Chapter 302 Really, Being Abused So Miserably
Xia Yue'er was so embarrassed that she was about to collapse, she wished she could dig out a three-bedroom and one living room with her toes to hide.

However, the eyes of the people around became more and more blatant, and everyone felt that Xia Yue'er seemed a little weak.

In the silence, someone sent a message on the public screen of the arena.

Bill: You abused your whole family, why did you go to abuse J·Q again?How many times have you killed her? You have killed her and left the novice field to wander in the intermediate field. Are you addicted to killing her?

Tamazamae: Abusing your whole family, what's the point of killing her all the time, it's not challenging to be KO'd by your rubbish for a quarter of a second, let's PK, okay?
Xiong Guang at noon: abuse your family, this kind of garbage is worth killing three times, come to the training room of the Fourth Army, let's learn from each other!

After the three paragraphs were sent out, everyone was completely silent.

This isn't the first fucking PK, is this the painful experience of being abused countless times?Just like this, you still dare to provoke Xia Xingxi, Yue'er, have you been kicked in the head by a donkey?

Everyone's expressions changed from stunned to shocked, and some even couldn't help whispering on the spot.

"Is it possible that this is a scam aimed at us from the beginning to the end!"

"It's possible that Xia Xingxi and Xia Yue'er teamed up to find out the idiots in the family."

"It's over, we've all been fooled by Yue'er, the two sisters really look alike!"

A group of people pretended to be stunned. These words were not to expose the facts, but to piss Xia Yueer off.

are you crazy?
Who would team up with Xia Xingxi to cheat you and lie to her, and now you tell her this, you are insulting my sister, the biggest insult! !
Xia Yue'er just collapsed, she felt that her brain was blown to pieces, her whole brain was buzzing, her eyes turned black and angry.

So the upright little body swayed under the eyes of everyone, and fell to the ground with a slap, and then Sheng Zilin screamed: "Yue'er!!"

"Hurry up, send it to the hospital!!"

Sheng Zilin couldn't figure it out, what happened to her daughter, why did she let Xia Xingxi, could it be that the two really teamed up, it couldn't be possible, why didn't she tell herself that they really teamed up?

Amidst the screams, everyone hurriedly lifted him up and walked out.

"Hey, it's really like that. If you faint, you can get rid of it, but we were confessed by her. It's really..."

"In the future, Xing Xing's subordinates will be difficult to mess with, but Yue'er has a good character."

"That's right, Yue'er is really dark, she cheated without discussion!"

The fainted Xia Yue'er shed tears of grievance, but she couldn't hold back her breath. Before reaching the door, she passed out with anger, and Sheng Zilin collapsed and screamed in fright.

"Yue'er, Yue'er, hold on, Yue'er!!"


The old man couldn't hold back, is this all right? ?There's really no one left in this ending. By the way, Yue'er, you're really unlucky. Why did you have to face such a wonderful opponent as Xia Xingxi?

After a long time, the two of them had already sparred on the Internet, and the stars won each time, but neither of them knew who the other was. Now it’s all right, the vest was exposed as soon as they met, the confrontation between SM, the result is still useless look?

Naturally, Xing Xing cut his sword straight away, killing not a single piece of armor left behind.

But what's even more funny is that the sloppy relatives of the Xia family thought it was Xia Yueer and Xia Xingxi who joined forces to trick them, in order to catch those who were not firm in their positions. Now it's all right, everyone starts to hate Xia Yueer, Xia Yue The children betrayed their relatives without knowing what was going on. It was really, really miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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