Chapter 263 That Woman Is My Wife

I can't live my whole life without seeing Xingxing's family members. At present, Xia Zhidong and Xia Chenyou have a bad impression of him. He is probably the only son-in-law who is not welcomed by his in-laws.

Lou Zhanxiao's face was extremely ugly, seeing his appearance, Wen Xinhong couldn't help but walked over and said, "Zhan Xiao, mom is not happy to see you at all, what's wrong?"

Lou Zhanxiao raised his eyes to look at her, his dark eyes were not wrong, he lowered his eyelids after a while, and said lightly: "Mom, why do you have to find the best woman to be my wife? Instead of choosing the woman I like Be a wife."

Mentioning this, Wen Xinhong's expression changed, it was her son who asked this question, and she thought of that Xia Xingxi almost instantly.

How should I put it, after all, I misunderstood her and blamed that damned Xia Yueer. For three years, I had been whispering bad things about Xia Xingxi in her ears almost every day. Water droplets still wear stones, don't they?
"To be honest, I don't have Xia Yueer talking in my ears. In fact, I don't hate Xia Xingxi. At least she is beautiful, and her appearance is worthy of you. Mom agreed to her to come in at first, because she thought she Didn't you just come in because you're not bad, mom won't find someone who makes you unhappy to be your daughter-in-law, right?"

This is the truth. At the beginning, she also liked Xia Xingxi, but who knew that Xia Yue'er was talking nonsense every day for three years in a row. She was a human being, so naturally she was slowly influenced by it.

"But you still hurt her." Lou Zhanxiao frowned, and his tone became gloomy: "Why didn't you wait for me to come back before divorcing?"

Facing her son's questioning, Wen Xinhong had nothing to say, she could only lower her head and mutter: "Son, I'm sorry, it's my mother's fault..."

"Mom, that's enough, it's meaningless to say anything." The man stood up solemnly, put on his hat, and said coldly: "I will not return to this home until the stars come back. Before my wife, I will not take another look at any woman, if Xing Xing falls in love with someone else, you should be prepared for your son to be a bachelor for the rest of his life."

"Zhan Xiao!" Wen Xinhong was also in a hurry, what kind of nonsense is this kid talking about!
However, the man just looked down at her indifferently, his deep and dark eyes were extremely gloomy: "I never want the kind of marriage you have with your father in my life. I only treat one woman wholeheartedly, and that woman is my wife."

After saying this, Lou Zhanxiao turned his head and left, leaving indifferently.

In the room, Wen Xinhong sat alone on the sofa, tears welling up in his eyes.

Lou Zhennan, even if you get divorced, you bastard still lingers!It's all right now, my son has a shadow on his marriage, and he will be a monk in this life, a monk!
The more Wen Xinhong thought about it, the more angry he got, he picked up his smart brain and dialed a number that he hadn't contacted for a long time, but it still rang three times before getting through.


The man's voice was mellow and solemn, but before he could speak, Wen Xinhong could no longer hold back his curses.

"Lou Zhennan! If Zhan Xiao can't chase Xia Xingxi back, it's all your fault! It's all your fault if I did this! If it wasn't for getting angry with you, I wouldn't have to find some decent woman to stuff my son Because I am not convinced, because I told you when I left that I will take better care of my son than you, Lou Zhennan, all this is your fault!!"

(End of this chapter)

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