Chapter 273 Are you looking for death, lunatic
All of a sudden, the chaotic refuge became orderly. The mecha department and the maintenance department took out the materials in their own space folders and discussed quickly under the leadership of the seniors.

The battle outside was still going on, there were corpses of star beasts and seas of blood all over the place, it seemed that even the sky was dyed bloody, and it was a scene of tragedy.

Biying's blood-soaked shell turned crimson, and cracks spread along the blood, and it might shatter and be reimbursed every minute, but it still stood there unmoved.

The people from the investigation department turned around and roared: "Xia Xingxi, there is a crack in Biying's shell, what should the maintenance department say it won't last long!"

Everyone looked at Xia Xingxi in unison. At this moment, this beautiful woman became the only backbone of the shelter.

"How about the defense materials of the maintenance department!"

"The synthesis is successful immediately, and the damaged gate can be repaired immediately."

"Then start immediately, is there any communication department contact!"

The people in the communication department had an extremely ugly face: "We got in touch, but let's hold on for a while, I'm afraid Lieutenant Lou got the same order."

If you persist for a while, the large army must be restrained, so it cannot arrive in time.

Hearing this, many people turned their heads to look at Biying outside the door. This interstellar hero-like mech was like a bloody blade piercing the sky. A tragic tragedy.

"No matter how powerful Biying is, she can't support so many star beasts!"

"The Lieutenant Lou who has been able to stick to it until now is so handsome. If it were someone else, he would have died countless times, right?"

Biying is Biying, the number one hero of the Federation, with the aura of one enemy and one million men, it is enough to shock everyone, and it is also enough to make everyone cry.

"Is Lieutenant Lou still holding on?" I don't know who made a summary of this tragic, one-sided defense battle. At this moment, everyone's face is not very good.

But at this time, Xia Xingxi's brain flickered, and Jiang Chenyi forcibly hacked into her contact.

"Xia Xingxi, Xia Xingxi, can you hear me? I'm Jiang Chenyi!"

"Yes, Lieutenant, have you rushed over?"

Seeing that he finally got in touch, Jiang Chen was overjoyed: "I'll take a few people and set off from the side, and I'll be there soon. Hold on, where is Lou Zhanxiao? Is he still standing?"

Xia Xingxi raised her eyes, looked at Bi Ying's tall and straight figure, and saw the cracks creeping up on its hard shell.

One-on-one, there are still endless star beasts, because the opening of the space tear is here, that is the lair, where there can be a steady stream of star beasts, and the mechs are injured, and the mecha members are not comfortable. The system makes the mecha infinitely close to human skin, and the pain is enough to be directly transmitted to the driver from the outside, stimulating their nerves, as painful as if they were injured themselves!
"Well, stand."

Yes, standing, this person is like a rock, with black hair and black eyes, that is the blood and persistence unique to people of this race.

"Call him, hold on."

Jiang Chenyi's voice was trembling, in fact, he really wanted to say that as long as you kissed him, he would be able to hold on, but he couldn't say it now, so he didn't have the mood to joke.


The short communication ended, and the maintenance department was already repairing the gate, but Bi Ying outside had run out of ammunition and food, and the energy stones were almost exhausted, because there were too many star beasts.

And at this moment, the team around Jiang Chen also arrived within seconds, and took over the battle from their heroes.

"Where is the space smashing device brought, use it, smash this entrance!"

With an order, the team brought the most advanced equipment and pointed at the tearing space crack.

When the dazzling light hit, the mecha that protected everyone finally stopped moving. It stood there, even if the energy stones were exhausted and the lights were turned off, it did not fall down, just like the man who controlled it.

Xia Xingxi gritted her teeth, staring at the bloody wind rushing out of the door that was about to be closed.

"Xia Xingxi!"


Everyone around the door exploded. What is this woman going to do?Going out now, looking for death, lunatic, lunatic! !
(End of this chapter)

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