Chapter 259 You deserve this

Xia Chenyou couldn't help being moved by these words, yes, that's what he was thinking in his heart, he stood extremely firmly behind his father, staring at Lou Zhanxiao.

The man with a solemn and resolute face tightened his whole body. Although the status of the Xia family was not as high as that of the Lou family, he still stood there solemnly, facing the old man's questioning cold gaze, and said word by word: "Old man The lesson is right, I didn’t protect my wife well, how can a person who can’t even guard his home guard the Federation, but from now on, I have 300 years of life, and I will use this long time to guard Stars, even at the cost of their lives."

The man spoke very sincerely, and Xia Zhidong had only one reaction to this: "Hmph, anyone can say something, but the hard part is to do it."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at his eldest granddaughter: "Xing Xing, what do you think?"

"Me?" Xia Xingxi smiled. She is a ruthless person, born rebellious, and said with a smile on the spot: "Hey, the Federation is so big, and there are so many handsome guys, it's really hard to choose!"

"Hahahahaha!" Hearing this sentence, Xia Zhidong laughed loudly, and couldn't help saying, "It's worthy of being my granddaughter, Xia Zhidong, who can say such a thing, good, good!"

After laughing, he looked at Lou Zhanxiao: "This is what you should suffer, are you right?"

The man's eyes darkened, and he felt a little disappointed in his heart, but the old man also said, anyone can say what he said, but the hard part is to do it, so he nodded and said: "Yes, for the stars, everything is worth it."

"Okay, then you can leave, our family still has a lot to say."

A simple and straightforward expulsion order would make people feel ashamed if it is placed on anyone. After all, they were driven away by others, but Lou Zhanxiao didn't. .

The man walked in an unusually calm manner, with straight shoulders, a solemn narrow waist, and well-proportioned steps with long legs. This is indeed a very good man.

"Hmph, I heard he's going to be promoted to captain recently."

The old man was a little upset, and said coldly: "Sure enough, there are people in the court who are promoted quickly, and Lou Zhanxiao's future is limitless."

As he said that, he turned his head to look at his eldest granddaughter, and said with a serious face: "So, suppress him, bully him, watch him, so that he won't show you face when he becomes a high-ranking official in the future!"

Xia Chenyou: ...

After going on for a long time, Dad, aren't you reprimanding Lou Zhanxiao, are you training your future grandson-in-law? ?

Xia Xingxi was overjoyed, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, I never said I would marry him."

"Of course!" The old man said proudly, "If you meet someone better than him, then dump him and marry someone better. We Xingxing are so good that we have no shortage of fiancés. The one who should be nervous is Lou Zhanxiao, absolutely not. you!"

Xia Zhidong was terrified, who made his granddaughter so outstanding, ordinary people can't even reach the heels of the stars, absolutely!

"Chenyou, come with me. Dad has something to tell you. Your child is good at everything, but trusts people too easily. Come, dad will teach you the rules of life in this society."

Xia Chenyou: ...

It wasn't a good thing to hear, but he was very pleased that his father was standing in front of him very normally, so he could only bite the bullet and raise his legs to keep up.

When the surroundings became quiet, Xia Xingxi finally saw the two bodyguards he had assigned to his grandfather, Big Beard and Hai Ruisi.

The two of them are still in a dazed state, because they didn't realize until today that this old bastard pretending to be crazy doesn't seem to need their protection.

(End of this chapter)

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