Chapter 247 What Is This Illusion?

This mecha is really ugly.

Its shape is so ugly that people can't describe it, just look at the color, it's gaudy and colorful, placed in a group of high-end and high-end mechs, it looks like a deformity, so ugly that people can't look directly at it.

So, it’s up to you, it’s disgusting to look at this look, absolutely no one will buy it!

"I choose this!"

I thought that the father and daughter could come up with something good, but it turned out that they didn't use all the rubbish to make up the number. Heh, fortunately, he is smart, so it was the most correct decision to choose by himself!
Seeing that he chose this one, Xia Xingxi twitched her eyelids, and looked at Xia Chenguan speechlessly: "Are you sure you choose this one?"

The shell of this thing was used by her on for Baimang, but now the shell is no longer Baimang, but the attributes are also excellent, the second uncle actually chose this, what kind of weird aesthetics?

Seeing that she was a little unhappy, Xia Chenguan was so happy that he died, it seems that he chose the right one, this one must not be sold, otherwise why did Xia Xingxi have such an expression?

"I'll choose this one, I'm sure!" Xia Chenguan swears, and even thinks that he has won, ha, I will never see this father and daughter again after tomorrow, very good, it is so good.

"Okay, let's do this."

Xia Xingxi was also a little helpless, but if she agreed, she agreed, so...

come on!

So she used the main store's website to log in to the mecha sale website, and uploaded the data and 5D scan of this mecha. Soon, next to Xia Yueer's mecha, there was a gaudy mecha with super hot eyes. , and the remarks are: Blue Star, the main store of Xia's Mech Chain Store.

There are two mechs, one is extremely beautiful, the other is extremely ugly, the other is light in color, and the other is dazzling, but they come from very similar merchants, one is Xia's Mecha Chain Store, and the other is the general manager of Xia's Mecha Chain Store. shop.

And because of the appearance of this mecha, the corner that no one cares about before suddenly became commotion.

: This mecha is really ugly.

: What kind of wonderful taste can make this kind of mecha?And what does it mean that there is an extra head office in this name?Is this one or two?
: It's so ugly, I felt like vomiting for the first time at a mecha sale.

Various voices of criticism sounded from all directions, and Xia Chenguan was about to burst into joy. If this mech could be sold, he would start commuting upside down from get off work in the future! !


"Ha, did you see that, nearly 3000 million! The investment was only over 1000 million, and the auction price was 3000 million. My Yue'er, you are a genius!"

The father and daughter hugged each other and laughed happily, not forgetting to glance at Xia Xingxi to show her uselessness and incompetence, but at this moment, a strange voice suddenly came from among those criticisms.

:what?Isn't this abusing your whole family?
: Hey, you really abused your whole family, and even pulled it out and sold it?I always thought this mecha was virtual, but it turned out to be a real thing!

: Let me look at the data, hey, it’s the data that abused your whole family, what the fuck is such a good mech willing to buy?Don't rob me, I want this mech! !

: Get out of the way, I was optimistic about this mecha during the two-on-two PK, it is absolutely awesome to be able to block the mecha in front of Yuzao, I want to buy it, you go in line behind!

After a while, a group of people crowded under the ugly mecha. Everyone fought hard to grab this mecha, and almost didn't fight.

Xia Chenguan in hi skin: ………

This is some kind of dog hallucination, huh? ?
(End of this chapter)

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