Chapter 287
Just, it's outrageous...

Many people felt that they must be hallucinating. Everyone looked up at the light screen behind them. Professor Sai Wen actually cried. He was over 100 years old, and he cried like a fool.

"Teacher? Dr. Seven's teacher? A genius from the empire next door? Isn't that a woman?"

"And the old lady is more than 200 years old by visual inspection, this Xia Chen is at most 50 years old, right? Isn't it a little bit worse?"

"This is because the mecha was destroyed, so Dr. Seven is crazy?"

If not crazy, why on earth can a normal person be forced to say such crazy things?

The people in the central control room couldn't help discussing in low voices, but Jiang Chen turned his head to look at Sai Wen, and didn't ask anything, only asked a sharp question: "Can it be repaired!"

"Yes!" Sai Wen wiped his tears in front of the camera, and when he saw Xia Chenyou's face clearly, he froze on the spot.

"Hey, who is this man?"

Everyone: "..."

Intermittent Alzheimer's disease?Otherwise, why did you suddenly forget the person in front of you?

But Sai Wen really didn't know this man, and he didn't even see why after watching it for a long time, but this man's maintenance method was exactly the same as the teacher's. He even knew many maintenance concepts that outsiders didn't understand. This man must have something in common with the teacher. Great relationship!
Thinking of the disappearance of the teacher in the empire a few years ago, he felt uneasy. Finding a way to find the teacher is the most important thing now.

"Jiang Chenyi, detain him, don't let him leave until I reach Blue Star!"

As the light screen was turned off in a hurry, they didn't know what Dr. Severn was doing in such a hurry, and everyone was even more confused, but Professor Severn said it was OK, obviously this Xia Chenyou was really capable.

So no one appreciates this matter. As for detaining Xia Chenyou, it is impossible. After all, there is no need to detain him. Xia Chenyou is from Blue Star, and his assets and family are all in Blue Star. He can go to where?You can't fly to Blue Star without detaining people.

So Jiang Chen simply remained calm.

And the maintenance of the mecha can't be repaired in a day or two, and the days passed day by day, and soon it was time for Xia Zhidong to entertain everyone in the Xia family.

The news was sent out, and the relatives of the branch were well dressed and came early, and the first thing they said was to congratulate the old man on his recovery, and be blessed like the East China Sea.

The corner of Xia Zhidong's mouth was smiling, the old man was as majestic as ever, holding a cane in one hand, his old eyes shot a sharp cold light, behind him stood a strong and powerful bodyguard, full of intimidation, no matter how you look at it, he still looks as strong as before look.

Seeing the hale and hearty old man, these relatives were instantly dumbfounded, and couldn't help whispering together.

"Why does the old man look more energetic than before?"

"I'm afraid this spiritual head can live another 500 years!"

"You've watched too many TV shows!"

"But the old man's aura really hasn't diminished in the slightest!"

While muttering, the butler outside reported: "Ms. Sheng Zilin, Miss Xia Yueer, come!"

As soon as they heard that these two people had arrived, the relatives of the Xia family became emotional and turned their heads to look at each other. However, Xia Zhidong, who was in charge, lowered his eyes and looked at the door solemnly.

The Sheng family is not considered a wealthy family in the capital star, but they are foreign monks in the blue star, and they are highly sought after. Today, Sheng Zilin is dressed in the latest capital star costume, which really surprised many people.

Xia Yue'er was even more glamorous and extremely high-profile, but Xia Zhidong had only one reaction to the arrival of these two people.

Really dare to come.

(End of this chapter)

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