Chapter 285 Don't even want to live
The meal was enjoyed happily, and at the end of the meal, everyone also received a notification from the old man. This was the first time that Xia Zhidong sent such a grand personal message after he returned to normal.

And the content is almost the same for everyone. In order to celebrate the old man's recovery, the Xia family will hold a three-day celebration, inviting all family members to the family's villa.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned. The old man chose to hold a three-day banquet to celebrate at this time, probably not simply to celebrate his complete recovery.

"This is to announce Xia Chen's identity."

"Yeah, it has to be announced in an official form, so it's official."

"Yue'er, don't worry, we will know what to do when the time comes."

While everyone echoed, they turned and left. Xia Chenfeng left calmly, frowning as he stared at the old man's post.

Will the old man really put the treasure on Xia Yue'er?Why does he think it's impossible? Even with the help of the Sheng family, Xing Xing is also very good, really no worse than Yue'er.

Forget it, it's better to wait and see what happens when the time comes. In short, other people can be brainwashed by a few words, but he will definitely not do such a stupid thing that doesn't care about his brain.

For a while, everyone left with their own thoughts, and on the other hand, Xia Chenyou was also brought in front of Biying.

Just looking at the huge mecha will make people feel terrified. This mecha, which has experienced countless killings, has its own bloody aura, which makes ordinary people feel scared even when they get close.

Xia Chen turned pale. After all, he had never been to a battlefield, so he was frightened on the spot.

The receptionist couldn't help frowning seeing him like this: "Xia Chenyou, if you mess it up, you, your daughter, and everyone in the Xia family will not even think about living!"

Xia Chen swallowed with difficulty, nodded hastily, he subconsciously turned his head to look, and across a glass door, his daughter Xia Xingxi gave him a thumbs up, her eyes full of encouragement.

Dad, you just have to give me your hand.

These words were still circling in his mind, Xia Chenyou took a deep breath, and finally walked into Biying to prepare for Wei Xiu.

Seeing that her father had stabilized her mind, Xia Xingxi turned her head and went to the bathroom. The door of the cubicle was closed, the grand prize invaded the system, broke through layers of defense systems, and finally connected to Xia Chen's brain.

"Miss, the connection is successful, you can act at any time."

The moment the light screen appeared, what Xia Xingxi saw was what Xia Chen saw. The huge mech was covered with large and small cracks. Xia Xingxi didn't even think that she would come to repair Biying.

Thinking of what a certain man said, she frowned again, thinking in her mouth: It's really not that easy to die...

"Miss, what did you say?"

"Nothing, let's get started."

Xia Xingxi was concentrating on it, and on the other side, some hands of Xia Chen also moved.

To be honest, he was shocked when he saw the dense wiring inside Biying. This is definitely not the level of technology that a D-level mecha can achieve. His daughter, Xia Xingxi, was able to handle every wire proficiently, debug every tiny chip, and everything was under her control, proceeding in an orderly, rigorous and meticulous manner.

In the central control room, the people in the military department were nervously staring at Xia Chenyou's every move, and even his actions were all recorded. A group of maintenance technicians gathered around the central control room to watch. Jiang Chen frowned and asked, "Why?" Like? He cultivated right?”

Several people watched carefully for a long time, and looked at each other for a long time, with weird eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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