military academies or reserve military academies, and they are all born to like to fight.

So a group of people stood in the spectator area, crazily cheering for J·Q Mary Sue. After all, this pink body looks like a girl, and even the name is so fresh and refined, she is definitely a beauty, and it is definitely not ordinary.

Xia Yue'er proudly enjoyed the cheers of the crowd, and she would not pay attention to this abuser of your family. She arrogantly drew out her weapon and was full of provocations. From the beginning of the battle, she tried her best to charge directly. Flash, before everyone realized what happened, the light screen was swiped by the huge KO characters, and everyone didn't even see what happened.

:So fast?Spike?

: Little sister J·Q is so handsome, kill her instantly!

: Hahahaha, abuse your family to be so good, walk away, the wheels of the battle will start, one person will take his turn once, and let this person know that the world is difficult and dangerous, and the name cannot be chosen casually!

Everyone couldn't stop laughing, the seckill or something is a joke on, this abuser of your family is probably not the weakest existence among the students in the entire Federation military school?
Everyone laughed, sharpened their knives and moved the cursor to the name of your family who abused you to prepare for the next direct challenge, killing this arrogant bastard two hundred times.

However, when the word KO disappeared, the pink figure left in the ring was stepped on by this gaudy mech, and as the winner, the four characters of abuse your whole family blessed the victory effect, and the arrogant golden light shone instantly, almost To blind everyone's dog eyes.

Everyone: ………

: What, what's going on?

: Winning turned out to be abusing your whole family? ?
: Miss J·Q lost?

: What the hell is a spike? ? ?

Everyone was shocked on the spot. This feeling was even more palpitating than being struck by lightning. However, the battle application that was clicked could not be revoked, or it would be useless even if it was revoked, because Xia Xingxi passed all the requests on the spot with one click. .

Grass! ! !
Everyone only had this word floating in their minds, and there was no other language. They had no choice but to be too shocked to form words.

Is this a human being?Ok?
Thus, the system defaults to the order of the initials. Those people who were planning to kill and abuse your family two hundred times at the beginning will instantly understand what anti-killing is.

The so-called anti-killing means that you want to kill the rookie, only to find that the rookie is a big boss, but you can't dodge it if you want to hide, and you are instantly killed on the spot by the boss who is extremely insulting.

As a result, the words KO, KO, KO kept flashing on the light screen, and more and more corpses abused your family at the feet, and finally piled up into a sea of ​​corpses. On the dead gray mecha corpses, there was only one bright The beautiful and gaudy mecha arrogantly stepped on the corpses on the ground, hooked his index finger provocatively at everyone, and shouted confidently: "Come here!!"


Crazy, to die in the past?
This time the whole audience was silent, completely speechless. These four words are enough to describe the atmosphere of the scene. The gangsters who were forced to move could not move and cried without tears. Cowardly.

Boom, I really want to cry.

But the one who wants to cry the most is Xia Yueer, obviously wanting to show off her strength in front of Senior Bill, who would have thought that this person who abused your family would be so brave, and would kill her instantly on the spot!

(End of this chapter)

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