The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 242 The First Prince of Madness

Chapter 242 The First Prince of Madness
"What kind of etiquette is that?" She looked back at Sheng Jingmo and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense."

"If you and I get married, I can take you everywhere." He tightened his arms and sighed, "It's a pity that I can't take you with me when I go to court."

"You and my uncle, who has not yet been married, agree, don't talk too much!" Bai Qingyin.

How could this man be so frivolous?

Sheng Jingmo smiled: "This matter is already a certainty, and no one can stop me from marrying you!"

Now the situation is no longer the same as before, several princes have lost their power, and the border guards have no heart to resist him. His Majesty has been very fond of him since he was a child, and he has made it clear at the banquet, His Majesty and adoptive father will definitely not embarrass him.

Now all he has to do is keep the courtier's mouth shut.

"Many people have seen what happened at the banquet, and the protector of the country has proposed to the Lord of Xiliang County." Emperor Jia Ning looked at the cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty, and said softly: "Today, I'm going to bring up the old things again to give gifts to the two of them. marriage."

As soon as Emperor Jianing's words fell, some officials knelt down and protested: "Your Majesty, it is absolutely impossible. The Lord Protector has 20 soldiers, and the princess has tens of thousands of soldiers. If the two of them get married, their power will be close to Imperial power, please think twice, Your Majesty!"

"Think again, Your Majesty." One after another, a few people knelt down.

Wu Tongzhou, Qu Hong and others did not move, apparently agreeing to the marriage.

Emperor Jia Ning looked at the courtiers kneeling on the ground, and a sneer appeared in his eyes: "I remember that you and the third prince were very close!"

"Now that the third child has been imprisoned, you still treat each other sincerely, which is really admirable."

"Your Majesty, the ministers are loyal and loyal, and all their thoughts and thoughts are for the foundation of Dongyuan. Please, Your Majesty, don't misunderstand the heart of the minister." Zhou Mu cried, like a complaint.Seems to be really enthusiastic.

Emperor Jia Ning watched all the ministers burst into tears on the spot, squeezed the memorial in his hand, and whispered: "You guys often go to listen to that Yun Ting's play, the crying play has also learned a third of the appearance, but not the essence. ."

"On weekdays, I was drunk and dreamed of dying, but today I was playing this drama of a loyal minister and a filial son. Don't you feel disgusted?" When the words fell, Emperor Jia Ning threw the bill in his hand in front of several people and scolded him sharply.

"This" several people quickly picked up the bills on the ground and panicked.

Yuntan Opera Club's theater tickets are based on real-name systems, and the tickets will be withdrawn on the day of the performance. Their names are signed on them. They can't cheat, so they can only argue: "Your Majesty, this minister is just going to the theater."

"Yun Ting sang a play in two days, you have never left a performance, the affairs of your own are handed over to the clerks, and the clerks of your subordinates have all come to me, why do you want to quibble? "Sheng Jingmo looked at the Minister of War, who was in charge of military affairs, and accused him sharply.

He slumped to the ground in an instant, unable to argue.

Wu Tongzhou immediately stepped forward, presented a memorial, and reported: "Your Majesty, this minister is about to impeach these adults, neglecting their duties, neglecting official duties, condoning their subordinates to do whatever they want, hurting the people, plundering fields, and it's hard to write."

Emperor Jia Ning glanced at the contents reported in the memorial and said coldly, "Severe punishment in accordance with the law, those who should be arrested, those who should be punished, those who should be dismissed from office, those who should be killed."

The last sentence is killing intent.

"Long live your majesty, long live." The crowd fell to the ground and bowed in praise.

"Impossible, you are talking nonsense, you lied to me." The eldest prince roared hysterically, knocking over the inkstone, ornaments, and jade pendants in the house.
"His Royal Highness, calm down." The maid Xiaotao knelt down on the ground and persuaded Li Nanyi not to get angry.

Li Nanyi walked towards the maid step by step, roaring furiously: "Why, I am his son, why should Yinyin marry Yinyin to the butcher of unknown origin in Sheng Jingmo?"

"I am the eldest son, I am the eldest son."

Seeing that the eldest prince was crazy, the maid said cautiously: "Your Majesty, it is not that the birth of the grandfather is unknown, he is the only son of the national teacher Sheng Ze."

Li Nanyi heard that Sheng Jingmo's father was Sheng Ze becoming more and more mad: "So what? I am the prince."

Suddenly, Li Nanyi sat on the surviving seat and whispered, "Why? Why did the royal father give my child to Bai Qingyin to raise?"

"The father actually said that in order to better raise his two children, he let Sheng Jingmo and Bai Qingyin get married so that the children would have a good atmosphere for their growth."

"In order to fulfill the two of them, the royal father actually made such an excuse." Li Nanyi said to himself, suddenly like crazy, he rushed to the woman in front of him, grabbed the neck of the maid with both hands, and cursed: "You lied to me. That's right, that's my son, why leave it to someone else to raise it?"

"Your Highness, stay awake, I'm Xiaotao!" Xiaotao struggled desperately, trying to awaken Li Nanyi's consciousness.

Li Nanyi couldn't hear any other voices. He fell into a madness and lost consciousness. He just pinched Xiao Tao's neck desperately: "I don't care who you are? Bring me all this messy news and you should die."

"His Royal Highness." Eunuch Cui brought the lunch over, and when he saw the scene in front of him, he immediately put down the lunch box in his hand, stepped forward, took Li Nanyi's hand away, and shouted: "Come on, come on!"

The guard not far away rushed over immediately and helped Eunuch Cui pull away Li Nanyi's hand.

Li Nanrui seemed to be crazy and became infinitely powerful, his eyes were scarlet, and his eyes were locked on Xiao Tao, as if he had to strangle her.

Seeing Li Nanyi going mad, Eunuch Cui immediately persuaded him, "Your Highness, this is not the palace. You are outside the palace now. If you kill someone, we cannot dispose of the corpse, and the guards guarding the door will find it."

"If this matter is exposed, Sheng Jingmo will definitely investigate this matter thoroughly, and all the things you have done in the past will be found out. Your Highness, this time is different from the past, please be merciful." Eunuch Cui desperately asked. persuade.

The three of them worked together to pull Li Nanyi's hand down, and then Eunuch Cui hurried forward to look at Xiao Tao, who was lying motionless on the ground.

Eunuch Cui probed her nose and couldn't feel any breath. He immediately went to check the pulse at her neck and found that there was still a pulse. He immediately stepped forward and pressed the woman's chest: "Wake up, you must wake up."

"You can't die here, Xiao Tao, wake up." Eunuch Cui desperately called Xiao Tao's name
public office

"You just said that Li Nanyi wanted to kill the servant girl in the mansion. Eunuch Cui rescued her?" Sheng Jingmo looked at Cheng Fan and asked, "How about Eunuch Cui?"

"Extremely familiar. It seems to be a regular first aid." Cheng Fan replied immediately, and then rubbed his shoulders.

"So, this is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened. You go to investigate immediately, and make sure to investigate this matter to the bottom of it."

Sheng Jingmo gave an order, looked at his shoulder, and asked, "What's wrong with your shoulder, I see you've been rubbing for a long time?"

(End of this chapter)

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