Chapter 306 Hit her?you are still young
How can Lou Zhanxiao resist this kind of temptation, the person he likes is soft in his arms, whispering softly, any normal man can't stand it, right?

He immediately put his arms around him, stood up and closed the curtains with a blank expression on his face, even though he saw Xia Yueer when he turned around, he still ignored the person with a blank expression on the spot, and closed the curtains straight away, completely isolating everything in the room.

Xia Yue'er collapsed on the spot. The person she coveted for so long actually cut off all her thoughts in this way. Now it's all over, she really has nothing left! !
"Yue'er, why are you still here?" Cao Miaomiao approached, saw Xia Yueer who was stiff all over, and said anxiously, "Go back to the classroom, I have something to announce, about the final exam!"

End of term?

Xia Yue'er was a little dazed for a while, she had no fighting spirit after being abused by Xia Xingxi, and now she has no fighting spirit at all, abuse of your family is her biggest shadow, but this shadow was given to her by Xia Xingxi, damn it.

However, at this moment, the whole school is notifying one thing.

"The final exam is coming soon, but our school is now severely damaged, and the examination room for the final exam cannot be used, so the school decided to go to the nearby Titan star to take the final exam. Everything is confidential and we must not contact our family."

The students were stunned. The environment of Titan Star was very similar to Blue Star, and because there were no traces of human habitation, the planet still maintained an undeveloped and original appearance. Because it resembled the legendary world, it was hailed as Titan Star.

Now, where are they going to finish the rest of their courses?

So the students began to pack up the pitifully few salutes. After all, most of the things are in the space folder, so the loss is not big.

Soon, the students came to the dedicated airport and waited for departure.

On the other side, Jiang Chenyi hastily pushed open the door of Lou Zhanxiao's office.

"Why haven't you moved yet? Everyone has gathered at the airport, you..."

Jiang Chenyi's voice stopped abruptly, because there was another person in Lou Zhanxiao's office, and that person was Xia Xingxi. The two seemed to be discussing something, with serious faces.

"What are you two doing?"

Xia Xingxi glanced at Jiang Chenyi lazily, then looked away arrogantly, and saw a cross with blue veins exploded on Jiang Chenyi's head, this girl never put herself in the eye!
"No rush, we'll leave later."

Lou Zhanxiao stood up, his tone indifferent.

Jiang Chen roared: "Why, do you want to ignore discipline just to go with Xia Xingxi alone?"

"When Xia Chen arrives, the maintenance engineer from the military department has not arrived yet, so I can only take him with me first, just in case."

No wonder the two of them looked serious. They were discussing this issue.

Thinking of Jiang Chenyi simply sitting on the sofa, deliberately staring at Xia Xingxi, and snorted coldly: "Little girl, you are much worse than your father, just look at your father's craftsmanship, such high-end goods as Biying can handle it all." That's right, as your own daughter, when will you reach your father's level, huh?"

Jiang Chen's eyes were full of disdain, so he couldn't figure out what exactly Lou Zhanxiao liked about Xia Xingxi. Although she was beautiful, she couldn't do anything, and she was a cold-blooded little witch. What was so rare about her?
Xia Xingxi was delighted to hear that Biying was cultivated by her, my dear, but I can't tell you anything.

So she stared at Jiang Chenyi with a smile, imitating his disdainful tone and replied lightly: "I heard that Lieutenant Lou is ten years younger than you and now he is already a lieutenant. When will you, a second lieutenant, reach the level of others, eh?"

Hit her?You are still young!
(End of this chapter)

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