Chapter 324 What the hell is this for?

Xia Xingxi smiled, rubbed the general's head, and put the little parrot into his arms: "Don't worry about them, let's hunt first."

I'm here to participate in the individual competition today, and I don't have time to deal with these little guys, and the requirements of the competition are also very simple, whoever hunts the bigger and stronger prey will have a higher ranking.

Xia Xingxi recalled that the species of Titan Star were basically the same as Blue Star, only bigger, and because of the oxygen-rich environment, there were things that Blue Star didn't have, some dinosaurs.

Dinosaurs should be the biggest and most powerful thing on Titan.

Xia Xingxi narrowed her eyes, and immediately began to search for patterns. She continued to shuttle back and forth in the rainforest, and disturbed the giant python coiled on a tree branch to rest. At that time, the figure had disappeared again, the giant python shook its head, and finally retracted slowly, waiting for the remaining prey that passed by.

Xia Xingxi shuttled through the rainforest so quickly, stepped over the giant python's head, stepped on the giant centipede's back, and let the giant vein fly around her head, waving its sharp mouth device.

Ordinary people would have been scared to death long ago, or simply found a cover to hide. Xia Xingxi quickly shuttled through the jungle as if she hadn't seen these things.

In the control rooms of several schools, everyone was observing the situation of the students in their own schools. Xia Xingxi's performance was the most outstanding, and she was favored by many people.

"This student is very good, so flexible must be from the individual department."

The mentors of Capital Star couldn't help nodding their heads frequently, but the mentors of Blue Star couldn't help but twitch their eyelids, individual soldiers?Oh, yes, that's fine.

"Why don't you talk?" Capital Star's mentor looked at Blue Star's mentor: "Which department is she from?"

Everyone fell silent for a moment, and they didn't have the face to answer. Only Chen Anzhou, the head of the logistics department, said with a very long face: "Oh, she, we are in the logistics department, that's all."


The eyelids of the capital star also twitched. No wonder the blue star mentors all had such strange expressions when they asked just now. It was because of this, the logistics department...

Huh, when they didn't ask anything.

So everyone was silent, and they stopped looking at Xia Xingxi. After all, no matter how good he was, he was just a doll in the logistics department, with no future or future.

Everyone stopped paying attention, but Xia Xingxi still occupied a light screen, because someone was watching all the time, and that was Lou Zhanxiao.

"Aren't your daughter-in-law tired from running back and forth? What is she doing?"

Jiang Chen was dumbfounded. The other students were obediently hunting, but she was the only one running back and forth as if she had been injected with chicken blood, and never stopped. Isn't she tired?
Lou Zhanxiao narrowed his eyes, and a faint smile appeared on the corners of his thinned lips: "Look slowly."

"I can't see it, but you can see it? Then tell me!"

After all, Jiang Chenyi was just a solo soldier, and Lou Zhanxiao was from a solo soldier and command background. He stared at the screen sternly, and said word by word: "This is the real hunting."

"Hunting? Why didn't I see it?"

Jiang Chen was even more shocked. Apart from seeing Xia Xingxi running around, he really didn't see any so-called hunting.

However, just when he was surprised, he suddenly saw that Xia Xingxi, who had been running around, suddenly moved. Instead of continuing to run, she jumped directly into a group of small herbivorous dinosaurs and drove them all the way.

No, what on earth is this for?
(End of this chapter)

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