Chapter 24 I like this arrogant tone
When mentioning Second Lieutenant Lou's Biying, there will inevitably be heated discussions. This time, the Interstellar Territory repelled the attacking star beasts, and Lou Second Lieutenant's Biying stole the limelight. You can find Biying killing on the interstellar network The blood-stained demeanor of Sifang really attracted a group of mecha fans and fans.

Later, according to expert analysis, everyone knew that because of Second Lieutenant Lou's outstanding personal ability, this biying was specially made for Second Lieutenant Lou. With Biying's 100% strength, no one else can.

This once made everyone's admiration for Second Lieutenant Lou peak, and even now many mechas have begun to imitate Biying, but unfortunately, both in appearance and performance, they are far worse.

"Well, Biying's appearance is still not as good as Rabbit's mecha, but I don't know if the performance of your mecha, Rabbit, can compare with that of Second Lieutenant Lou's Biying, but I still think it can't be compared. The mecha was made by the most famous mecha master in the interstellar world, you..."

Xia Xingxi glanced at the comments, and said lightly: "What are you talking about, can Biying evolve? Lao Tzu's mecha can evolve, who can compare with it in the interstellar world?"

The fans are all happy. After chasing this broadcaster for so long, apart from the perfect mecha, the most important thing is that they like his arrogant tone, which is cool and attractive.

: Rabbit 6666
: The rabbit is the strongest! !

: Mecha evolution, all star invincible!
A group of people were patting rainbow farts, Xia Xingxi ignored them, but someone directly offered a reward of [-] star coins, Xia Xingxi glanced at it, and the account was called Biying.

Tsk, I'm a Bi Movie fan again, but forget it, for the sake of money, I'll force you to stay and watch.

Thinking of her taking out the nervous system she just bought, the fans started scolding immediately.

: Why is there nothing?What about the awesome nervous system?

: That's right, Rabbit, are you a liar?
There is nothing under the transparent package, this is still a nervous system, who is ignorant?

"General, turn off the lights!"

The moment the lights were all turned off, what appeared in front of everyone was no longer nothing, but a super complete nervous system about five meters long with dense branches like the roots of a tree!

There seems to be an electric current passing through this system, and it keeps walking along the system, which is actually beautiful.

The fans were blown away, this is the first time they have seen the nervous system of the Star Beast, so it is like this! !

: This is not nerves, this is scenery!

: It’s so beautiful, I suddenly want to install this on my mecha too.

: I have inquired about it. The nervous system of star beasts is very expensive. Rabbit, it costs hundreds of millions, right?
Everyone was discussing, but in front of another holographic image, Lou Zhanxiao, who had been watching, suddenly shrank his eyes, staring at this nervous system.

Why did this thing flow out of the military department?This is one of the perfect nervous systems I brought back from the frontier. Someone secretly took it from the warehouse and sold it?

Biying: Where did you buy this and how much is it?

Xia Xingxi glanced at the screen, the lights had been turned on at this moment, and the perfect nervous system continued to disappear.

"In the material market, I found it. The boss doesn't know the goods, so he sold it to me for 8000 million."

: Why have I never encountered such a good thing!
: 8000 million, let me pick up a pair too! !
: This thing is very difficult to get, only the military can get it, and I heard that it is not sold to outsiders. I am afraid that this is not a black product, and it will be confiscated.

Xia Xingxi rolled her eyes: "Confiscated? Don't think about it, I added a self-destruct device to this system and confiscated it. Hehe, let's destroy it together!"


Lou Zhanxiao twitched his eyelids, but couldn't help laughing angrily for a long time. After following for three years, this broadcaster is indeed interesting.

(End of this chapter)

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