Chapter 244
Soon, the last day of the end of the year came quietly.

For Xia Chenguan and Xia Yueer, this day is definitely the day they are looking forward to the most. The two dressed up and went straight to the main store of the mecha shop, in order to ridicule Xia Chen's father and daughter in the first place. By the way, fulfill the agreement in the gambling contract, and easily include the repair shop and the mech shop.

So, the two got off the aircraft very arrogantly, and stood in front of Xia Chenyou and Xia Xingxi bragging about.

But this time Xia Yue'er was extremely well-behaved, even more well-behaved than ever before, she walked up to Xia Xingxi with a smile all over her face, and opened her mouth to call sweetly: "Cousin~~"

The cousin's voice directly yelled out Xia Xingxi's goosebumps. She looked indifferently from head to toe. Is this girl seriously ill?
"Oh, cousin, why do you look at her like that? I'm so embarrassed, cousin, why don't you let my dad treat you for dinner tonight? After all, you are relatively poor. We haven't gotten together for a long time. I miss my cousin so much!"

Xia Xingxi wanted to hit someone with such a greasy tone and fake attitude, she really couldn't be more fake.

"Don't, if you're watching the excitement, just say it, don't be so hypocritical!"

Nothing can be hidden from her eyes, not to mention Xia Yueer is so abnormal, the so-called abnormality must have a demon, Xia Yueer, are we really not good?

Hearing that Xia Yue'er stopped pretending, she laughed out loud on the spot, and Xia Chenguan also laughed with her daughter, that smug laughter seemed to have everything in her pocket.

Enough of the ridicule, Xia Chenguan deliberately said: "Xing Xing, I heard that you have set up a website yourself, but in the end you don't have a single mech. Oh, you have to starve to death. Otherwise, second uncle will help you?"

Tsk, these two people really came to see the fun, Xia Xingxi's expression turned colder, Xia Chenyou frowned, and said directly: "You are not welcome here, please leave!"

"Why should you be so indifferent when you are all brothers? Why are you so embarrassing to show it? Why don't we brothers be bothered?" He looked up at the light screen hanging in mid-air, and said excitedly: "Fiona, the website tuner come out!"

Let's see if he doesn't humiliate the father and daughter to death!

At this moment, Fiona stopped pretending and switched the line with a smile. The light screen that was originally playing the mecha video suddenly changed into the website of the main store designed by Xia Xingxi.

The website design is very beautiful, simple and elegant, very attractive, Xia Chenguan stood aside and commented: "Stars, there are artistic elements, this website is well done, wait for the second uncle to show your shop and the repair shop next door Get it back together, Second Uncle will have to hire you to modify the website for Second Uncle!"

Xia Chenguan's face was even more smug: "How about giving you a thousand star coins a month? Second uncle is very interesting, right?"

Hearing that Xia Xingxi laughed, one thousand star coins?What about sending beggars?The current salary starts at [-] star coins, what is [-] enough for?This Xia Chenguan is deliberately humiliating himself!
"Enough, second child, if you come to insult people, get out now!" Xia Chenyou couldn't bear it anymore, he couldn't see his daughter being humiliated like this.

"There's no humiliation. I'm planning for Xing Xing's future. At least one thousand a month will not starve to death. I'm a very kind second uncle."

As he said that, he deliberately looked at Xia Xingxi: "You mean it, Xing Xing?"

Kind?I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding of kindness?
Xia Xingxi sneered, and replied on the spot: "I said? What I said is about you, Second Uncle, who can't wait to send you to your door to seek death!"

(End of this chapter)

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