After the divorce, the paranoid commander asks for attention every night

Chapter 328 Is there a more dangerous place than here?

Chapter 328 Is there a more dangerous place than here?

At that moment, he felt as if he wanted to understand something, and he seemed lost again.

From Xia Xingxi's attitude, he can see one thing very clearly. This is that Xia Xingxi did all this on purpose. She must have deliberately attracted a group of small herbivorous dinosaurs, and then used this as bait, starting from the last Attracted by the weak Tyrannosaurus rex, and then with the smell of blood to attract all kinds of beasts one by one, until now the one left is the most ferocious dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex!
But after that?
Xia Xingxi said she wanted to hunt, how to hunt now?Go down and fight wits with a well-fed Tyrannosaurus rex?Forget it, this thing is thick and fast, and its difficulty is comparable to that of the lowest-level star beast. How can it go up to abuse Tyrannosaurus rex?Or fight alone, is this courting death?
The corner of Sheng Jiaxian's mouth twitched. He once thought that Xia Xingxi was a lunatic, and his cousin Yue'er was so cute and kind, how could she provoke such a lunatic?
When he was thinking, he couldn't help but look at Xia Xingxi frequently, and the woman who was leisurely eating the fruit obviously noticed him too, she smiled and waved to him, and then mouthed: "Handsome guy , hide it well."

Hide it?

What do you mean by hiding? ?

Sheng Jiaxian couldn't react for a while, did this woman really want to jump down alone to fight the Tyrannosaurus rex?no?

No, it's too dangerous, he stood up abruptly, although he didn't like Xia Xingxi, but now he didn't know how he was feeling, anyway, he just wanted to jump down to help her.

However, as soon as he stood up, his brother yanked him back and pressed his head tightly.

"Brother Sheng, you don't want to die!"

The brother lowered his voice, the movement was very small, as if he was terrified of something, which made Sheng Jiaxian very puzzled, so he opened his mouth to ask, and the brothers around him pointed at him with frightened faces. The booing became silent.

Sheng Jiaxian was completely dumbfounded, he actually felt the tense nerves and extreme tension in his own body, what the hell, a Tyrannosaurus Rex is so afraid?


Someone made a mouth gesture and pointed his finger down. Sheng Jiaxian looked down, and when he saw the figure swimming in the forest clearly, he almost sat down on the leaf.

That, that is a 30-meter-long Titanoboa! !

Immediately, Sheng Jiaxian's face turned pale, he covered his mouth tightly with his hands, and tried to move his trembling legs. At this moment, he really wanted to cry.

The Titanoboa is the Grim Reaper, and it is the top of the planet's food chain. This thing has a keen sense of touch. Although it can't see the list clearly, it can sense all the slight tremors, so all of them are really like stones. Don't dare to move! !

It wasn't until this moment that he understood what Xia Xingxi meant by "hidden well". Love girl, you made a giant python?Are you really here to compete?Are you afraid you didn't come to make trouble?This is the titanic python! !

Sheng Jiaxian's scalp exploded, he raised his head and stared at Xia Xingxi, his eyes were red, but the woman smiled at him, her delicate and beautiful face was full of charm and calmness.

The woman lip-synced: "Be good, don't grab me."

At that moment, Sheng Jiaxian really wanted to die, and even robbed you, I would rather not be here at all!
Is there a more dangerous place than here?

(End of this chapter)

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