The powerful minister's palm is reborn

Chapter 263 You, just rely on your uncle to spoil you

Chapter 263 You, just rely on your uncle to spoil you

Sheng Ze smiled lightly: "You are smart."

I saved more than just you!

Sheng Jingmo had already guessed the answer. Now that he heard such an answer, his emotions did not fluctuate at all. Instead, he asked softly, "What do you want to say today?"

Sheng Ze glanced at his persistent son and said softly, "I originally wanted to persuade you to go into seclusion and take you and Yinyin away, but now it seems impossible."

Since it was impossible, he didn't want to persuade again.

"What you said about the death of the second life may be true, but now that the county master and I are both here, the tragedy of the death of the second life will never happen." Sheng Jingmo replied loudly.

In the previous life, Dongyuan cholera, Silla, Luzon, and Dawan were attacked in groups, and there was no one available in His Majesty's hands, and he must have died in the second life.

But this life is different, the adoptive father is still there, His Majesty is still there, Yinyin is still there, and he is also there, the ending of death in the second life will definitely be rewritten.

Sheng Jingmo turned to look at his father and declared, "Not only do I want to change the destiny, I also want Yinyin to become the emperor and become the first female emperor through the ages."

Sheng Ze looked at his stubborn son and said softly, "Okay, this old man sacrificed his life to accompany you."

He didn't accompany his son before, and his son was justifiable to resent him.

Now he is no longer obsessed with whether his son will forgive him, but just wants to accompany his son and let him go the way he wants to go.

"I thought you would persuade me?" There was a hint of surprise in Sheng Jingmo's eyes, and he said softly, "Don't you people who love fortune-telling and divination hate those who try to change their destiny the most?"

Sheng Ze shook his head and chuckled, "I have done such a thing myself, how can I hate others?"

He raised his hand and patted his son's shoulder, and whispered, "No matter what the situation in the future is, and what the destiny is, we can always handle it as a family together."

"Don't worry and do what you want to do. Your mother and I will always stand behind you and accompany you forever." Sheng Ze left a sentence before turning around and leaving.

Sheng Jingmo looked back at Sheng Ze's leaving back, and there was a trace of emotion in his eyes. He wanted to speak, but he didn't know what to say, but just watched him disappear in front of his eyes.

He wanted to take steps to catch up, but he finally held back.

There were some things he couldn't say.

"The last general sees the grandfather of the country. I don't know why the grandfather of the country came to seek the last general?" Xue Yaoan asked humbly with his fists clasped in salute.

Sheng Jingmo looked at Xue Yaoan and warned: "The situation is unclear at the moment. Your Majesty's safety is the most important thing. You must strengthen the guards in the palace, pay attention to His Majesty's diet, and take precautions."

"Yes." Xue Yaoan immediately clasped his fists and replied loudly: "The last will do his best to protect the safety of the imperial city and protect His Majesty."

Sheng Jingmo nodded, and then said: "After you go back, tell your sister, let her send two capable female soldiers to lead two teams of troops to guard your Majesty's side."

Xue Yao Ankong has martial arts, but he is not a shrewd person, so he still needs to add a group of troops.

The woman is careful. Only Xue Wan has female soldiers in the Dongyuan court. It is most appropriate to leave this matter to Xue Wan.

"Yes, after Your Majesty returns to the palace, the general will ask His Majesty for an decree. In the end, the general will send a letter to my sister to ask her to choose troops and horses. When His Majesty's order arrives, they will rush to the imperial city to guard the palace." Xue Yaoan immediately back.

Sheng Jingmo waved: "Okay, you can go back!"

"Yes." Xue Yaoan left immediately after replying.

Sui Dazhuang looked at Sheng Jingmo's dignified expression and asked in a low voice, "Master Guo, what will happen next!"

Even if he has no brain, he can see from Sheng Jingmo's words and deeds that a lot of things will happen next.

