Chapter 304

Seeing Xia Xingxi's leaving back, the old man fell into complete silence, his mood was mixed for a while, he didn't know what to say, he was dying, this eldest granddaughter didn't want to inherit the family business, but what about the stars and the sea?
"Hmph, sooner or later you will get out of trouble!"

Is the sea of ​​stars so easy to roam?Child, when you drown in the sea of ​​stars, you will know how sweet it is to stay at home.

"Master, Miss Sun doesn't seem to want to inherit the family business." The housekeeper was cautious.

Xia Zhidong snorted coldly: "It doesn't matter, she will turn around when she touches her head and bleeds. Lou Zhanxiao can get everything now, except for his excellent personal ability and because he has an awesome father. Stars have nothing. Very Soon she will realize the reality and come back."

So, don't worry, he waited, waiting for his granddaughter to come back.

Soon, the school holidays were over, and because there were still final exams to be taken, students returned to school one after another.

Xia Xingxi was relaxed, the scumbags were beaten, and the family business was stabilized. Baimang was upgraded from D to C. Although it still needs to be repaired, it's nothing to worry about.

Early in the morning, two tall figures stood at the school gate, Lou Zhanxiao and Jiang Chenyi were checking the students' attire, followed by Bill and others.

Seeing Lieutenant Lou appearing there intact, many students were very excited and ran to him and said, "Lieutenant Lou, thank you for saving me, I will definitely be like you in the future!"

"Me too."

"Yeah." The man nodded indifferently, his indifferent and handsome face showed no superfluous expression, obviously he had a poker face, but his favorability in the hearts of the students still skyrocketed.

While talking, Xia Xingxi came to the school gate slowly, and the man's clear gaze fell on her, making her a little more gentle.

"Xing Xing, thank you for finally dragging me out of the mech."

At the last moment, he didn't even have the strength to get out of the mech. It was Xing Xing who pried open the cockpit and pulled himself out. Others didn't know, but he understood how happy he was when he saw Xing Xing's face.

"It's nothing, your mother saved my father, it should be."

Everything sounded so natural, the man's gaze became more and more settled, and there were indescribable emotions floating in his heart.

"Tsk, some people are so indifferent!" Jiang Chenyi was on the sidelines: "Lou Zhanxiao is going to be punished again because of you, and he left the front line without permission to go back to save some people, but some people still acted like they didn't care. It's really sad, Lou Zhanxiao didn't take him to see him when he was injured..."

"Enough!" Lou Zhanxiao directly interrupted Jiang Chenyi's words, his deep eyes became a little colder: "The stars are here. I know."

"Hey, don't look at her anymore, you are in a coma, how could you know."

"I just know, don't let me hear you speak ill of Xingxing in front of me in the future."

After finishing speaking, he pulled Xia Xingxi and walked straight to the school: "Xing Xing, come with me."

Looking up, I could see the tall and straight shoulders of the man. His back was thick and resolute, standing in front of him like a guardian.

Surrounded by students, everyone thought that Xia Xingxi had made some mistake again, no one knew how much Lou Zhanxiao liked this person.

The slender wrist was held tightly by him, and he didn't want to let go in his life.

(End of this chapter)

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