Chapter 222 Do You Know Expedition Net?
Thinking of Xia Yueer, she brought Cao Miaomiao to meet her on the spot.

"Xingxing, what are you doing here?"

She greeted her with a smile, and in return Xia Xingxi glanced at her indifferently and said, "There are no rules, call me sister!"

Xia Yue'er immediately became even more angry. Just as she was about to explode, she saw Jonny's eyes staring at herself in displeasure, and said to Xia Xingxi, "Is she your cousin? So rude?"


Xia Yue'er bit her lips tightly, and in the end she could only call out in a very unhappy voice: "Cousin."

After shouting, she looked at Jonny and said deliberately: "Jonny, you must be optimistic about my cousin. I heard that she and Senior Bill climbed over the wall in the middle of the night a while ago, and the route she took was the same as the two of you. This person, There are always some who can't stand loneliness and like to cuckold others."

The yin and yang voice coupled with the proud and arrogant tone made Xia Yue'er unabashedly exuding her displeasure at the moment, and this also made Xia Xingxi look over with a sneer, staring at her with sarcasm: "Why, are you jealous? Ability If it doesn’t work, then don’t follow other people’s example and break up other people’s families, look, you can’t even wear a green hat, are you really a woman?”

"Xia Xingxi, what are you talking about!"

Xia Yue'er's nose turned crooked immediately, but what answered her was a slap from the wind.


The crisp slaps resounded through the night in an instant, Cao Miaomiao was dumbfounded, Xia Yue'er even turned her head to stare at Xia Xingxi while clutching her painfully painful cheeks, while the woman just sneered and swung her wrists, staring arrogantly at Xia Xingxi. She said word by word: "If my cousin doesn't know how to yell, I don't mind yelling when I hit you!"

"Why do you beat someone!" Cao Miaomiao finally came to her senses, and shouted angrily as she supported Xia Yue'er.

"I discipline our family, but you, an outsider, dare to interrupt?"

At this moment, Xia Xingxi was full of momentum, her indifferent voice and gloomy tone made Cao Miaomiao unable to utter a single word.

"Xia Yue'er, do you remember the rules? I'm older than you in the Xia family, so you just behave yourself, bow your head honestly and call me sister!"

This Xia Xingxi! !

She gritted her teeth and covered her face, staring at her with red eyes. She didn't take advantage of, and she was beaten by Xia Xingxi here, and this bitch brought out some old and other family rules, oh!

She spat hard in her heart, and looked at Jonny, but saw the young man staring at her expressionlessly, not only did not have the slightest bit of pity, but his eyes became more arrogant and ruthless.

It won't work if this continues, it will only make myself more and more passive!
Thinking of her biting her lip and looking at Xia Xingxi, she finally bowed her head in a proper manner and shouted: "Cousin..."


Xia Xingxi raised her lips arrogantly, that proud and superior attitude instantly made Xia Yue'er tremble with anger, bowing her head to no one would bring more shame to Xia Xingxi, no!
But in front of the son of O'Neill's family, she couldn't do anything, she could only bow her head in admiration, but secretly clenched her fists silently.

She would not die reconciled to just admitting defeat like this. Although she didn't know why Jonny would be so fond of Xia Xing, she knew very well that the O'Neill family was indifferent and arrogant and only recognized their strength. It's actually very simple to replace Xia Xingxi with his superior O'Neill family.

So Xia Yue'er lowered her eyes very calmly, her trembling eyelashes covered the calculation in her eyes, but she said slowly: "Cousin, do you know"

(End of this chapter)

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