The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 229 I'm watching, you're going to get moldy

Chapter 229 I'm watching, you're going to get moldy

"The border is uneasy, wolves, tigers and leopards have been around for a long time. I want to take this opportunity to frighten them." Bai Qingyin put the apple peel on the plate and put the apple into the hands of Emperor Jia Ning.

Emperor Jia Ning took it and took a bite; "Well, you go on."

Sheng Jingmo struggled to get up and complained, "Yinyin, that's mine."

Lying for too long, the waist is numb.

Emperor Jia Ning looked back, glared at Sheng Jingmo fiercely, frowned, and questioned: "If you eat an apple from you, you will be jealous."

Sheng Jingmo lay down helplessly: "Your Majesty, if you know what my life has been like recently, you will understand why I have to snatch an apple from Your Majesty."

Emperor Jia Ning took a bite of the apple and glanced at Sheng Jingmo who was lying on the bed, and praised with interest: "Yo, I haven't taken troops out for a walk recently, and I've gotten a lot cleaner."

As he said that, he also poked his adopted son's face, pointed at Bai Qingyin, and then boasted: "Yinyin, look, this little skin is smooth and smooth."

Bai Qingyin burst out laughing, but quickly covered it, not wanting outsiders to hear: "Uncle, forgive me for saying something disrespectful, you just looked like a playboy who molested a good family?"

"." The two of them looked back at the same time, their eyes like knives.

What kind of metaphor is this?

Bai Qingyin was unafraid, picked up the apple on the table and continued to cut it. Just as he was about to take a bite, Sheng Jingmo quickly took it away: "It's a gift from you who just said nonsense and apologized to me."

"I cut two apples, and I didn't eat any of them. You can't be so cruel." Bai Qingyin looked at the apples in the hands of the two of them, and remembered the apples that her father had just taken away.

Emperor Jia Ning was reluctant to see Bai Qingyin's frustrated expression, took the apple and the knife on the table, and said, "Yes, uncle will cut one for you."

"Hmm, uncle is the best." When the words fell, Bai Qingyin glanced at Sheng Jingmo proudly.

Emperor Jia Ning's hand was very clever, and after cutting it, he handed it to Bai Qingyin: "Yinyin, then."

Bai Qingyin took the apple with another burst of pride on her face.

Sheng Jingmo looked at Bai Qingyin and complained in a low voice, "Yesterday I peeled grapes and fruit for you, and I beat you back. You didn't even peel an apple for me today."

"Yo, I'm still jealous, I'm Yinyin's uncle, how can you compare to me?" Emperor Jia Ning rolled his eyes at Sheng Jingmo.

Bai Qingyin interrupted the fighting between the two and said, "Uncle, let's discuss how to deploy it next."

She put down the apple in her hand and was about to speak when Emperor Jia Ning said, "Yinyin, that's your banquet, so don't take any chances!"

"This time, my uncle brought a lot of civil servants here. I'm afraid they won't be able to stand the shock." Emperor Jia Ning sat down on the edge of Shengjingmo's bed and said softly, "Although you have lived in Xiliang City for more than half a year, you haven't seen him. Passing the savages, the summer is still hot, who knows what those savages will do?"

"This time, I also brought Yun Ting to you, I wanted to let the soldiers in the army listen to them and sing a good show, but I didn't expect you to come to such a place, Yun Ting is hiding among the soldiers and dare not When you show up, you are afraid that you will be torn apart by these people."

Bai Qingyin smiled shyly: "I'm really sorry Young Master Yun Ting."

"I didn't dare to go out for the past two days, I was afraid that Brother Jingmo's subordinates would have opinions on me." She said cautiously: "As Brother Jingmo spends more and more time in bed, even Chengfan The look in my eyes has changed a bit."

"Does he dare?" Emperor Jia Ning got up and said, "I'm going to pull that kid over and beat him right now."

But Bai Qingyin blocked his way and said, "Forget it, uncle, Cheng Fan and the others are justifiably angry, there is nothing to be angry about."

"The more resentment they have towards me, it means that Brother Jingmo has a high status in their eyes. I'm very happy that Brother Jingmo has such a group of subordinates."

Bai Qingyin supported her chin with one hand, leaned her head lightly on her arm, and whispered: "Actually, there is no need to explain, after a while, when they saw that the people they were staring at had moved, they were Even a fool should understand what I'm trying to do?"

"Uncle, it's great that you are here." She confessed softly, but her eyes were closed.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at Sheng Jingmo and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"She's under a lot of pressure these days, and she faces everything by herself." Sheng Jingmo raised his hand and hugged the little girl to his couch.

Emperor Jia Ning's eyes narrowed, and he whispered, "How can this be possible? Men and women can't get along, this is your bed, how can you let Yin Yin sleep on your bed?"

Emperor Jia Ning was afraid to wake Bai Qingyin, so his voice was very low.

Sheng Jingmo spread his hands and said in a low voice, "This minister is now poisoned and is bedridden. It is impossible for this minister to send her back to her original room to rest."

"Could it be that Your Majesty is willing to let Yinyin rest on the round chair?" Sheng Jingmo asked rhetorically.

Emperor Jia Ning replied immediately, "Of course not."

The chair was cold and hard, and when I woke up, my arm and back hurt.

How could he let Yinyin sleep on the chair?
Sheng Jingmo got up and came to the table, and took out the deployment map of the Xiliang Palace: "Your Majesty, this is the deployment map. The minister will arrange people and horses in the city wall and the alleys in turn."

"What about Yinyin? What's the arrangement for Yinyin?" Emperor Jia Ning glanced at Bai Qingyin who was sleeping on the couch, then looked back at Sheng Jingmo and asked.

Sheng Jingmo hooked his lips, and a faint smile appeared in his deep agate-like eyes, and said softly: "The arrangement of the county master is very gentle, but it is also the most deadly."

"To overcome strength with softness!" Emperor Jia Ning had an epiphany and asked in a low voice, "Tell me, what exactly is Yinyin going to do?"

"Your Majesty, we'll know when the banquet starts." Sheng Jingmo refused to answer.

Emperor Jia Ning frowned, "Do you consider me an outsider?"

In the face of Emperor Jia Ning's accusations and questions, Sheng Jingmo said softly: "Your Majesty is joking? Yinyin treats you with the utmost sincerity and purity, and the minister treats you even more daringly and loyally. I hope Your Majesty will not misunderstand the intentions of the minister and Yinyin."

Having said that, Sheng Jingmo wanted to prostrate himself with great fanfare to show his sincerity.

"Enough, don't make a fool of yourself." Emperor Jia Ning immediately held his shoulders to prevent him from having a chance to act.

"If you wake up Yin Yin, I will really punish you for your sins."

Leaving a threatening sentence, Emperor Jia Ning stood up and said, "I go out to discuss with your foster father first, and you are here to watch the sound."

Walking to the front of the room, Emperor Jia Ning looked back suddenly and warned: "It's okay to move in the room, I look at it, you're going to get moldy."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, when it's critical, this minister will never hold back." Sheng Jingmo immediately assured.

"Yeah!" Emperor Jia Ning opened the door and walked away.

"Your Majesty, how are Yinyin and Jingmo?" Bai Heyan asked worriedly when he saw Emperor Jia Ning stepping out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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