After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 314 Before talking about the big chapter, weigh yourself a little bit 2

Chapter 314 Before you talk big, weigh yourself
The atmosphere at the scene was as cold as hell, and people on both sides were at a stalemate. After all, the teachers on both sides were not convinced by each other. In the end, Lou Zhanxiao came and only left one sentence on the spot.

"Nuoya, check the monitoring, whoever chooses the matter will be responsible!"

It was fair to both sides, but when the surveillance came out, Myron was dumbfounded. In the video, it was obviously his own people who made the first move.

"Sheng Jiaxian!!"

Myron gritted his teeth and called out this name, Sheng Jiaxian shivered for a moment, thinking that he would not be able to find out if he hid in the crowd, but who would have thought that Nuoya, a well-known intellectual brain in the Federation, would appear here, and even called out the original video.

Seeing this, Xia Xingxi blinked her eyes. If she doesn't stand up now, when will she stand up? This is obviously the time when she has the most advantage!

So she stood up on the spot and said: "Yes, he was the one who moved first, and he grabbed my two classmates when he came up."

Martha and Li Xiaochen looked at each other, and then stood up to accuse Sheng Jiaxian.

"He even slapped me!"

"He humiliated us!"

A few people said something to each other, and Myron couldn't lift his head when he said it. He always thought that Blue Star was picking things up, but who knew that it was his own people picking things up, and one commander and two individual soldiers confronted him. A command of a single soldier plus a logistics, but also to use insidious means! !

The three of you are more than enough to beat up the three on the opposite side!After all, there is a logistics department on the opposite side that is holding back! !
Myron shook his eyelids, it wasn't that he didn't look down on him, it was that the logistics department was really stretching his hips.

For such a good school as the Capital Reserve Military Academy, the logistics department is full of rubbish, not to mention the remote Blue Star Reserve Military Academy. Myron felt very ashamed and scolded him when he turned around.

"Sheng Jiaxian! A mere logistics department is worth your hard work. Is this three vs. three? This is three vs. two. You are simply disgracing our capital star!!"

Myron yelled loudly, but he didn't mention the fact that the people from Capital Star deliberately bullied others. Instead, he felt that they were ashamed, which made the students of the Blue Star Preparatory Military Academy frowned and whispered.

"Are all the people in the Capital Star so ruthless?"

"What do you mean by that? Why does it make me feel so uncomfortable?"

"Isn't it good to apologize?"

The students muttered in a low voice, and Bill and the others looked unhappy, and Lou Zhanxiao said calmly among the crowd: "I think his method is safer."

The man's dark and gloomy eyes looked over from under the brim of the hat, and there was a dark and deep color inside.

"After all, the logistics department, you may not be able to fight!"

These words were sonorous and forceful, and instantly excited the children of the Blue Star Preparatory Military Academy. They stared at the students opposite them with rounded eyes, and Myron's face sank in an instant.

Capital Star exploded.

"What do you mean you can't beat the logistics department?"

The students were chattering, but Myron had to hold back his anger, because the person who spoke was Lou Zhanxiao, who was well-known throughout the federation, and if the words did not come from Lou Zhanxiao's mouth, he would spray that person to death .

Emon was laughing. As the instructor of the Command Department of the Blue Star Reserve Military Academy, he now wants to give Lou Zhanxiao 120 likes!
"It's okay, we'll know soon, whether we're going to pass the logistics department or not!" Myron gritted his teeth: "However, I still hope that you can pass tomorrow's assessment first!"

Before you talk big, you have to weigh yourself first!
(End of this chapter)

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