The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 227 Xuan Yuan Dan is always on Sheng Jingmo

Chapter 227 Xuan Yuan Dan has been on Sheng Jingmo all the time
Cheng Fan looked at Sheng Ze, who wanted to catch up with Sheng Jingmo, and persuaded: "The general is angry. I advise you not to provoke the general for the time being, otherwise it will only be counterproductive."

Sheng Ze looked at the disappearing figure of his son, turned desolately, and sat on the stone beside the mountain desolately: "I know that I have been away for so many years without even a letter, but I dare not leave, I am afraid that my son will have an accident ."

Cheng Fan looked at Sheng Ze's decadent figure, and there was a hint of helplessness in his eyes: it is difficult for an honest official to cut off housework, and these things are not something that an outsider can interfere with.

Not far away, the lake is surrounded by mountains, shaded by green grass and towering trees.

Bai Qingyin took Sheng Jingmo's hand to the stream, and apologized, "Brother Jingmo, if I can't take out Xuanyuan Dan, will you hate me?"

"Why should I hate you?" Sheng Jingmo looked at Bai Qingyin next to him, and asked softly, and then comforted: "We still have a lot of time now, and we will definitely find the antidote."

"Our fate has just begun. I don't believe that God will be so unfair to me." He held her hand tightly, but he couldn't shake his inner unease.

He held the little girl's face and said softly, "If one day I can't be by your side, you must live well."

"The eldest prince Langzi has ambitions, and the third prince has ulterior motives. They are not good people. If you return to the capital, don't let them go."

He stroked her face lightly, forcing her to look at him, his eyes locked on her pupils, and whispered, "You are more suitable to be an emperor than those few people."

"Most of the ministers in the DPRK and China are completely convinced by you, you just need to be cruel, the whole Dongyuan belongs to you."

"Enough, what do you mean by that?"

Bai Qingyin waved his hand and scolded: "Shouldn't the most important thing you think about when encountering a problem is how to solve the problem? Why are you talking about this here."

"How will I go in the future, and when will it be your turn to call the shots?"

Bai Qingyin was very angry, she pulled off the other sachet hanging from his waist, and tore it open heavily. The wax pill wrapped in the sachet appeared in front of Sheng Jingmo's eyes. She put the pill in Sheng Jingmo's hand, He took back his sachet and cursed, "I always thought you were a strong-willed person, but I didn't expect you to be so passive."

"I once owned Xuanyuan Dan, and I also learned medical skills. I know what it is suitable for. No matter how precious it is, I will find a way to make it again. How could I watch you have an accident."

"What were you talking about just now? Arrange the funeral? Or arrange my future life."

Bai Qingyin looked at Shengjing Mo Junxiu's cheek, gritted her teeth and said, "I think there should be an extra slap on your face, and it's better if you never wave it away."

The little girl's face was red with the reprimand, he squeezed the pill in his hand, quietly handed over his water bottle, and whispered, "Yinyin, drink water to moisten your throat, don't be angry."

Bai Qingyin took the water from Sheng Jingmo's hand and drank it a little anxiously.

His mouth was dry, and just as he was about to raise his hand to wipe it off for her, she swiftly avoided it.

She put down the water bag in her hand, looked at Sheng Jingmo, and asked fiercely, "What are you doing with Xuan Yuandan in your palm? Why don't you take Xuanyuandan to detoxify it?"

When the words fell, she threw the water bag into Sheng Jingmo's hands and turned around angrily.

He took the water bag with one hand and pinned it on his waist, and with the other, he stuffed Xuanyuan Dan into his mouth and swallowed it without drinking. "Don't go, don't go."

"I just panicked, I don't know what I said."

Under the shadow, Sheng Jingmo trapped her in his arms, his straight back was slightly bent, and he buried his head between her neck, and whispered, "I never thought about escaping, nor did I ever think about it. Leaving you."

"I won't leave you, even if I die, I won't leave you, you believe me, I never thought of leaving you."

He tightened his arms and said softly, "Yinyin, don't be angry, I just swallowed Xuan Yuandan, so don't be angry with me, okay?"

"Don't be angry, I promise I will never think about it again in the future, don't be angry, as long as you are not angry, I can do whatever you want." He put his arms around her shoulders and apologized softly, just wanting to keep her from being angry.

"It's me who shouldn't be cranky, it's my will that is not strong, you forgive me, okay?"

He silently raised his hand and made an oath: "I swear to God that I will be with you forever, even if I try my best."

"I like you, I want to protect you, and I want to accompany you. What I want to do in my life is to love you well."

"So when you encounter something you are not sure about, you decide on your own initiative to arrange my future life for me, right?" She had also practiced martial arts, and it was extremely easy to break free from Sheng Jingmo's shackles.

She really wanted to teach him a lesson, but when she thought that there was still poison in his body, she accidentally taught him a lesson.

Thinking of the scene where he sacrificed himself without hesitation in the previous life, she became even more angry: "Sheng Jingmo, I don't need anyone to arrange my future life for me. The life I want is to be with you."

"If I don't have you, then I won't live anymore." She met his eyes and threatened with a stern voice: "Your life is mine, and no one can take it away without my permission, not even you. Can."

She stared at him closely and asked loudly, "Did you hear clearly? Answer me."

"I heard clearly, I listen to you everything." Sheng Jingmo responded repeatedly, fearing that his answer would be too slow to make Yinyin angry.

Seeing that Bai Qingyin answered so eagerly, the resentment and anger in his heart slowly dissipated.

She gave him an old warning, then paced away from the blazing sun and hid in the shade, whispering, "Sit down and rest for a while."

Sheng Jingmo sat down slowly, cautiously not daring to approach, only sitting beside Bai Qingyin, silent for a moment, then asked: "Didn't you say that you saved Young Master Yun Ting with that Xuan Yuan Dan? Why do you still Have a Xuanyuan Pill?"

Xuanyuan Pill is the highest grade of medicine pills.

Back then, when the eldest princess used fetal qi to assist His Majesty in ascending the throne, resulting in insufficient blood qi and ineffective medicine, His Majesty was furious and ordered all the doctors in the world to concoct alchemy.

It is a pity that the eldest princess passed away before Dancheng, so Her Majesty handed Xuanyuan Dan into the hands of the county master, just to report the safety of the county master.

"Xuanyuandan can detoxify all kinds of poisons and cure all diseases. My uncle was afraid that someone would hit Xuanyuandan, so he said that there is only one Xuanyuandan, but there are actually two, both of which are in my hands."

As she said that, she looked at Sheng Jingmo and whispered, "No one knows that Xuanyuan Dan has two pills now. The news of your poisoning will spread, so that everyone in the world will know that you have been poisoned, and there is no cure for medicine stones. ."

(End of this chapter)

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