Chapter 249 Stop dreaming
Xia Xingxi became even more embarrassing. When it comes to the ability to hurt people, she is definitely the number one in the interstellar. Sure enough, Xia Yueer exploded, gnashing her teeth and furious: "Nonsense, Xia Xingxi, you still want to be a mecha with a logistics department? Don't dream, you Humiliate me today, I will not let you go, absolutely!"

After speaking, the man turned his head and ran away crying, really angry.

Looking at the back of her leaving, Xia Xingxi was even more speechless. She hasn't proved that she made this thing by herself, so why did she leave?
But it doesn't matter, after all Xia Yue'er is gone, Xia Chenguan is still there.

So she smiled and looked at Xia Chenguan: "Second Uncle, 2000 million in 90, let's settle it?"

"What, what?"

Xia Chenguan was stunned on the spot, and he couldn't help being angry: "Why should I give you so much money?"

"Hey, didn't you say it yourself? If you lose, you can give us the money for that mecha. Now your price has not been sold to the price of one of my mechas. Isn't it impossible to lose more thoroughly? Ok?"


Xia Chenguan was so angry that he couldn't speak immediately, he stared at Xia Xingxi with wide eyes, wishing he could stare her out of a hole.

"Huh, let's put this matter aside for now. Do you know why I came today? Today is the last day. It was agreed to fight for performance at the end of the year!"

After Xia Chenguan finished talking, he directly called out the performance of his best store and sent it directly to the light screen, so that everyone could see clearly the red numbers on it.

Xia Chenyou stared at the numbers above, and counted silently: ten million, one hundred million, one hundred million, one billion... one billion! !

Seeing this, he was immediately stunned. This is just the performance of a store, and it directly broke one billion?so much?Sure enough, Xia Chenguan is better at making money than himself. He can't make more than a billion a year doing mecha maintenance!
Xia Chen's face immediately turned pale, because his store had just opened up to now, yes, it was the extremely ugly mech that his daughter sold at the auction just now, even he didn't know What's so good, it can still be sold at a price of more than 7000 million yuan. It's really...

But no matter how high the price is, they have only sold more than 7000 million so far. Compared with the annual performance of more than one billion, it is really too far!
While thinking, Xia Chenguan's voice rose again: "Xingxing, if I remember correctly, you have only sold one unit so far, so what if it is more than 7000 million? So what if you win? Xingxing, we are fighting for Annual performance, if you lose, this store is mine, what more do you need 2000!"

Want money?What money do you want if you lose!All of this is his Xia Chen's view, absolutely! !

Hey, I'm really shameless.

Xia Xingxi was helpless, she glanced at the time, and said calmly: "It's four o'clock in the afternoon, and there are still eight hours before the end of today, Second Uncle, don't talk big so early."

eight hours?

Xia Chen looked at the time, frowned immediately, and said sinisterly: "Xingxing, we all close at six o'clock in the evening, and the time after closing is not counted. Whose mecha shop is open 24 hours, um ?”

Hearing that Xia Chenyou immediately tightened his face, but Xia Xingxi looked indifferent: "Okay, six o'clock is six o'clock, then there is no delay, Dad, let's start selling as soon as possible!"

open for sale?what to sell
Xia Chen was stunned immediately, there was not a single mecha in the store, all of them were in the repair shop, and the gate was closed and there were no customers, and the time was only two hours, not enough to advertise, what to do **** *Xia Chen was a bit shocked, but Xia Chenguan was about to split his arms with laughter: "Hahahahaha! Xing Xing, you don't even sell anything? Be more realistic in your dreams, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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