"You shouldn't ask, don't ask blindly." Sheng Jingmo threw a warning and turned around and went downstairs.Check it out for yourself
Cheng Shiyu's sedan chair has been welcomed into the General's Mansion, and Bai Qingyin and Bai Qingyin also arrived at the General's Mansion.

Bai Heyan took her daughter's hand and asked softly, "Did you feel bumpy just now riding the carriage? Did you feel uncomfortable?"

Bai Qingyin looked at her father who was worried about her, and asked in a low voice, "Dad, didn't I make such a fuss about riding a carriage before?"

Bai Heyan said, "That's because I'm not by your side. How can I make you feel wronged now that I'm by your side."

Saying that, Bai Heyan let go of his hand.

After all, the daughter has grown up, and the scruples should still be a little scruples.

"His Majesty is here." Eunuch Yi's voice came from outside the door, and everyone immediately knelt down and saluted.

"You don't need to salute, today is a day of great joy." Emperor Jia Ning waved his hand, and then walked towards the newlyweds in wedding clothes.

Eunuch Yi immediately stepped forward with the jade Ruyi in his hands and announced, "The daughter of the Grand Master, Mrs. Cheng, is married into the general's mansion. Your Majesty bestows a pair of Yu Ruyi, congratulations on the marriage."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Cheng Fan thanked Yu Ruyi after taking over.

Eunuch Yi immediately blocked.

Emperor Jia Ning said: "Your mother has been raising Yinyin, and you and Jingmo have gone through life and death, and have a deep relationship. I am very pleased to have you with me on the march of Jingmo. Today, you are getting married, and I am an elder. Come to participate, you don't need to salute."

Cheng Zhihuan and Mrs. Yan immediately walked up to Emperor Jia Ning: "Since Your Majesty is here, please invite His Majesty to be the master of the dog's marriage!"

Emperor Jia Ning glanced at Bai Qingyin: "Okay."

Yinyin said that at Jingmo's birthday party last time, Cheng Shiyu analyzed the pros and cons in front of her cousin, and persuaded her cousin not to set her sights on Sheng Jingmo, so that her cousin also set her sights on Cheng Fan.

Cheng Shiyu's cousin is arrogant and arrogant, and he was asked to come to witness the marriage today to avoid the messy thoughts of Cheng Shiyu's cousin.

Bai Heyan looked at his daughter: "Your Majesty was invited by you."

"When my uncle is the master of marriage, he is optimistic about this marriage, and that one dares to destroy this marriage!" Bai Qingyin smiled playfully, and all looked out the door, trying to find Sheng Jingmo's figure.

Bai Heyan looked at her daughter's eagerly awaited appearance, suspicious in her heart, and asked, "What is Jingmo doing? Why hasn't it arrived yet?"

Bai Qingyin knew that the matter could not be concealed, so she approached her father and whispered, "There is a secret passage in the capital. Brother Jingmo led his troops to search the residences of officials in the DPRK and China."

Bai Heyan gritted his teeth: "Nonsense."

How many people will be offended by this!
"Dad, don't worry, this matter has been approved by my uncle." Bai Qingyin explained in a low voice.

Bai Heyan sighed: "You, it's just because your uncle loves you."

"What are your father and daughter talking about? The newlyweds have entered the bridal chamber, so why are you standing in the hall gossiping." Seeing that everyone was seated, Bai Heyan's father and daughter were still outside, so she immediately came to look for them.

"Come on quickly, I have prepared a lot of snacks for you today." Mrs. Yan held Bai Qingyin's hand and brought her to the banquet chair.

"Auntie, how can I sit here?" Bai Qingyin immediately refused.

"You are the big matchmaker for the two of them. Without your help, the two of them couldn't get together." Mrs. Yan pressed her shoulder and said loudly, "Where are you sitting if you don't sit here?"

Mrs. Yan also knew that Cheng Shiyu's cousin had thoughts about Cheng Fan, and deliberately exposed the two's love past in front of everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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