The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 240 The First Prince's Two Sons

Chapter 240 The Two Sons of the First Prince
Sheng Ze looked up at the little girl, and seemed to understand why the girl in front of her could easily hold Jing Mo, because she had a heart to see through everyone.

He quietly loosened the corner of his clothes and said softly, "I haven't returned home all these years because my master asked me to learn how to set up a formation. He said that if I couldn't make this formation, I would harm my son."

"I don't dare to gamble, so I can only stay at the teacher's gate and cultivate with peace of mind." Sheng Ze looked at Bai Qingyin and whispered, "This is the reason why I haven't returned for many years. I said that Beijing Mo does not believe it. So I don't Dare to come to you, not dare to explain."

Bai Qingyin looked at Sheng Ze who was at a loss, and asked in a low voice, "Uncle should still have something to say, so I haven't finished it yet!"

"Uncle, don't be afraid. Although I am only 15 years old, I am also born in the royal family. I have seen and heard more than ordinary people. No matter what kind of unspeakable things Uncle has, I will say it immediately." She picked up the teacup on the table, After taking a sip, he announced in a low voice, "I will tell the truth from the false."

Bai Qingyin never looked at Sheng Ze, but Sheng Ze felt an unprecedented coercion and pressure, which was very similar to the feeling his master gave him.

Sheng Ze knew that he couldn't hide it, so he said: "My master said that Beijing and Mo are not in trouble, but that they are in trouble."

"He said that if he can't save you, no one can save Jingmo."

"I know these things sound absurd, but it's the truth." A trace of guilt flickered in his eyes, and he said slowly, "The reason why I haven't come back for so long is because I'm not good at learning and I'm persistent. Nian, I have been unable to learn the full formation method, so I will stay in the teacher's door."

"How long does it take for ordinary people to learn this formation?" Bai Qingyin asked.

There was some speculation in her heart, she suspected that she could be reborn, and nine times out of ten, it was because of the formation that Uncle Sheng said.

Sheng Ze touched his head and said softly, "It will take about three to five years for others."

Bai Qingyin raised her eyes suddenly, a hint of surprise flickered in her eyes, she swallowed and whispered, "You haven't practiced it for more than ten years?"

Thinking about it, Bai Qingyin secretly glanced at Sheng Ze, who looked very similar to Brother Jingmo, and said, "Could it be that you are the one with the worst cultivation ability among your teachers?"

"Of course not." Sheng Ze got up suddenly, and defended himself: "My teacher has a lot of talents and sages, and I am ranked 36th among them."

"Then how many apprentices does your teacher make each time?" Bai Qingyin asked the question in the spirit of breaking the casserole.

Sheng Ze muttered to himself: "Up to 80 people."

"I remember that my uncle said last time that in the end, your master still sent your junior brother out to set up a formation and save you, so that you can escape, right?" Bai Qingyin asked again.

Sheng Ze immediately explained: "The apprentices are based on their character, and everyone has their own strengths, not based on the order of apprenticeship."

"That's why Uncle Sheng is reluctant to tell Brother Jingmo that you are trapped in the teacher's door because of your lack of academic skills. I'm afraid that Brother Jingmo will look down on you, right?" Bai Qingyin quickly filtered out the useless information, asked bluntly.

Sheng Ze got up, avoided Bai Qingyin's inquiring eyes in embarrassment, and whispered, "No."

"That's because you didn't do your best to cultivate, you were obsessed with the landscape of the teacher's family, you would delay the time if you forgot, and you hurriedly cultivated when you remembered, so you haven't returned for many years, right?" Bai Qingyin had an epiphany.

Sheng Ze was silent, a default.

Bai Qingyin shook his head helplessly, and said with emotion, "Brother Jingmo is extremely talented in martial arts and calligraphy. He can complete the tasks assigned to him by his uncle and adoptive father. Why are you completely different from him? Why is it so unreliable?"

Bai Qingyin sighed, and then said softly: "Okay, uncle, I already know the ins and outs of this matter, leave it to me, I will make it clear with Brother Jingmo, as for whether you don't forgive, you have to see Brother Jingmo. mood."

After the words fell, Bai Qingyin opened the door and said, "Uncle, please come back!"

"But Yun'er said that as long as you are willing to persuade, Jingmo will forgive me. If you don't help me, I will never leave." Sheng Ze didn't get up, but sat on the chair as steady as Mount Tai.

The implication is that Bai Qingyin should promise him no matter what, say good things for him in front of Jingmo, and let Jingmo forgive himself.

Bai Qingyin looked at Sheng Ze, who was a little rude, and her lips parted lightly: "Then you can try."

"Guess, if Brother Jingmo knew that you "threatened" me, how he would treat you."

"Brother Jingmo is the most stingy. He didn't want to forgive you at all. You said how would Brother Jingmo treat you if I added more fire?" Bai Qingyin made a gesture to close the door.

"I'll go now." Sheng Ze interrupted Bai Qingyin's words, got up neatly and walked out the door.

Stepping out of the door of the wing room, Sheng Ze had lingering fears: "Don't tell Jingmo that I'm here to beg you, okay!"

Bai Qingyin sighed: "Uncle Sheng, you really can't make a joke at all."

"Uncle Sheng, go back and rest! You have to leave early tomorrow morning!" She instructed carefully before closing the door.

Sheng Ze heard Bai Qingyin was joking with him, so he breathed a sigh of relief and turned away.

Lying on the bed, Bai Qingyin's thoughts turned back and forth a thousand times.

She was curious if that formation had anything to do with her rebirth?

More curious about the ability to cultivate the sect of Master and Uncle Sheng?
Tossing and turning throughout the night made him drowsy the next day.

Suddenly feeling that she had a cloak on her body, she immediately woke up, only to see Emperor Jia Ning looking at her kindly.

"Uncle, why are you here?" Bai Qingyin asked, trying to get up.

This is her carriage, the carriage is still going, and my uncle got into her carriage, there should be something important to discuss.

Emperor Jia Ning immediately stopped him: "Tell me your own words, just lie down."

"What does uncle want to say?" Bai Qingyin adjusted to a comfortable position, holding the cloak.

"The eldest has two sons, who were born not long ago and are now being raised by Mrs. Yan." When the words fell, Emperor Jia Ning looked at Bai Qingyin and did not speak.

Bai Qingyin frowned and asked, "Uncle, what do you mean..."

"I want you to raise those two children!"

When Emperor Jia Ning saw that she had guessed it, he did not hide it, and bluntly said what was in his heart: "I want you to be the Princess Protector."

"Right now, these people are useless, and I can only focus on the two children."

"Yinyin, if any of them become talented, you will assist them to ascend to the throne."

After the words fell, Emperor Jia Ning lowered his voice and said: "If they are not talented, I will think of other ways."

Bai Qingyin looked at Emperor Jia Ning: "Uncle..."

It did not coincide with her idea.

Emperor Jia Ning held Bai Qingyin's hand and said solemnly, "Yinyin, Dongyuan Zhen is handed over to you!"

(End of this chapter)

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