Chapter 312
Martha's eyes turned red, and she stared at Xia Xingxi. This slap was to support her. It reminded her of the time when she was with Xingxing in the arena below. Now she just wants to break free and rush up to beat up Sheng Jiaxian. Dun, she is protecting the star, no one can touch her!
Of course, Sheng Jiaxian was really angry.

He never thought that this woman from the logistics department could rush out and slap him in the face of a one-on-three disadvantage. He shook his fingers angrily and cursed: "I think you want to die in the simulation cabin today, why don't you give me a hand?" let me try!"

Dare to hit him, although Yue'er overestimated Xia Xingxi, but at least one thing is right, that is, this woman is really courageous, plucking hair from the tiger's head, let her pay for her arrogance today!

After talking, a few people rushed over, Li Xiaochen saw that Xia Xingxi was still standing there stupidly, and immediately stretched out his only arm that could move, grabbed the corner of Xia Xingxi's clothes and dragged him back half a step, And it was this half step that caused Xia Xingxing to open Sheng Jiaxian's fist more directly. Similarly, Xia Xingxi's own fist also missed. She couldn't help but clicked her tongue, and just wanted to lower her head to teach Li Xiaochen that she would be fine, so she turned around The situation suddenly changed at this moment.

People from the Blue Star Reserve Military Academy suddenly appeared.

That is to say, in the blink of an eye, a group of people appeared from all directions, I don't know where they came from, and I don't even know how these people know where they are. In short, the situation is still one-sided It changed in an instant, and Sheng Jiaxian and the three were surrounded by a group of people from the Blue Star Preparatory Military Academy. Jonny even pulled Xia Xingxi aside, so angry that the beautiful boy couldn't help but scold him.

"Xia Xingxi, you lunatic, won't you call us if you have something to do? You're a logistician who resists a ghost!!"

"Yes, there are seniors here, what are you afraid of?"

Guo Wanjia grinned, and Xia Xingxi saw clearly now that the logistics department also came, as well as the command department, the individual department, etc. There were quite a few people who came, but most of them were seniors, and they surrounded Sheng Jiaxian and others in minutes In the middle, if you say it was a [-]v[-] just now, it has become a gang fight in a matter of minutes, and it is still the kind of outnumbered and outnumbered.

Sheng Jiaxian's brain exploded at that time, and he screamed: "Xia Xingxi, you're kidding me!!"

Otherwise, why there were so many people suddenly, Xia Xingxi must have deliberately provoked him and then secretly called someone! !

These words made Xia Xingxi happy: "Don't, I can torture you to death myself, why should I play you?"

"Then why are there so many people here, someone must have called for someone!"

"I called!" Li Xiaochen, who was rescued, rubbed his aching wrist: "Seniors, they did it first. They first controlled Martha and me, and then bullied our school's logistics department three-on-one."

This, is a bit too cheap, there are obviously three people on both sides, but you still have to control the two strongest people to pick the softest persimmon to kill, this Sheng Jiaxian will never let him go!

"Fuck him, our Blue Star is not something other planets can bully!"

"That's right, what about Capital Star, beat us up like those who bully us!"

After finishing speaking, we started to fight here. A group of people surrounded and beat three people, which was no different from sprinkling water. In an instant, screams broke out, and Martha even grabbed Xia Xingxi's hand: "Xing Xing, don't be so impulsive next time, everything Hand it over to the command department, Xiaochen is getting more and more intelligent now, definitely stronger than you alone, silly boy, you can't beat them balabala..."


(End of this chapter)

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