The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 260 Sheng Jingmo is proud of his favor

Chapter 260 Sheng Jingmo is proud of his favor

"Do you know where your eldest brother has gone?" Bai Qingyin asked first.

No one knows as well as she does, who is Sui Dazhuang's biological brother?

Sui Zhongyi is the captain of his uncle's secret guard, and his only mission in his life is to protect the emperor.

What kind of order did he receive to leave the capital?

Sui Dazhuang immediately replied: "Princess, my subordinates don't know, but the direction he is walking seems to be northwest."

Northwest, the frontier land!

Except for exile, few people are willing to set foot!

Why did Sui Zhongyi head northwest?

The fourth prince was exiled to the northwest frontier. Could it be that His Majesty wanted to silence him.

Several people nodded gently to Sheng Jingmo and Bai Qingyin, turned and left.

Bai Qingyin was stunned for a long time, until Sheng Jingmo hugged Bai Qingyin and said softly: "Don't think so much, go back and rest!"

Bai Qingyin's consciousness was awakened, but her eyes were fixed on Sui Dazhuang, and she asked: "Since you are here, it saves me the trouble of looking for you."

"Tell me, what are you thinking about Song Ning?" Bai Qingyin raised her legs and came to Sui Dazhuang and asked in a deep voice.

She vaguely felt that the situation was no longer under her control. What she wanted to do most now was to arrange the people around her so that they could rely on them. At least if something really happened in the future, the people she cared about would be protected. , can be safe and sound.

Sui Dazhuang did not expect that the princess would ask a question suddenly. He knelt down before he could think about it carefully and replied: "Princess, the general treats her as a little sister. I just want to see her happy. As time goes by, I will I think it would be nice to marry such a little sister and take care of her and see her every day. "

"Do you know what getting married means?" Bai Qingyin asked again, getting to the bottom of it.

She wanted to hear the real answer in his heart.

"Husband and wife are of one mind, support each other, stay together for life, and never betray each other." Sui Dazhuang raised his eyes and looked directly at Bai Qingyin and replied.

Bai Qingyin's expression changed slightly, and she scolded: "Where did you learn it? With your brain, you won't be able to think of these words even if I kill you."

Sui Dazhuang swallowed, glanced at Sheng Jingmo anxiously, and replied: "These words were mentioned to me by the general when he met with me last time. The general will keep them in mind silently."

"The princess asked suddenly today, and the only thing I remembered in my mind was this sentence, so I blurted it out."

Sui Dazhuang looked at Bai Qingyin and said softly: "The general knows that he is a big boss. Your Highness the Princess looks down on the general, but the general treats Song Ning sincerely."

"She is still young, she doesn't know what love is at all. She is just as dependent on you as a brother now. If she grows up in the future, becomes enlightened, and meets someone she likes, you will become a burden. You Do you understand?" Bai Qingyin looked at the fool in front of her and reminded softly, hoping that both of them could think clearly and not regret it in the future.

"Princess, no matter what happens in the future, I will never regret the decision made today." Sui Dazhuang said decisively.

"Why did I meet you two stubborn cows? How come you couldn't listen to anything I said to you and insisted on going your own way." Bai Qingyin was discouraged and had the urge to beat up the person in front of her.

She wanted to wake up the person in front of her.

Sui Dazhuang was stubborn: "I understand what the princess is saying. I have decided to take care of Song Ning for the rest of my life. No matter what happens in the future, I will never regret it."

Bai Qingyin was angered by this bull's stubborn temper.

Seeing Bai Qingyin's expression change slightly, Sheng Jingmo said, "Yinyin, this is a matter between the two of them. We can only remind you not to interfere."

"You have also asked them both. The fact that they answered so firmly does not mean that they have generally stubborn tempers. You have done everything you should do, and there is no need to lose your temper."

Sheng Jingmo persuaded softly, and then looked at the person kneeling on the ground: "Stay back first."

"I will leave at the end," Sui Dazhuang replied, then stood up and left. Bai Qingyin sighed secretly, and then whispered: "Brother Jingmo, do you really think the two of them won't regret being together?"

Song Ning is just a little girl, she doesn't understand anything.

Sheng Jingmo tapped her little nose and said softly: "Yinyin, you are so smart, how come you can't understand such simple things."

"As the saying goes, it's not like a family doesn't stay in the same house. Song Ning and he are both stubborn. They know what's going on and no one can change it. We don't need to do anything. We just keep an eye on them and don't let them make mistakes. "

"You mean, we keep an eye on them."

Sheng Jingmo looked at the frowning little girl, gently smoothed her eyebrows, and advised softly: "Cheng Fan's wedding will be two days early. We still have a lot of things to do. Don't get confused because of the two of them. own thoughts.”

"Okay." Bai Qingyin listened to Sheng Jingmo's advice, calmed down her thoughts, and said, "Brother Jingmo, have you made arrangements for your troops?"

“There are so many officials in the capital, so it’s not easy to search them.

Thinking about it, Bai Qingyin couldn't help but secretly scold Li Nanchen for being cunning.

After a rigorous search, it was found that there were secret passages under those ruined attics, but they had been blown up, the damage was horrific, and they were filled with poisonous gas.

Even if there is no poisonous gas, ordinary people cannot support such a closed space. Now it is filled with poisonous gas, and no one can get close.

This clue was broken, which made her more certain that there was still a secret passage hidden in the capital.

Li Nanchen wanted to be the emperor, and he did not hesitate to take bribes and pervert the law, and even tried to frame the crime on Li Nanyi. He had done so much, how could he give up his ambition easily.

He abandoned this secret passage and must have prepared other secret passages to plan a great cause.

"He is corrupt and extorting the law to win people's hearts. There must be a general in the government who is complicit with him, otherwise he will not be able to accomplish anything."

"I'll go back and check the accounts carefully. You send people to inquire about the status of the troops stationed in various places and see if you can find out through some clues which army has defected to Li Nanchen." Bai Qingyin warned softly.

If you accept bribes, everyone from the general to the soldiers should be extremely rich.

Unfortunately, during the mutiny in her previous life, the soldiers had their faces covered and wore armor she had never seen before, so she had no way of knowing whose subordinates those soldiers were.

"Okay, I'll send someone to check right now, don't worry." Sheng Jingmo responded immediately, turned around and left.

Bai Qingyin immediately held his wrist: "Brother Jingmo, do you think we will get married as we wish?"

She always felt that Li Nanchen had other plans and was a little worried.

"Yes, I definitely will." He replied firmly.

He saw the worry in her eyes, gently held her hand, held her in his arms, and gently kissed her lips.

Not much movement, just kissing and comforting gently.

This time I am here, I am always by your side, no one can hurt you anymore.

 Do you know what a bounty hunter is?

The heroine of the next novel is a bounty hunter, but she enters the court and becomes the female Situ of Beizhen Prefecture.


(End of this chapter)

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