Chapter 282

Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes: "Accompany me at any time!"

Don't think she is afraid, she is not even afraid of star beasts, so what are you!
"Okay! Then come now! Directly go to, use the virtual mecha and the arena on it, Xia Xingxi, I have long disliked you, if I don't torture you, I won't be Xia Yueer!"

The anger accumulated for a long time finally erupted completely on this day, Xia Yue'er only felt happy all over her body, she had already started to imagine herself rubbing Xia Xingxi on the ground, this guy would definitely be under her fist Crying miserably, crying father and mother, repeatedly begging for mercy, ha, this scene is really happy just thinking about it.

Xia Yueer was very happy. Behind her, Cao Miaomiao and Li Wencheng were also whispering, no, they were blatantly expressing contempt.

"Is Xia Xingxi crazy, dare to challenge our Yueer one-on-one?"

"It must be. She, a member of the logistics department, wants to make an appointment with a member of the mecha department. I'm afraid she will come out to fight with a spoon?"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing to death. You came out with the spoon to fight or to cook. You must know that our Yue'er is also ranked very high in the middle class. Hey, if some people didn't use obscene The method has robbed us Yue'er of everything, and now the one who inherits the family business with strength, must be our Yue'er!"

"That's right, Yue'er's mecha is well made, and it has auctioned more than 2000 million star coins. She can also drive the mecha, and her ranking on is also good. As for some people, what do they know?"

The two of you talked to each other, praised Xia Yue'er as a colleague in the sky, and belittled Xia Xingxi to nothing.

It's a pity that they don't know that Xia Yueer can build mechas, but the most popular mecha master rabbit on the live broadcast website is Xia Xingxi. Xia Yueer has a good ranking on, but she abused her thousands of times and abused your family It's still Xia Xingxi, even if it's repairing Xia Yue'er, it's not good at all. This young lady has disliked dirty repairs since she was a child, and she doesn't want to go to the workshop at all. Compared with Xia Xingxi, the difference is simply cloud and mud, and the gap should not be too big.

It's a pity that Xia Yue'er doesn't know about these things, and everyone doesn't know. Xia Yue'er only knows who abused your family, but she doesn't know who the mecha crew behind the scenes is. I'm still thinking that Xia Xingxi must have never touched a mecha. It was because he was pressed to the ground and rubbed against the ground.

As a result, Xia Yue'er became more confident. She held her head high and pointed at Xia Xingxi from the air, and said arrogantly: "If you lose, go and tell grandpa, you are not capable of inheriting the family business!"

She is the young lady who was raised as an heir, Xia Xingxi, what exactly do you deserve, face?
Hearing this, Xia Xingxi also laughed, she didn't know exactly where Xia Yue'er got her such strong self-confidence, maybe some people are born with overwhelming self-confidence.

So she said slowly: "Okay, this is nothing, but if you lose, you will not only have to apologize to my dad, but also tell everyone in the Xia family that you voluntarily give up everything in the Xia family."

It's such a time, Xia Yueer is still thinking about the Xia family's family business, girl, wake up, it's really impossible, in the interstellar world where the average life expectancy is 200 years, her father, who is in his prime, can still live again Having ruled the family business for more than [-] years, maybe a few more heirs will be created by then, and it will never be your turn.

So, let her, Xia Xingxi, crush your unrealistic dream.

(End of this chapter)

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